Shiseido Men Total Revitalizer Light Fluid
Descubra o poder de rejuvenescimento do Shiseido Men Total Revitalizer Light Fluid, um cuidado avançado para a pele do homem moderno. Este fluido leve é especialmente formulado para combater sinais de envelhecimento enquanto hidrata profundamente, deixando a pele mais firme e revitalizada.
Enriquecido com a tecnologia Marine Protein Complex, este produto fortalece a barreira cutânea, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e saudável. A textura leve e não oleosa é rapidamente absorvida, tornando-o ideal para todos os tipos de pele, inclusive as mais sensíveis.
Com o uso contínuo, o Shiseido Men Total Revitalizer Light Fluid melhora visivelmente a elasticidade e a textura da pele, reduzindo rugas e linhas de expressão. A sua fórmula inovadora é o segredo para uma pele energizada e revitalizada, pronta para enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia.
Não perca a oportunidade de transformar a sua rotina de cuidados diários com o Shiseido Men Total Revitalizer Light Fluid. Invista na sua pele e experimente os resultados surpreendentes que este produto pode oferecer!
De farmácia a cosméticos
A marca SHISEIDO foi criada em 1872 por Arinobu Fukuhara no distrito de Ginza, em Tóquio, para desenvolver a primeira farmácia de cultura ocidental no Japão.
Em 1906, Shinzo Fukuhara, quarto filho de Arinobu, partiu para os Estados Unidos para adquirir conhecimento da farmacologia ocidental. Após seus estudos, ele viajou para a França, onde aprendeu a arte da fotografia.
Sua admiração pelas artes, ciência e cultura ocidental o levou a retornar ao Japão para introduzir um novo estilo de vida, combinando as tradições orientais com uma visão ocidental. Em 1915, Shinzo tornou-se o primeiro presidente da SHISEIDO e decidiu dedicar sua empresa à fabricação de cosméticos.
A sua paixão pela estética e inovação foi posta a serviço de uma cultura de excelência na concepção da empresa, uma reputação ainda ativa entre artistas e designers de todo o mundo. Através da visão de Shinzo Fukuhara, a SHISEIDO evoluiu para um laboratório de ideias artísticas e científicas, desenvolvendo constantemente o melhor de ambas, para melhorar a qualidade da vida cotidiana.
Em 1922, uma seção de cuidados para o cabelo foi criada dentro do departamento de cosméticos da Shiseido em Ginza para servir de base para o desenvolvimento de métodos de cuidado da pele. Ao apostar na sua atividade estética, a Shiseido passou as décadas seguintes a reinventar-se para oferecer constantemente novos produtos validados por esta atividade profissional.
Salões Shiseido
A Shiseido inaugurou seu primeiro salão de beleza em Ginza em 1934. Posteriormente, em 1956, a marca inaugurou um salão de beleza completo (o primeiro Shiseido Beauty Salon) no antigo Tokyu Bunka Kaikan em Shibuya, que marcou o lançamento em larga escala de sua atividade estética . Desde então, a Shiseido tem ajudado mulheres a tornar suas vidas mais bonitas por meio de cuidados com os cabelos, maquilhagem e beleza, além de vender cosméticos. Após a abertura dos salões, a empresa criou um departamento dedicado à venda de produtos profissionais, que posteriormente foi ampliado para oferecer aos salões serviços completos. Por meio desses salões, a Shiseido deu uma grande contribuição para a indústria de cabelo e beleza.
Da Tailândia em 2001, a Shiseido expandiu seus negócios de produtos profissionais para nove países asiáticos, estabelecendo uma subsidiária no mercado asiático para acelerar significativamente a expansão de seus negócios locais de serviços de cabeleireiro e salão de beleza.
Em 2013, a empresa inaugurou o SHISEIDO PROFESSIONNEL Beauty Congress destinado a todos os profissionais asiáticos, inclusive japoneses. Paralelamente, a marca organizou e sediou o BEAUTY INNOVATOR AWARD, um dos maiores concursos de fotografia da Ásia, com o objetivo de apoiar a formação de gestores que irão liderar a indústria de salões de beleza no futuro. Eventos que pretendem contribuir significativamente para o desenvolvimento desta atividade em todo o mundo.
Tonic Lotion
Tonic Lotion: Why is it Essential?
Tonic Lotion: What is its Purpose?
Often misused or considered "optional," tonic lotion, nevertheless, has many benefits for the skin. "This is a product in itself," insists Mi-Ryung Beilvert, president and founder of Qiriness. "It is used after makeup removal to complete the gentle cleansing of the skin." But the virtues of tonic lotion do not stop there. "It also purifies the epidermis by removing dead skin, allowing the serum or cream to penetrate better and be even more effective," continues our expert. And she adds, "Take a dry sponge. If you try to put detergent on it, it won't penetrate properly. For the product to be well absorbed, the sponge needs to be moistened. Well, with the skin, it's the same! Tonic lotion hydrates the skin to make it more receptive to subsequent care. Filled with water, the skin gains vitality and regains all its radiance.
