Hand Treatment
Hand Care
For dreamy hands and fairy fingers, take some care. Hands are exposed and subjected to daily external aggressions, making them fragile. Several factors weaken them and accelerate skin aging: cold, sun, and the use of chemical products.
Sensitive Hands
The skin of the hands is extremely thin and fragile. Naturally dry, it contains few sebaceous glands, promoting the production of natural protection, making them more vulnerable. The epidermis of the hands is poorly hydrated. The synthesis of natural hydration factors is much lower compared to the face. This leads to almost continuous dehydration, requiring the use of products capable of compensating for this lack and consequently halting the acceleration of hand aging.
Accelerating Factors for Hand Aging
• Frio, inimigo número um. Inimigo real das mãos, o frio reduz as defesas naturais da pele e afeta a sua proteção. A pele seca torna-se mais vulnerável e as glândulas sebáceas vêem sua secreção desacelerada pelo frio. Irritações e rachaduras aparecem. Para combater a queda de temperatura, o fluxo sanguíneo é mais lento e a pele menos bem nutrida encolhe.
• Produtos domésticos. Os detergentes alteram a proteção da epiderme e enfraquecem as mãos. O uso repetido desses produtos e o contato frequente das mãos com a água aumentam o risco de infeções bacterianas.
• O sol. Tal como o frio, o sol também é prejudicial à pele frágil das mãos. Seca e enruga-a.
To End Damaged Hands
1. Use moisturizers concentrated in glycerin, which leave a protective film on the skin surface.
2. Cover your hands with vaseline or paraffin and wear cotton gloves overnight. Your hands will be like new in the morning.
3. Moisturize your hands with creams throughout the winter.