Lola Cosmetics Be(M)Dita Geleia Corporal
A Lola Cosmetics Be(M)Dita Geleia Corporal é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma pele hidratada e revitalizada. Este produto inovador é formulado com ingredientes naturais e de alta qualidade, proporcionando uma experiência única de cuidado diário. Com uma textura leve e de rápida absorção, a Be(M)Dita Geleia Corporal deixa a pele macia, suave e com um perfume irresistível.
Rica em extratos vegetais e ativos hidratantes, esta geleia corporal é perfeita para todos os tipos de pele, inclusive as mais sensíveis. Além de hidratar profundamente, ela auxilia na regeneração celular, combatendo o ressecamento e promovendo uma sensação de frescor ao longo do dia. Sua fórmula vegana e cruelty-free reflete o compromisso da Lola Cosmetics com a sustentabilidade e o bem-estar animal.
Incorpore a Be(M)Dita Geleia Corporal da Lola Cosmetics à sua rotina de cuidados e sinta a diferença desde a primeira aplicação. Compre agora e proporcione à sua pele o tratamento que ela merece!
Lola Cosmetics: Inovação e Sustentabilidade em Produtos Capilares e Cosméticos
A Lola Cosmetics é uma marca brasileira que vem revolucionando o mercado de produtos capilares e cosméticos desde a sua fundação em 2011. Conhecida por suas fórmulas inovadoras e seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade, a Lola Cosmetics conquistou um público fiel e crescente, oferecendo produtos de alta qualidade que respeitam tanto a beleza quanto o meio ambiente.
História e Filosofia da Lola Cosmetics
A Lola Cosmetics começou a sua trajetória vendendo produtos exclusivamente em salões de beleza. Desde o início, a marca se destacou por suas embalagens criativas e nomes inusitados, refletindo uma abordagem divertida e moderna à beleza. Com uma filosofia cruelty-free, a Lola Cosmetics se posicionou como uma das pioneiras na técnica de low poo, que consiste em lavar o cabelo com produtos livres de químicos agressivos como sulfatos, petrolatos e parabenos.
Um dos produtos mais populares da marca é o shampoo “Eu Sei O Que Você Fez na Química Passada”, destinado a cabelos que passaram por processos químicos. Outro destaque é o creme para definição de cachos “Meu Cacho Minha Vida”, que vem com mensagens bem-humoradas em suas embalagens.
Expansão e Crescimento da Lola Cosmetics
Para crescer no competitivo mercado de beleza, a Lola Cosmetics decidiu expandir sua presença além dos salões de beleza. Em 2014, a marca começou a vender seus produtos em drogarias e farmácias, como Raia Drogasil, Onofre, Drogaria São Paulo e Panvel. Em pouco tempo, os produtos da Lola também chegaram a grandes lojas de departamento como Renner, Riachuelo e C&A.
Com o objetivo de oferecer uma experiência completa aos consumidores, a Lola Cosmetics inaugurou suas primeiras lojas próprias. A primeira unidade foi aberta no Barra Shopping, no Rio de Janeiro, e atualmente a marca possui lojas em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Brasília. Essas lojas permitem que os clientes conheçam toda a gama de produtos da marca, que não pode ser exposta integralmente em outros pontos de venda.
Presença Online e Internacionalização
A Lola Cosmetics também investiu fortemente no comércio eletrônico. Seus produtos estão disponíveis em e-commerces especializados em beleza como Época Cosméticos, Beleza na Web, Amazon, Ikesaki e Meu Cabelo Natural. Embora o canal online ainda não represente a maior parte do faturamento, é um dos que mais cresce, refletindo a tendência global de compras online.
Além do mercado brasileiro, a Lola Cosmetics está presente em vários países, incluindo Portugal, Suíça, Egito e Emirados Árabes. A marca continua a expandir sua presença internacional, com planos de entrar em mercados como México, Chile e Peru. Essa expansão internacional é um testemunho da qualidade e apelo global dos produtos da Lola Cosmetics, que continuam a ganhar popularidade entre os consumidores de todo o mundo.
