Clinique for Men Super Energizer Anti-Fatigue Depuffing Eye Gel

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Clinique for Men Super Energizer Anti-Fatigue Depuffing Eye Gel

Hidratar, refrescar, iluminar. O gel refrescante instantaneamente hidrata e conforta com produtos que hidratam à pele. Absorve-se rapidamente. Aplique a qualquer momento para refrescar os olhos cansados.

A história da Clinique nasceu em 1967 a partir de uma conversa simples, uma entrevista com o Dr. Norman Orentreich por Carol Philips, da Vogue Magazine. O renomado dermatologista Dr. Norman Orentreich expressou uma idéia simples que transformaria a indústria da beleza: todos podem ter uma pele bonita.

Numa época em que a atitude geral em relação aos produtos para cuidados com a pele é principalmente negativa, a entrevista que aparece na primeira página da revista marcará uma nova era no campo dos produtos para cuidados, pontuada por idéias como: produtos podem melhorar sua pele!

Você não está preso à pele com a qual nasceu! Convencida de que a filosofia do Dr. Orentriech ressoaria com as expectativas das mulheres em todo o mundo, a família Estée Lauder, dotada de um espírito visionário, o recrutou, assim como Carol Phillips, para trazer seus respectivos conhecimentos ao nascimento de um novo linha de produto.

Em 1968, com a introdução do agora famoso sistema de cuidados com a pele em três etapas - rotina diária de limpeza, esfoliação e hidratação - nasceu a Clinique. Um ano depois, a Clinique abriu seu primeiro estande no Reino Unido. A marca Clinique foi a primeira a comercializar uma linha de cuidados dermatológicos e hipoalergênicos, uma coleção garantida 100% sem fragrâncias.

Em 1976, a marca Clinique também foi a primeira empresa de cosméticos de prestígio a reconhecer as diferentes necessidades dos cuidados com a pele dos homens e fornecer a eles uma linha prática de abordagem dos cuidados com a pele - Skin Supplies para homens.

Hoje, a missão da Clinique é ser a maior marca de prestígio de produtos de beleza do mundo, graças à liderança de mercado e à autoridade científica de sua Fundação Dermatológica Skincare. Desde o início, os criadores demonstraram um forte desejo de serem reconhecidos por seus clientes por sua escolha inteligente e inovadora de oferecer sempre alta qualidade, segurança e eficácia. Produtos testados antialérgicos, sem perfumes, projetados para melhorar sua vida e sua beleza natural ... todos os dias. Clínica de método de cuidado de 3 etapas

A Clinique oferece uma experiência High Touch através dos mais altos padrões de serviço, combinando simplicidade com a mais avançada experiência em diagnóstico e conhecimento da pele. Essa combinação inspirará um compromisso duradouro com consumidores de diferentes idades e etnias.

Anti-Dark Circles & Anti-Puffiness

Under-Eye Bags: How to Remove Them?

Under-Eye Bags: How to Remove Them?

Puffy eyes and under-eye bags are common for both men and women. They are primarily an aesthetic inconvenience rather than a sign of a serious health issue. Simple remedies or cosmetics can help alleviate them.

Description of Under-Eye Bags

Under-eye bags correspond to swelling of the lower eyelid. They can be transient upon waking up or settle in more durably as part of aging. They should not be confused with dark circles, which are a darkening of the skin due to poor blood circulation or a hollowing due to thinning of the skin under the eyes.

Causes of Under-Eye Bags

One of the main causes of under-eye bags is aging and the accompanying aging of the skin. The fat, which is normally in the eyelids to help support the eyes, slides to the lower eyelid under the effects of gravity and loose skin. The skin also loses its flexibility and firmness. The lower eyelids can then sag, and under-eye bags develop.

Like dark circles, under-eye bags can also appear upon waking up. Overnight, lymph, responsible for transporting waste from the blood, can accumulate in the lower eyelid, causing temporary swelling. This swelling usually disappears during the morning, but bags may persist longer, especially if you have circulation problems.

