ISDIN Fotoprotector Invisible Stick

ISDIN Fotoprotector Invisible Stick é o aliado perfeito para uma proteção solar prática e eficaz, especialmente concebido para áreas sensíveis e delicadas como o rosto, lábios, orelhas e cicatrizes. Este stick proporciona uma proteção solar muito elevada com FPS 50+, ideal para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis. Com uma fórmula inovadora e transparente, o Fotoprotector Invisible Stick oferece uma aplicação rápida, sem deixar resíduos brancos nem sensação oleosa.

Este fotoprotetor é resistente à água e ao suor, garantindo uma proteção duradoura, mesmo durante atividades ao ar livre. Enriquecido com antioxidantes, protege a pele contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres e previne o envelhecimento precoce. A sua embalagem prática e compacta torna-o fácil de transportar, permitindo uma reaplicação conveniente em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento.

Ideal para toda a família, o ISDIN Fotoprotector Invisible Stick é dermatologicamente testado e hipoalergénico, garantindo segurança e eficácia máximas. Não deixe a sua pele desprotegida; invista na qualidade e inovação que só a ISDIN pode oferecer.

Adquira já o seu ISDIN Fotoprotector Invisible Stick e experimente a proteção solar invisível, prática e eficaz que a sua pele merece!

Ciência para a saúde da sua pele

Há mais de 55 anos, o laboratório Isdin está a serviço da saúde e da beleza da pele. A marca reconhecida internacionalmente está agora à frente de várias gamas de cuidados com a pele com propriedades e texturas variadas.

Um desejo constante de inovação e descoberta

O Isdin é um laboratório dermatológico sediado em Barcelona, ​​fundado em 1975. Nasceu da união de um gigante global da perfumaria e da cosmetologia, a empresa Puig, com uma conhecida empresa farmacêutica, o grupo Esteve. A marca experimentou um rápido desenvolvimento para se tornar hoje a número 1 em cosmetologia na Espanha. O seu sucesso vai muito além das fronteiras, já que é referência em cuidados dermatológicos na Europa, mas também na América e na Ásia.

A marca Isdin sempre se interessou pela fisiologia da pele. Procura desenvolver novas fórmulas para preservar a epiderme dos danos do envelhecimento e das agressões externas, mas também produtos capazes de reparar a pele para restaurar o seu capital de saúde. Para cumprir esta missão, a marca conta com o apoio de médicos e farmacêuticos que têm como objetivo oferecer soluções inovadoras para responder às principais necessidades dermatológicas. Os produtos Isdin estão em constante evolução graças a uma extensa pesquisa, sempre na vanguarda dos mais recentes avanços científicos.

Uma referência importante na proteção solar

O laboratório Isdin fez da proteção solar seu objetivo n ° 1. A marca possui uma linha completa de cremes protetores com índice de FPS até 100. Formulados para combater queimaduras solares, alergias ou mesmo o fotoenvelhecimento, esses filtros solares ajudam a preservar a maioria dos tipos de pele sensíveis aos perigos dos raios ultravioleta.

Além da proteção solar, a marca também se dedica ao desenvolvimento de tratamentos para remediar os danos da pele associados à exposição solar intensa e prolongada. Ela desenvolveu formulações inovadoras para combater manchas de pigmentação, vermelhidão e outras lesões cutâneas causadas pelo sol. Curativa e preventiva, esta gama de produtos atua tanto nas causas como nas consequências dos danos actínicos (doenças da pele devidas aos raios ultravioleta).

O know-how do laboratório Isdin exprime-se nas propriedades inovadoras dos produtos da gama, mas também nas suas texturas revolucionárias. Com efeito, a marca também atribui grande importância ao conforto de utilização dos seus tratamentos. Oferece uma variedade de produtos adequados para o cuidado do rosto e do corpo de adultos, crianças ou bebês.

O essencial do cuidado dermatológico

Como especialista em protecção solar, a marca Isdin possui uma gama de produtos muito completa para proteger a sua pele dos danos do sol. Mas também está na origem de uma série de tratamentos dermatológicos calmantes, antienvelhecimento e hidratantes.

Lip Sunscreen

Why Protect Your Lips from the Sun?

Why Protect Your Lips from the Sun?

It's summer, and you've decided not to burn your skin in the sun and turn into red lobsters. This time, no more risks and sunburns! A natural tan implies moderate sun exposure and applying cream every two hours. To protect your skin with suitable sunscreen for your skin type, wear sunglasses to protect your sensitive eyes and put on a hat to shield your face. But there's an area of your beautiful face that you often overlook and regularly forget to protect: your lips! Delicate and sensitive to external aggressions, they need proper sun protection.

On vacation at the beach or in the mountains, think about lip sunscreen!

Are you going on vacation to the beach or mountains this year, and have you already brought sunscreen for your body and face, a hat, sunglasses, and thermal water in your suitcase? Once again, did you forget to bring sun balm? It's no wonder this small area of the face is often forgotten and neglected throughout the year. However, just like the rest of your body, your lips require optimal protection against the UVA and UVB rays of the sun. To prevent sunburn in this ultra-sensitive and fragile area, we recommend using a lip sunscreen regularly.