Variedade de Produtos
A Lola Cosmetics oferece uma vasta gama de produtos, incluindo itens para cabelo, corpo e maquiagem. Em 2017, a marca lançou sua linha de cuidados corporais, e no ano seguinte, introduziu produtos de maquiagem. Atualmente, o portfólio da Lola Cosmetics inclui quase 50 itens de maquiagem, 40 para cuidados corporais e 80 para cuidados capilares.
Entre os produtos capilares, além dos já mencionados, destacam-se os shampoos sólidos e os tratamentos intensivos, que são formulados para atender às necessidades específicas de diferentes tipos de cabelo. A linha de cuidados corporais inclui loções, esfoliantes e óleos, todos elaborados com ingredientes naturais e livres de crueldade.
Os produtos de maquiagem da Lola Cosmetics são igualmente impressionantes. Com uma gama que abrange desde batons vibrantes até bases de alta cobertura, a marca oferece opções para todos os gostos e necessidades. Os itens de maquiagem são formulados com ingredientes de alta qualidade que proporcionam um acabamento impecável e duradouro, garantindo que você se sinta confiante e bonita o dia todo.
Compromisso com a Sustentabilidade
Um dos pilares da Lola Cosmetics é o compromisso com a sustentabilidade. A marca não realiza testes em animais e utiliza embalagens recicláveis e biodegradáveis. Além disso, a Lola promove práticas de produção responsáveis e incentiva os consumidores a adotarem hábitos de beleza mais conscientes.
A fábrica da Lola Cosmetics foi recentemente ampliada para dobrar sua capacidade produtiva, garantindo que a marca possa atender à crescente demanda por seus produtos. Esse investimento não apenas apoia o crescimento da empresa, mas também reforça seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade, utilizando processos de produção mais eficientes e ecológicos.
Comunicação e Marketing
O sucesso da Lola Cosmetics também pode ser atribuído às suas estratégias de comunicação e marketing. A marca utiliza uma linguagem descontraída e divertida em suas embalagens e campanhas publicitárias, o que ressoa bem com seu público-alvo. Frases como “Miga, chega de chororô!” e “Eu sei o que você fez na química passada” não apenas chamam a atenção, mas também criam uma conexão emocional com os consumidores.
Além disso, a Lola Cosmetics é ativa nas redes sociais, onde mantém um diálogo constante com seus clientes e seguidores. A marca utiliza essas plataformas para compartilhar dicas de beleza, lançamentos de produtos e promoções exclusivas, fortalecendo ainda mais seu relacionamento com os consumidores.
A Lola Cosmetics é uma marca que combina inovação, qualidade e responsabilidade ambiental. Com uma abordagem divertida e acessível à beleza, a marca brasileira conquistou consumidores no Brasil e no exterior. Se você busca produtos capilares e cosméticos que respeitam tanto sua beleza quanto o meio ambiente, a Lola Cosmetics é a escolha ideal.
Adquira os produtos da Lola Cosmetics na Perfumaria Online e descubra toda a linha disponível. Com um serviço de atendimento ao cliente de excelência e entregas rápidas, a Perfumaria Online é a melhor opção para adquirir seus produtos de beleza favoritos.
Body Moisturizer
How to Hydrate Your Body Quickly and Effectively?
Daily baths, friction from clothes, or poor circulation can affect the hydrolipidic film of the epidermis. As a result, the skin becomes rough, sensitive, dull, and sometimes uncomfortable. The solution: moisturize it every day. However, this is a gesture often forgotten due to lack of time.
Here are some tips for hydrating your body quickly and effectively.
Adjust the water temperature correctly
Most of the time, we moisturize after a bath or shower. "However, if the water temperature used is too hot, the skin remains moist despite using a towel because it sweats. As a result, the cream does not adhere as well and has difficulty penetrating. The correct choice is to opt for warm water to limit sweating. Even better, finish the bath with cool water, which, in turn, stimulates blood circulation for lighter legs during the day and firmer skin.
Dry the skin, but not too much
An emollient formula or oil spreads better on very moist skin. This is explained by the fact that the skin's surface is more flexible, allowing better absorption of the treatment. Moreover, the action of nutrients will be more effective. Ideally, dry the skin with a fluffy towel right after the bath, a quality towel that absorbs well.
