Schwarzkopf BC Time Restore Clay Treatment Q10+

Para cabelo maduro, fraco, seco, sem vida e sem brilho, Q10+ Time Restore Máscara:

    Proporciona um cuidado profundo e força
    Repara os danos estruturais do cabelo maduro
    Desembaraça e proporciona maior maleabilidade
    Proporciona brilho saudável

Q10+ TIME RESTORE Para cabelo maduro, de fino a espesso ou branco

Todos os cabelos são feitos 95% de queratina e todos os anos a nossa produção interna da mesma diminui. Com a idade, o cabelo torna-se mais fraco, mais seco, sem brilho e sem vida. Esta é a razão pela qual o cabelo maduro precisa de um cuidado específico. Ao acrescentar o fator cabelos brancos à equação, que precisam ainda mais de hidratação, o cuidado tem mesmo de ser ainda mais específico.
BC Q10+ Time Restore proporciona 100% mais resistência e elasticidade ao cabelo - fortalecendo-o, hidratando-o e protegendo-o contra o enfraquecimento. Reativa a produção de queratina, resultando num cabelo com mais volume, suavidade e brilho.

Conhecido no cuidado da pele por ser um ingrediente OBRIGATÓRIO anti-idade, o nosso brilhante Complexo BC Q10+ Time Restore combina o Q10+ com a Tecnologia Nutrifiller para remover instantaneamente qualquer sinal de envelhecimento, enquanto estimula síntese natural de queratina do cabelo

A história começa em Berlim em 1898. Hans Schwarzkopf, farmacêutico, abre sua drogaria. Um inventor genial, ele criou o primeiro sabão em pó da Schwarzkopf Professional, o Schaumpon, um dos primeiros produtos da marca lançados no mercado de beleza. A partir de então, a empresa familiar - comprada em 1995 pelo grupo Henkel - inovará constantemente para apoiar de perto os cabeleireiros. Ao lançar, entre outras coisas, seu primeiro permanente frio em 1947 ou sua linha Igora Royal em 1960, que hoje tem um portfólio de mais de 120 tons.

O segredo do sucesso de Schwarzkopf?

Antecipe-se constantemente às necessidades dos cabeleireiros. Hoje, a marca distingue-se pela qualidade da sua formação e apoio no salão, mas também pela vontade de agregar valor para parceiros cabeleireiros. Como? Decifrando as últimas tendências graças a influenciadores digitais e por meio de coleções sazonais
Essential Looks, a ser descoberto em uma revista completa, duas vezes por ano, inspirada nas passarelas e na rua, desenvolvendo aplicativos direcionados (House of color, Ask Academy, Hair Expert ou Essential Looks), mas também por uma grande presença digital. Na verdade, uma campanha nas redes sociais atinge 11 milhões de pessoas, gera 87.000 postagens no Instagram e cerca de 2 milhões de interações.

No entanto, a Schwarzkopf Professional não esquece o que está em seu DNA: a inovação. Ela provou isso nos últimos anos com
lançamentos como Strong Bonds, BlondMe ou o conceito co-criado com 6 coloristas renomados, Igora #RoyalTakeOver. No MCB, aqui ela volta a criar o evento com o lançamento de um salão exclusivo, o Fiber Clinix com a linha Bonacure.


Você pode definir o DNA de Schwarzkopf?

Somos uma casa de cores. Isso é o que construiu nossa história como uma empresa familiar em torno de produtos de modelagem, como shampoos secos e modelagem. Em 1995, ingressamos no grupo Henkel, o que nos permite desenvolver com mais recursos. Temos centros de pesquisa em todo o mundo porque o cabelo é um material regional. Não temos a mesma textura na Ásia e na África. Essas plataformas em diferentes partes do mundo nos permitem melhorar o desempenho dos produtos e principalmente das cores.

O que o torna diferente das outras marcas?