Using Tonic Lotion in the Morning and Evening?
Yes. If the skin needs to be hydrated at night, after being attacked by makeup or pollution, it should also be cleansed in the morning. "Some women still don't know that our skin secretes sebum and toxins overnight," observes Mi-Ryung Beilvert. Therefore, it is essential to cleanse it before applying your treatments.
Can You Apply Tonic Lotion if You Have Dry or Sensitive Skin?
A few years ago, most toning lotions contained alcohol, which could aggress or dry out the skin. But, faced with new consumer expectations closely examining compositions, more and more brands replace alcohol with plant-based ingredients. "To achieve the feeling of freshness created by alcohol, for example, we use mint or hazelnut whose astringent properties help tighten pores and refine the skin's texture," explains our cosmetology enthusiast.
So, are there no contraindications for sensitive or dehydrated skin? Mi-Ryung Beilvert explains; you just need to choose your lotion according to your skin type.
- If you have sensitive skin, it is better to favor ingredients such as chamomile extract or camellia oil, which protects the skin so that water does not evaporate." And to add, "Some lotions, like Qiriness Exquisite Lotion, stand out for their gel formulations that can be applied directly with the palm of the hand to avoid rubbing with cotton.
Tonic Lotion and Exfoliation - a Good Combination?
"It is inseparable," says the founder of Qiriness. Before exfoliating, it is imperative that the skin is clean and ready to receive care. I also recommend washing the exfoliant with a lotion, instead of water, to preserve the epidermis as much as possible.
How to Apply Your Tonic Lotion?
- If applying manually: from the inside out, start spreading the product by lightly tapping the skin and then patting, creating a suction effect to oxygenate the epidermis and allow it to absorb the product well.
- If applying with a cotton pad: from the inside out, make a light stroke by gently sliding the cotton pad to stimulate the skin without hurting it.
Facial Care
4 Tips for Men's Facial Skin
1- Cleanse Your Face Daily with a Suitable Product for Your Skin Type
Men's skincare is essential, so take advantage of it! Opt for at least one nightly cleansing to eliminate impurities and accumulated pollution throughout the day. If time allows, do it in the morning as well to remove overnight impurities and excess sebum. Cleanse your skin with a foaming gel or cleansing lotion. A facial cleansing gel gently removes impurities and excess sebum, improving microcirculation and reducing irritation. Ideal for sensitive skin reactive to external aggressions.
2- Apply an Age-Appropriate and Skin-Suitable Moisturizing Treatment
Before 30, prioritize moisturizing to prevent skin dehydration. Choose:
- Matifying treatment for normal or oily skin
- Treatment for sensitive skin
- Treatment combating dehydration for dry skin
3 - In the Morning, Apply Shaving Foam or Gel According to Your Beard
Use a refreshing wipe or go directly for shaving foam containing active cleaning ingredients. Choose foam that protects the skin from irritations and razor burns for a smooth shave. If you want to style your beard, use a transparent texture for precise shaving.
4- Once or Twice a Week, Apply Exfoliant and a Mask After Cleansing Gel
Before 30, consider a thorough cleansing to restore radiance. Once (for dry skin) or twice (for oily skin) a week, apply an exfoliant after or in place of the cleansing gel. Exfoliation refines the skin and gently removes dead cells, facilitating cream penetration. Follow with a mask that absorbs excess sebum while nourishing and hydrating the skin. After 30, start applying specific anti-wrinkle care once or twice a week. Begin with exfoliation and follow with a revitalizing mask for a smoother and radiant appearance.
Men's Cosmetics
Men and Cosmetics: A Sector That Is Not Going Through a Crisis!
If in the 90s the men's cosmetics market went unnoticed (only 4% admitted to using products for male skin), today, 50% regularly use dedicated products. With a growth three times higher than the female cosmetics market, the "grooming" market has truly exploded.
But what has changed in the last decade? On the one hand, today's man is increasingly concerned about his appearance. In a constantly evolving society, it has become essential to present the best and, therefore, take care of his skin. On the other hand, there is a real shift in mentality. Taking care of oneself in the male gender is no longer a taboo, neither for men nor for women. Hygiene is no longer synonymous with virility or femininity but with well-being, and in recent years, well-being and health have become priorities for most men.
What Products Work?
If men's cosmetics were initially limited to basic hygiene products, such as shampoos, shower gels, or after-shave products, the line has expanded considerably to now meet all the specific needs of each man.
Among the most popular products, we find at the top of the ranking skincare, especially moisturizers and anti-aging.