Choose the Right Moisturizer
• Spray lotions are treatments that are absorbed more quickly by the skin. Thanks to their micro-diffusion, they deposit fine droplets on the skin that penetrate almost instantly into the epidermis without needing to use hands. They offer very light hydration, which certainly will not be enough in the long run. They have the advantage of being very useful on days when time is short.
• Body lotions are by far the best alternative, moisturizing quickly and allowing us to dress immediately. Their oil-in-water composition with a more significant aqueous base than the fatty base allows this. It is this aqueous base that coats the oily elements and facilitates their infiltration into the tissues. Ideal for normal to dry or drier skin, they can be alternated with the application of richer products.
• Balms and butters are ideal when the skin is severely lacking in hydration, as they are stronger in terms of moisturization.
Body Treatment
How to Choose Your Body Treatment?
Having well-hydrated skin is a sign of good health. Choosing the right body treatment becomes crucial to display nourished, soft, and firm skin throughout the year!
The application of a moisturizing lotion has a protective effect on the body, preventing the evaporation of naturally released water, keeping the skin naturally hydrated.
It's important to nourish the skin daily, in the morning and at night. This is how we achieve the softness and flexibility of the skin.
Regarding components, we should opt for treatments based on shea butter or vegetable oils that intensely nourish the epidermis.
Nourishing the skin throughout the year is, therefore, essential!
In summer, good hydration will extend the tan. In winter, it will protect the skin from external factors (such as wind, cold, pollution, heating) that tend to dry and damage it. Fatigue is also a dehydrating factor, hindering the skin's proper defense.
A Body Treatment Adapted to Your Skin Type
The effectiveness of a treatment depends on choosing a product adapted to your skin.
If you don't know your skin type, seek guidance from a dermatologist who can also advise you on proper skincare.
Tense skin that has lost its elasticity.
Use nourishing and soothing treatments that will allow your skin to regain elasticity! Lotions rich in nourishing agents like coconut oil also provide comfort and softness, making it more flexible, soft, and radiant for 24 hours. In addition to the texture that quickly penetrates the epidermis, it gives a sweet coconut smell.
Skin that requires little care. The main thing is to maintain the skin's natural hydration.
Prefer fluid textures. Avoid very greasy cream care to avoid an unpleasant effect. Use body lotions made with jojoba oil, aloe vera, or cocoa butter that leave a velvety sensation on the skin.
Flaky skin that causes itching. Also called crocodile skin. It particularly needs nutrition.
Use oils and balms. Also, consider that products based on olive extract are more nourishing. These treatments are perfect for relieving dry skin symptoms. In addition to intensely nourishing the skin, they prevent the early appearance of wrinkles. Avoid lotions that contain perfume, as they tend to further dry the skin.
Skin often prone to redness. Requires only a few cares.
Prefer oils or body lotions that soothe and moisturize the skin. These treatments have the advantage of being gentle and, above all, leaving the skin nourished and protected after application.
Application of Creams on the Body.
Any cream should be applied to clean and dry skin, preferably right after a shower. If taken care of daily, morning and night, your body will regain its vitality.
It's important to massage the skin properly until the creams or oils penetrate well. Massage is also excellent for circulation! For drier areas, such as elbows or knees, choose an emollient cream whose soothing properties are particularly suitable for very dry areas.
Cosmetics for Women
What is natural or not in cosmetics?
There seems to be confusion between petrochemical synthesis products and toxicity, especially when it comes to cosmetics. Here are some keys to better understand.
In recent years, there has been an awareness of the composition and impact of what we consume every day, also around the cosmetics industry and the substances used.
Chemical or natural?
Often, this tension arises from a dichotomy between "chemical products" and "natural products," with the latter being presented as better.
However, there is a nuance to be observed because saying "chemical" does not necessarily mean harmful, toxic, or controversial!
"Chemical Products" What exactly is a chemical product in cosmetics?
It is a generic term that does not mean much from a scientific point of view. This expression is often used by the general public to designate a synthetic product or, in a broader sense, something that has undergone a transformation by humans. However, chemical reactions also occur in contact with various natural products that are not processed. For example, by mixing lemon and chalk (which is limestone), you can get CO2!