Colocamos produtos e pessoas a serviço das pessoas que trabalham conosco, ou seja, cerca de 10.000 salões na França. É fundamental construir com eles um relacionamento diferente daquele oferecido por outras marcas em um mundo muito competitivo. Temos uma alternativa a oferecer, uma forma diferente de trabalhar. Neste mundo globalizado, temos o compromisso de desenvolver ofertas exclusivas para feiras que os consumidores não encontrarão em outros circuitos. É o que fazemos com a Bonacure, por exemplo, que nos permite oferecer aos clientes uma verdadeira qualidade de produto em um relacionamento seguro. Na verdade, hoje estamos apresentando uma nova fórmula, Fiber Clinix. A inovação continua sendo uma das chaves, para a qual estamos cada vez mais avançando. Nossa organização local e global permite-nos um desempenho muito bom, com toda a humildade.

White Hair or Mature Hair

How to Have Beautiful Non-Yellowing White Hair?

How to Have Beautiful Non-Yellowing White Hair?

If you have white hair due to age or by choice with hair coloring, white hair requires proper care like any hair color. Even if you embrace them naturally, white hair should still be pampered!

Why are White Hairs Prone to Yellowing?

With age, the production of melanin decreases, causing your hair to turn gray and white. This is the effect of molecules and free radicals responsible for aging. If your hair turns yellow, it's because these free radicals come into contact with pollution, chlorine, etc.

Keep in mind that the absence of melanin has other consequences for the hair, as it becomes weakened (even if it seems thicker and stronger than conventional hair!). Melanin, through pigments, plays a protective role.

Fighting Against Yellowing White Hair

Like very light blondes (platinum blondes), white hair tends to turn yellow over time. Yellowing can occur for various reasons, such as chlorine in the pool, sun exposure, sea, pollution, etc.

Different causes can lead to hair oxidation and, therefore, factors that can yellow them:

  • Tobacco: Smoking introduces harmful substances into your body, which can alter the color of your hair or even your skin.
  • Swimming: Whether it's chlorine in the pool or the sea with very salty water, these are factors that alter gray hair (as well as artificial hair colors).
  • Heat sources: We mainly think of the straightener and curling iron, but it can be the same with very hot hair dryers.

How to Have Beautiful White Hair

Different tips will help you maintain gray hair, but they won't bleach the hair. There is a difference between treating highlights or streaks and going completely from color to white! To bleach, you will need to use a lightening agent.

So, how can you achieve naturally beautiful white hair?

Firstly, you must prevent yellowing with all the maintenance that white hair requires. White hair is naturally more fragile, so you should protect them with hair care, such as masks, conditioner use, hair oil, etc. You can easily use store-bought products, make homemade masks, or recipes with coconut milk, vegetable oils. The idea is to nourish and hydrate the hair fiber to make it less sensitive to external aggressions.

Protecting Gray Hair from Heat

The best is to limit your hair's exposure to heat sources. But if you can't do without it or want to use a styler or curling iron occasionally, I recommend applying an active heat treatment, which can reduce the impact slightly. But make no mistake, the hair still suffers from the heat, so try to reduce the use of these heaters!

Right Care for White Hair in Summer

The sun is an enemy of hair colors because it dries them and also acts as an oxidizing agent, which is why hair becomes lighter in summer. Nothing beats a good hat to protect your hair! Otherwise, there is the equivalent of sunscreen for hair. Hair oil reduces the impact of sunlight on white hair.

In the pool, even if it's not always considered glamorous, the right swim cap protects the hair well from chlorine.

How to Make Gray Hair Look Younger

Despite everything, hair turns yellow. To find out how to remove yellowing from white hair, after testing various methods, I leave natural recipes that you can make at home:

  • Baking Soda for White Hair: Baking soda is an effective treatment to rid gray hair of particles, residues, or pollution that can alter the hair fiber and yellow the hair. I recommend applying baking soda without letting it sit for more than 3 minutes. It opens the hair scales, removes foreign bodies, and helps achieve beautiful white hair.
  • Purple Shampoos to Reduce Yellowing: We will use the same principle of chromatic opposition! To counteract yellowing, purple shampoo balances warm reflections, thanks to cold pigments. You can choose a repigmentation treatment or a shampoo.
  • Repigmentation Treatment: Probably for marketing reasons, there are silver treatments. This may be more comforting when you have white hair, but if you look more closely, the product color will also be purple.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar on White Hair: Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar does not specifically affect white hair. Of course, using it and rinsing will help close the scales and bring shine, but it may not necessarily help make the hair look younger.