Naturally thicker than female skin, it was thought that men's skin was more resistant and less demanding of care. But it also has its weaknesses and requires proper care.
In fact, testosterone increases sebum secretion, making the skin oily. It also contains more collagen affecting wrinkles: although they appear later than in women, they are more pronounced and deep.
Finally, and last but not least, shaving weakens the skin, more prone to irritations and ingrown hairs, usually more damaged than female skin.
But in recent years, other products have also been successful, such as beard oils, hair color, slimming creams, or depilatory products.
With new trends emerging in men's magazines and the constant desire to look younger and more dynamic, men are becoming increasingly demanding. And brands have understood that these gentlemen no longer wanted to sneak into their partner's beauty products but use specific cosmetics, especially for men.
What Are Men Really Looking For?
Whether online or in stores, men do not randomly buy a product. Men's consumption habits are clearly different from women's. If they managed to take the example of their mother or grandmother, men are self-taught in this area. That is why their priority remains efficiency. Men are looking for products that make their lives easier.
Why Do Men Prefer to Buy Online?
With a broader, usually more dedicated offering, but also with detailed web content or video tutorials, men mainly buy online. The web is a perfect match for their lifestyle and what they are looking for: speed and efficiency without giving up advice. But that's not all. There is still a certain shyness that leads men to prefer online sales sites rather than stores. Certain male needs have not yet become part of popular habits. Thus, a man who wants to buy hair color or a depilatory cream more easily turns to the web than to a store consultant. Men's cosmetics are, therefore, doing well because taking care of oneself has never been so trendy! So go ahead and give yourself all the attention you deserve!
Introduction to Cosmetics
Cosmetics are non-medicinal substances and preparations intended to come into contact with different surface parts of the human body (e.g., epidermis, teeth, nails, hair, lips, etc.) with the goal of minimal risk. They do not act in depth and are not essential for the proper functioning of the body. Instead, they are reserved for body care, beauty, and cleanliness, with their sole purpose being to cleanse, beautify, protect, and perfume the body.
It's important not to confuse cosmetics with cosmetic: cosmetics refer to the world of skincare, all techniques, processes, and products used for beautification, while cosmetic is the product itself.
To Use or Not to Use Cosmetics?
Cosmetics come in various forms (gels, creams, emulsions, lotions, etc.) and serve the purpose of well-being without acting as medicines. All cosmetics have a roughly similar composition, consisting of excipients, active substances, and additives.
- Excipient: It allows the active substance to act where it should. Common excipients include water, oils, and alcohol, with natural alternatives like sweet almond, avocado, or shea butter. Silicones, on the other hand, are synthetic excipients.
- Active Substance: Gives the cosmetic "care" properties and is not the most significant substance in terms of product quantity. Examples include zinc, vitamins, clay, and various fruits and vegetables.
- Additive: Enhances and stimulates the cosmetic's action. Cosmetic additives include preservatives, antioxidants, colorants, and adjuvants for coloring, perfuming, foaming, etc.
Cosmetics include:
- Hygiene products for the body, such as toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, deodorant.
- Skin products, often in cream form, like anti-wrinkle cream, day and night cream, lip balm, face mask, etc.
- Hair products, directly applied to the hair, such as conditioner, hair spray, gel, dyes.
- Makeup products, predominantly used by women, including mascara, eyeliner, gloss, foundation, blush, lipstick, nail polish, self-tanner.
- Perfume, cologne, and toilet water.
- Sunscreen products to protect the skin from UV rays, like sunscreens, post-exposure lotions, and creams.
- Shaving and depilatory products, such as shaving foam, post-shave foam, and depilatory cream.
- Bath and shower preparations, such as bath salts, foaming bath, and bath oil.
Not considered cosmetics:
- Food products, as cosmetics cannot be consumed.
- Medicines or drugs, as cosmetics do not have curative properties.
Cosmetics and Their History:
The earliest use of cosmetics dates back almost as far as humanity. Prehistoric people produced body paints from mineral sources mixed with fatty substances.
In ancient times, civilizations like the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Hebrews used cosmetics for magical, medical, and ritualistic purposes, including body and face paints, oils, perfumes, and ointments.
During the Middle Ages, cosmetics were primarily used to represent the Western feminine ideal of pale skin and rosy cheeks, but these products were only available to the wealthy.
In the 18th century, cosmetics became more accessible to all social classes, and the consumption of perfumes increased during the Renaissance. However, awareness grew about certain cosmetic ingredients like lead, which could harm the skin or even lead to death.
Since the 20th century, with industrialization, cosmetics have become more diverse and affordable, often made with synthetic or petroleum-derived ingredients.
Today, cosmetics are used for personal satisfaction, to feel beautiful and confident. Men are increasingly using cosmetics, and they are used across all generations for various purposes, from baby care to anti-aging creams for the elderly.