Allergies of any kind, insect bites, or eye trauma can also cause eye swelling but go away with proper treatment.

Evolution and Possible Complications of Under-Eye Bags

Under-eye bags do not appear overnight. They establish themselves over time and increase with age. An unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking accelerate the development of under-eye bags.

Treatment and Prevention: What Are the Solutions?

Under-eye bags are initially an aesthetic discomfort but are usually mild and do not require medical attention. However, you can consult your doctor if the swelling is severe and prolonged over time or if it is accompanied by redness, itching, or pain, and also if it affects other parts of the body, such as legs. A medical examination will rule out more serious causes, such as thyroid disease, infection, or allergy.

If the aesthetic aspect bothers you, there are simple remedies:

  • Apply cold compresses to the eye area to reduce swelling.
  • Take care of your lifestyle and, in particular, your sleep. Eight hours of sleep is ideal for most adults.
  • Lightly elevate your head with a pillow at night to prevent lymph accumulation on the face.
  • Remember to remove makeup before sleeping.
  • Monitor your diet, especially salt consumption, as it promotes water retention.
  • Finally, do your skin a favor and limit alcohol and cigarette consumption.

If the swelling persists, many cosmetic companies offer creams and lotions to reduce the swelling effect on the skin.

In the elderly, when under-eye bags are associated with swelling of the upper eyelids and impair vision, surgical treatment may be considered to reduce excess fat.

Eyes care

Wrinkles, Dark Circles, and Puffiness: At Every Age, Your Eye Contour Care

Fine lines at the corner of the eyes, puffiness, dark circles, drooping eyelids. The eye area is the one that most cruelly betrays fatigue and the passing years. However, there are effective care routines, whatever our age. A fresh and bright appearance is enough to make us look almost 10 years younger. From 25 to over 60, we provide an overview of the best plans to care for this delicate area at any age.

From 25 years: Targeting fine lines and draining puffiness

The skin around the eyes is excessively fragile, three times thinner than the rest of the face. Without hypodermis (the deepest area below the dermis), it doesn't receive the nutrients that the rest of the facial skin does. It also lacks sebaceous glands and tends to dry faster than other areas. To make matters worse, the eye muscles are constantly used, with over 10,000 blinks per day. All of this explains why fine lines appear under the lower eyelid or at the corner of the eye, even before we hit thirty. These initial marks are, above all, a sign that our skin is dehydrated; therefore, we must provide moisturizing active ingredients, but above all, non-oily. This is done by gently massaging the fine lines in small circular motions, morning and night, creating a V between the index and middle finger at the corner of the eye towards the temple. Then apply the usual face cream when the product has penetrated enough.

From 30 to 40 years: Fighting against wrinkles and dark circles

Erase wrinkles. Signs of aging appear more or less quickly, depending on our genetics and lifestyle. The phenomenon is progressive: the skin around the eyes is much more fragile than that of the face, and epidermal renewal is slower. It is exacerbated, for example, if we squint too often in front of the computer, in the sun, or while concentrating. Furrows are carved around the temples, under the eyes, and on the forehead (crow's feet). It is necessary to favor care that protects or restores our elastic fibers that relax. Every day, we apply the equivalent of a grain of rice of our favorite product in very light touches in the eye area, practice a twist of the pyramid (located at the top of the nose, between the two eyes) with the index finger and draw an 8 around the eyes, ending with a spiral towards the temples.

Conceal dark circles. We must fight against blood stagnation that oxidizes and reveals blue or brown pigments under the skin, which becomes thinner with age. Be careful, concealers camouflage pigmentation but often accentuate the contour lines. It's better to increase microcirculation for an overall beautiful effect.