What is a synthetic product? Chemical synthesis involves creating molecules by assembling already existing products, usually derived from petrochemicals. The creation processes can vary from heating to extracting molecules to alter their biological characteristics, assembling them differently.
However, we have synthetic compounds that do not use petrochemicals, such as silicones, which are created quite differently.
Why use synthetic substances in cosmetics?
Use of synthetic substances to diversify the sensory experience
Synthetic substances are used to obtain a variety of textures, fragrances, colors, and detergents (cleaning action) in cosmetic products. It is also necessary to preserve the products. Indeed, until now, chemists do not have natural preservatives as effective as synthetic preservatives. A natural preservative can prevent the proliferation of bacteria, fungi, and yeasts for only 1 to 2 months at most, especially if the cosmetic product is solid. It is much more complicated for creams and liquids.
Use of synthetic substances in an economic and ecological approach
There is also an economic and ecological imperative because cultivating natural actives is expensive and can lead to waste, such as cultivating entire fields of avocados to extract oil. It will consume a lot of water, while an avocado-based active will consume less energy and be easily reproducible. It is also for this reason that chemists strive to isolate molecules responsible for benefits and reproduce them to achieve maximum efficiency. For example, the flavonoids found in the Ginkgo Biloba tree drain and activate microcirculation, and that's what we consumers find in eye creams! And that, without cultivating entire forests.
Synthetic compounds that cannot be replaced by natural compounds
By unanimity, young people answered "no": certain products cannot be reproduced by natural active ingredients. I quote, for example, emulsification - that's why natural shampoo does not foam. Similarly, the touch brought by silicone does not exist naturally. Otherwise, that's why organic labels Ecocert and Cosmebio currently tolerate 5 synthetic preservatives. A large part of synthetic ingredients are derived from natural ones that have been used. Therefore, you can find equivalent products, but they will necessarily be less potent than the concentrated version and more expensive.
Is it not possible to go 100% natural on a large scale?
Admitting that 100% natural includes natural and naturally derived ingredients, it is possible, but these products will not keep well, and this is a concern when offering them to consumers. Certified natural or organic products can advertise compositions with 97 or 99% natural because the only synthetic compounds are preservatives. On the other hand, for certain products like oils, chemists add vitamin E (tocopherol)! Conclusion: the natural way to make your own product at home does not cause problems, but on an industrial scale, it is more complicated.
"Ingredients of natural origin" and organic ingredients
What does "ingredients of natural origin" mean?
An ingredient of natural origin has undergone a modification and is not in the same state as it came out of the plant or mineral from which it comes. This is the case, for example, for ingredients obtained by fermentation, such as hyaluronic acid, obtained from yeasts to which chemists add chemicals.
The same goes for soap, obtained through a saponification process.
Are certain ingredients not of natural origin?
Yes, some ingredients are not of natural origin: their origin is purely petrochemical. This is the case for vaseline and mineral oils.
Are organic ingredients really better?
Currently available studies show that untreated plants that had to defend themselves against the environment to grow are more loaded with nutrients, so they are considered good. Organic production also respects the environment more, as you can imagine.
When we add to this an organic certification in the final product, it is a guarantee of rigor with controls throughout the production chain.
In the certification process of an organic product, we audit the entire chain of products, i.e., we start from the farmer who grows his olives to the brand that sells the product to the consumer.
With all these players, we will check whether the regulations (in organic farming for olives and oil) and standards (Ecocert or Cosmos since 2017 for the cosmetics part) are well respected.
For example: no environmentally toxic cleaning product is used to clean manufacturing tanks, etc.
These labels ensure the absence of controversial substances.
Note that some certifications work differently; therefore, discover the specifications of those that interest you!
Toxic and controversial substances
What is a controversial substance?
Ah, finally, we address the subject of the famous controversial substances. These ingredients have been the subject of studies that seem to indicate they may pose a risk to consumer health. The problem is that there is no consensus in the scientific community; therefore, some advocate not using them while others call for more studies. Meanwhile, these ingredients are sometimes replaced by others, compared to which science really does not move away because they were recently invented. An example is paraben. Parabens (there are several types) have been disapproved because a study links the presence of certain parabens to breast cancer in rats.
As no one else bought products with parabens, laboratories decided to replace it with MIT (MethylIsoThiazolinone), another very powerful preservative.