To ensure effective protection and intense hydration, lip balms should be composed of various ingredients, such as:

• Synthetic or vegetable waxes. These waxes will give a solid texture.
• Mineral or vegetable oils (jojoba, argan, calendula, etc.). These oils enriched with fatty acids and vitamins help maintain the hydrolipidic film.
• Nutrient agents like glycerin for preserved and nourished lips.
• Agents that isolate and preserve (for example, glycerin) the lips from dehydration.
• UV filters, such as chemical filters (Mexoryl) and minerals (zinc oxide). These sunsticks contain an anti-UVA and UVB SPF that acts as a barrier to ultraviolet rays.
• Antioxidants and vitamins like vitamin E, known to combat external aggressions, such as free radicals and oxidative stress, causing cellular aging.

The goal of lip balm: this lip sun protection should primarily protect your lips from the harmful effects of the sun (sunburn, skin cancer) and prevent photoaging. It should also preserve the skin's hydrolipidic filter and nourish it daily.

Lips and Sunburns: What to Do in Case of Burn?

Forgot to apply a sunscreen lip balm and got sunburned?
To effectively relieve it and alleviate inflammation, here are some tips:
- You can soothe the area by applying cold compresses. You can also wrap ice cubes in a towel and then place them on your lips.
- Burned and inflamed lips tend to pull and dry quickly. That's why it's important to hydrate them well with a nourishing lip balm.
- Also, remember to hydrate well by drinking plenty of water to compensate for fluid and water imbalance. Hydration is essential both indoors and outdoors.
- If your lips hurt, and the pain seems to persist, consult a doctor promptly.

To effectively protect your fragile lips from the harmful rays of the sun, remember to apply a suitable sunscreen generously and regularly.


Sun Protection Products: Choose a Safe and Effective Product!

Without the protection of clothing and effective sunscreen, prolonged exposure to the sun can be risky.

Which Sunscreen Product to Choose?

Always check the instructions on the product label!
Sun protection products (creams, gels, oils, or sprays) are cosmetic products intended to protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun (UVA and UVB) when applied according to the instructions provided on the packaging.
However, it is wrong to believe that these products offer complete sun protection and allow you to stay exposed for longer. Caution should be exercised in terms of time and duration of exposure.

UVA, UVB, Make the Difference!

Tanning is a skin defense reaction that opposes a filter to the penetration of solar radiation. But this filter does not have unlimited capacity.
Solar radiation is composed, among other things, of ultraviolet B rays (UVB rays) and ultraviolet A rays (UVA rays). "Sunburn" is mainly caused by UVB rays. UVA rays are responsible for premature skin aging.
UVB rays are the main factor in skin cancer, while UVA rays play a significant role in its appearance.

Different Types of Sun Protection: Which to Choose?

There are two main categories of sun protection offered by cosmetics, depending on the nature of the filters and their mode of action; all must be expressly authorized by regulations:
•    Organic or chemical filters that act by absorbing UV radiation;
•    Mineral filters, namely titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which act by reflecting UV rays: they do not penetrate the epidermis;
•    Organic or inorganic filters may be present in nanometric form. The [nano] mention must then be added to the name of the substance in the mandatory list of ingredients on the packaging.
•    These different filters, chemical or mineral, nano or not, can be combined by manufacturers to optimize efficiency.

Sunscreen Products, Protection Level: Read the Label!

Against UVB rays: the sun protection factor (SPF) or protection index (IP) is an essential criterion of choice. It corresponds to the delaying effect of the product in relation to sun aggression.
The product category followed by a number corresponding to the "sun protection factor (SPF)" is used to assess its effectiveness. The higher the SPF, the greater the photoprotective action.
The European Commission proposed grouping sun protection factors to keep only eight different numbers on labels. However, not all labeling has been changed, and old sun protection factors are sometimes retained.

Note: Claims like "full screen" or "total protection" should not be used. Although common, they are false because no sun product offers complete protection against ultraviolet radiation.
The European Commission defined, in its recommendation of September 22, 2006, the labeling rule for sunscreens. Taken from this recommendation, the table below specifies the correspondences between categories and sun protection factors:

Sun Protection Factors

Low protection    6-10
Medium protection    15-20-25
High protection    30-50
Very high protection    50+

Against UVA rays: check if your sunscreen has, in addition to the SPF, the UVA logo. This is the guarantee of ideal protection against ultraviolet rays.

Note: This logo is not mandatory but recommended and used by many professionals. Other mentions or indications regarding protection against UVA rays may, however, appear on the packaging.
Some "conventional" media insist on the existence of so-called controversial ingredients in sun products.
Remember that sunscreens can only contain UV filters authorized by cosmetic regulations (about thirty) because they are assessed as risk-free for human health. Exposing yourself to the sun without any protection, however, is dangerous.
Consumers are advised to read labels and inquire about the composition of the products they purchase, especially if they have special ethical or environmental requirements or a history of sensitivity to certain substances.

Usage Tips
The National Union of Dermatologists has published the 10 precautions to be taken against the harmful effects of the sun:
•    The best protection is clothing for everyone (especially children): hat, sunglasses, shirt.
•    Babies and young children should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
•    Sunburns are dangerous, especially in children;
•    Avoid direct exposure between 12:00 and 4:00 PM
•    Sun exposure should be gradual;
•    Sand, snow, water can reflect more than half of the sun's rays on your skin;
•    Your sunscreen, anti-UVB and anti-UVA, should be renewed every two hours and after each bath, regardless of its protection index;
•    Use sunscreen suitable for your skin type;
•    Sunscreen is not intended to increase the exposure time;
•    In altitude and in the tropics, it is necessary to increase the sun protection index of the product usually used.

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  • Brand: ISDIN
  • Product Code: PER-PT-42297
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 18.95€


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Tags: isdin, fotoprotector, invisible, stick, lip, sunscreen

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