50 years or more: Fat pouches and drooping eyebrows

After 50 years, the bone structure of the entire face becomes thinner. Cheekbones lose volume, temples widen, and the forehead bone flattens, causing the upper eyelid to sag. Hormonal deficiencies set in and weaken all tissues. This is the perfect time to invest in a comprehensive anti-aging treatment that can redensify the skin, regenerate subcutaneous cells, and increase blood flow to oxygenate them. The cream is applied in small touches all around the eye area using a massage accessory (available in most products) or, in its absence, with the index finger. Light touches should be made on the lower and upper eyelid to activate microcirculation. To perfect our appearance, we smooth the space between the eyebrows, the upper eyelid towards crow's feet with a toning gesture to firm the eye area. Finally, the lower eyelid is lightly stretched at the level of dark circles, from the inside out, to promote drainage and reduce signs of fatigue.

Some targeted care on the market is relatively expensive. They contain powerful and rare active ingredients, included in high-tech textures that penetrate quickly without the risk of irritating the eyes. Therefore, a small amount is sufficient, and their packaging allows for a treatment of two to three months.

At any age, after a short night: Soothe the eyes

During the night, lymphatic circulation decreases, leading to an accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the eyelids. This phenomenon is even more pronounced if we drink alcohol or eat a lot of salty foods. It is essential to stimulate microcirculation with draining and astringent active ingredients, practicing decongestant maneuvers.

Regardless of our age, it is advisable to put a drop of product on our two little fingers, make several gentle pressures under the eyes at the level of the pouches (but without smoothing) from the inner corner to the outer corner. Ideally, if you have one, use a small massage tool with a metal tip. And for even more efficiency, you can leave products and tools in the refrigerator for a few moments to decongest more quickly.

Men's Cosmetics

Men and Cosmetics: A Sector That Is Not Going Through a Crisis!

If in the 90s the men's cosmetics market went unnoticed (only 4% admitted to using products for male skin), today, 50% regularly use dedicated products. With a growth three times higher than the female cosmetics market, the "grooming" market has truly exploded.
But what has changed in the last decade? On the one hand, today's man is increasingly concerned about his appearance. In a constantly evolving society, it has become essential to present the best and, therefore, take care of his skin. On the other hand, there is a real shift in mentality. Taking care of oneself in the male gender is no longer a taboo, neither for men nor for women. Hygiene is no longer synonymous with virility or femininity but with well-being, and in recent years, well-being and health have become priorities for most men.

What Products Work?

If men's cosmetics were initially limited to basic hygiene products, such as shampoos, shower gels, or after-shave products, the line has expanded considerably to now meet all the specific needs of each man.
Among the most popular products, we find at the top of the ranking skincare, especially moisturizers and anti-aging.
Naturally thicker than female skin, it was thought that men's skin was more resistant and less demanding of care. But it also has its weaknesses and requires proper care.
In fact, testosterone increases sebum secretion, making the skin oily. It also contains more collagen affecting wrinkles: although they appear later than in women, they are more pronounced and deep.
Finally, and last but not least, shaving weakens the skin, more prone to irritations and ingrown hairs, usually more damaged than female skin.
But in recent years, other products have also been successful, such as beard oils, hair color, slimming creams, or depilatory products.

With new trends emerging in men's magazines and the constant desire to look younger and more dynamic, men are becoming increasingly demanding. And brands have understood that these gentlemen no longer wanted to sneak into their partner's beauty products but use specific cosmetics, especially for men.

What Are Men Really Looking For?

Whether online or in stores, men do not randomly buy a product. Men's consumption habits are clearly different from women's. If they managed to take the example of their mother or grandmother, men are self-taught in this area. That is why their priority remains efficiency. Men are looking for products that make their lives easier.

Why Do Men Prefer to Buy Online?

