
Makeup Brushes: Which Ones to Use?
Makeup brushes allow for a more flawless application. Therefore, it's crucial to invest in a complete set of makeup brushes, including brushes for foundation, blush, powder, lips, and eyes. All that's left is to use them like a pro.
Makeup brushes are our best allies for achieving success. Thanks to the brush, applying makeup is easier, with a cleaner and more natural appearance than when applied with fingers.
Each makeup area has its own brush.
There are brushes for all types of makeup and for every area of the face: face makeup, lip makeup, eye makeup.
The ideal way to simplify your life: invest in a set of makeup brushes that contains all the essential brushes, from the compact foundation brush to the lip brush.
Makeup Brush Cleaning, an Essential Gesture
To avoid stains, it's essential to regularly clean the makeup brush to get rid of impurities and bacteria. You can simply use a bit of soap and clean water or opt for a recommended product offered by some brands.
Essential Brushes to Have in Your Makeup Bag
All the advice on how to choose the essential brushes to put in your makeup bag.
Which makeup brush is right for my skin?
Makeup brushes are essential for achieving a flawless result. Using the right brushes also means using less product. Here are some tips for choosing the right brush.
Which makeup brush for my eyes?
The choice of a makeup brush for the eyes can be intimidating, especially when makeup is applied rarely or for the first time. Here is a list of the main brushes for the eyes to have the ideal kit to take anywhere.
Which makeup brush for my lips?
At first glance, lip brushes may seem unimportant, but they are much more useful than you think. Once their benefits are discovered, you won't be able to do without them.
What you should know about the kabuki brush
Applying foundation is not easy, and disasters can occur. The problem usually lies in choosing the right brush. Then comes the kabuki brush, promising radiant skin and zero flaws in a single gesture.
How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes?
A makeup brush must be well-maintained to last and take care of your skin. How to keep it effective for as long as possible? Discover all the tips for cleaning your makeup brushes properly.
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