And unlucky, MIT is not really good, as evidenced, it is now banned. However, no one knew among consumers.
This example is one of the reasons that explain why compositions are not systematically changed in case of unproven suspicion.
How to recognize dangerous substances in the composition of a cosmetic?
This question remains complex.
First, there is European regulation as the first filter; this legislation prohibits ingredients when health risks are demonstrated. If products from non-EU countries contain a prohibited ingredient, it will be the first warning sign.
Moreover, the same study conducted by an independent laboratory is often interpreted differently.
The goal of consuming as much natural products as possible is just the first step because not everything is available in a natural state, and natural is not synonymous with safety.
Natural often means "inert to health" for people, and that is not true. On the contrary, there are cancer drugs developed from plant active ingredients, proving, if necessary, that nature is very potent.
All this to say that zero risk does not exist, and it is not due to laboratories' bad intentions, but also because we move very quickly and do not always have perspective on everything.
Introduction to Cosmetics
Cosmetics are non-medicinal substances and preparations intended to come into contact with different surface parts of the human body (e.g., epidermis, teeth, nails, hair, lips, etc.) with the goal of minimal risk. They do not act in depth and are not essential for the proper functioning of the body. Instead, they are reserved for body care, beauty, and cleanliness, with their sole purpose being to cleanse, beautify, protect, and perfume the body.
It's important not to confuse cosmetics with cosmetic: cosmetics refer to the world of skincare, all techniques, processes, and products used for beautification, while cosmetic is the product itself.
To Use or Not to Use Cosmetics?
Cosmetics come in various forms (gels, creams, emulsions, lotions, etc.) and serve the purpose of well-being without acting as medicines. All cosmetics have a roughly similar composition, consisting of excipients, active substances, and additives.
- Excipient: It allows the active substance to act where it should. Common excipients include water, oils, and alcohol, with natural alternatives like sweet almond, avocado, or shea butter. Silicones, on the other hand, are synthetic excipients.
- Active Substance: Gives the cosmetic "care" properties and is not the most significant substance in terms of product quantity. Examples include zinc, vitamins, clay, and various fruits and vegetables.
- Additive: Enhances and stimulates the cosmetic's action. Cosmetic additives include preservatives, antioxidants, colorants, and adjuvants for coloring, perfuming, foaming, etc.
Cosmetics include:
- Hygiene products for the body, such as toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, deodorant.
- Skin products, often in cream form, like anti-wrinkle cream, day and night cream, lip balm, face mask, etc.
- Hair products, directly applied to the hair, such as conditioner, hair spray, gel, dyes.
- Makeup products, predominantly used by women, including mascara, eyeliner, gloss, foundation, blush, lipstick, nail polish, self-tanner.
- Perfume, cologne, and toilet water.
- Sunscreen products to protect the skin from UV rays, like sunscreens, post-exposure lotions, and creams.
- Shaving and depilatory products, such as shaving foam, post-shave foam, and depilatory cream.
- Bath and shower preparations, such as bath salts, foaming bath, and bath oil.
Not considered cosmetics:
- Food products, as cosmetics cannot be consumed.
- Medicines or drugs, as cosmetics do not have curative properties.
Cosmetics and Their History:
The earliest use of cosmetics dates back almost as far as humanity. Prehistoric people produced body paints from mineral sources mixed with fatty substances.
In ancient times, civilizations like the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Hebrews used cosmetics for magical, medical, and ritualistic purposes, including body and face paints, oils, perfumes, and ointments.
During the Middle Ages, cosmetics were primarily used to represent the Western feminine ideal of pale skin and rosy cheeks, but these products were only available to the wealthy.
In the 18th century, cosmetics became more accessible to all social classes, and the consumption of perfumes increased during the Renaissance. However, awareness grew about certain cosmetic ingredients like lead, which could harm the skin or even lead to death.
Since the 20th century, with industrialization, cosmetics have become more diverse and affordable, often made with synthetic or petroleum-derived ingredients.
Today, cosmetics are used for personal satisfaction, to feel beautiful and confident. Men are increasingly using cosmetics, and they are used across all generations for various purposes, from baby care to anti-aging creams for the elderly.