With a broader, usually more dedicated offering, but also with detailed web content or video tutorials, men mainly buy online. The web is a perfect match for their lifestyle and what they are looking for: speed and efficiency without giving up advice. But that's not all. There is still a certain shyness that leads men to prefer online sales sites rather than stores. Certain male needs have not yet become part of popular habits. Thus, a man who wants to buy hair color or a depilatory cream more easily turns to the web than to a store consultant. Men's cosmetics are, therefore, doing well because taking care of oneself has never been so trendy! So go ahead and give yourself all the attention you deserve!


Introduction to Cosmetics and Their History

Introduction to Cosmetics

Cosmetics are non-medicinal substances and preparations intended to come into contact with different surface parts of the human body (e.g., epidermis, teeth, nails, hair, lips, etc.) with the goal of minimal risk. They do not act in depth and are not essential for the proper functioning of the body. Instead, they are reserved for body care, beauty, and cleanliness, with their sole purpose being to cleanse, beautify, protect, and perfume the body.

It's important not to confuse cosmetics with cosmetic: cosmetics refer to the world of skincare, all techniques, processes, and products used for beautification, while cosmetic is the product itself.

To Use or Not to Use Cosmetics?

Cosmetics come in various forms (gels, creams, emulsions, lotions, etc.) and serve the purpose of well-being without acting as medicines. All cosmetics have a roughly similar composition, consisting of excipients, active substances, and additives.

  • Excipient: It allows the active substance to act where it should. Common excipients include water, oils, and alcohol, with natural alternatives like sweet almond, avocado, or shea butter. Silicones, on the other hand, are synthetic excipients.
  • Active Substance: Gives the cosmetic "care" properties and is not the most significant substance in terms of product quantity. Examples include zinc, vitamins, clay, and various fruits and vegetables.
  • Additive: Enhances and stimulates the cosmetic's action. Cosmetic additives include preservatives, antioxidants, colorants, and adjuvants for coloring, perfuming, foaming, etc.

Cosmetics include:

  • Hygiene products for the body, such as toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, deodorant.
  • Skin products, often in cream form, like anti-wrinkle cream, day and night cream, lip balm, face mask, etc.
  • Hair products, directly applied to the hair, such as conditioner, hair spray, gel, dyes.
  • Makeup products, predominantly used by women, including mascara, eyeliner, gloss, foundation, blush, lipstick, nail polish, self-tanner.
  • Perfume, cologne, and toilet water.
  • Sunscreen products to protect the skin from UV rays, like sunscreens, post-exposure lotions, and creams.
  • Shaving and depilatory products, such as shaving foam, post-shave foam, and depilatory cream.
  • Bath and shower preparations, such as bath salts, foaming bath, and bath oil.

Not considered cosmetics:

  • Food products, as cosmetics cannot be consumed.
  • Medicines or drugs, as cosmetics do not have curative properties.

Cosmetics and Their History:

The earliest use of cosmetics dates back almost as far as humanity. Prehistoric people produced body paints from mineral sources mixed with fatty substances.

In ancient times, civilizations like the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Hebrews used cosmetics for magical, medical, and ritualistic purposes, including body and face paints, oils, perfumes, and ointments.

During the Middle Ages, cosmetics were primarily used to represent the Western feminine ideal of pale skin and rosy cheeks, but these products were only available to the wealthy.

In the 18th century, cosmetics became more accessible to all social classes, and the consumption of perfumes increased during the Renaissance. However, awareness grew about certain cosmetic ingredients like lead, which could harm the skin or even lead to death.

Since the 20th century, with industrialization, cosmetics have become more diverse and affordable, often made with synthetic or petroleum-derived ingredients.

Today, cosmetics are used for personal satisfaction, to feel beautiful and confident. Men are increasingly using cosmetics, and they are used across all generations for various purposes, from baby care to anti-aging creams for the elderly.

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  • Brand: Clinique
  • Product Code: PER-PT-15605
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • 22.95€


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Tags: clinique, for, men, super, energizer, anti-fatigue, depuffing, eye, gel, anti-olheiras, anti-bolsas

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