Choosing the Right Hair Mask and How to Use It - Perfumaria Online

Choosing the Right Hair Mask and How to Use It?

Do you have dry, oily, brittle, fine, normal, colored, or dull hair and want to find the most suitable hair mask? Do you want to know about the frequency of use or tips on when to apply a hair mask? We share with you everything you need to know about hair masks!

What Is a Hair Mask and What's the Difference from a Conditioner?

You might think these are similar products; however, that's not the case! While one serves an aesthetic purpose and aids in styling, the other penetrates deeply into the hair, providing real care. A conditioner is applied to wet and towel-dried hair, usually after washing. Its role? Taming the hair and facilitating styling. Some conditioners are also enriched with active nourishing, cleansing, and coating ingredients. But the short exposure time and low concentration of active ingredients don't ensure a truly deep action on the hair. Consider conditioners as "finishing" products that make your hair look more aesthetic but don't address long-term issues.

A hair mask, on the other hand, is a genuine hair care treatment that, according to your needs, will provide various benefits to your hair and scalp. Its concentration of active ingredients, the choice of these ingredients, as well as the application time and method, make the hair mask a true hair care ritual to incorporate into your habits. A hair mask will be too rich to replace your conditioner!

How to Choose Your Hair Mask?

This is the big question! Given the multitude of products on the market, it's challenging to choose what you need. Is your hair dry, damaged, brittle, oily? Do you suffer from excessive hair loss, dandruff, unpleasant itching on the scalp? There's a hair mask for every issue!

Repairing and Moisturizing Mask for Dry, Damaged, or Brittle Hair

It will be rich in vegetable oils and butters to deeply nourish the hair fiber. This type of mask also includes softening agents, such as soy lecithin, which will make the hair less coarse and easier to detangle.

Mask for Oily Hair

Conversely, it will have purifying and clarifying virtues. The goal? Rid the scalp of excess sebum without attacking it because an attacked skin produces even more sebum! This type of mask often uses clay, which relieves the skin by absorbing excess sebum while cooling the inflamed scalp.

If your hair and scalp are oily, you can apply the mask along the length of the hair to neutralize sebum. However, having oily roots doesn't mean the hair is always oily. Many oily scalps support dry hair, as sebum doesn't spread properly along the length. You'll need to limit the use of your hair mask at the roots. And why not? Do a second moisturizing mask, this time applying the product only to the ends, to avoid suffocating the already oily scalp.

The Hair Mask Against Dandruff

Oily hair can also be affected by dandruff: suffocated by excess sebum, the scalp becomes inflamed and reacts by producing many skin cells. Rely on hair masks formulated with active ingredients that also treat dandruff. These will be cleansing ingredients that prevent the growth of bacteria or certain fungi responsible for inflammation. Keratolytic agents will rid the scalp of flaking, while soothing agents will calm the itching.

The Mask for Colored Hair, Nourishing and Preserving the Color

It will contain antioxidant active ingredients to prevent color fading, along with chemical (silicone) or natural (lemon or vinegar plant extracts) active ingredients to enhance its shine.

The Mask for Curly Hair

It will be highly moisturizing, nourishing, but won't weigh down the hair. Often, curly hair is also dry, as its spiral shape slows down the spread of sebum from the scalp. However, to have flexibility and definition, curls need to be hydrated, even if slightly oily! Therefore, provide the necessary hydration through vegetable oils and butters.

The aloe vera hair mask, a natural and universal treatment. Whether your hair is dry, oily, brittle, or itchy, a single ingredient could be the answer to all these hair concerns. Packed with nutrients and extra hydration, aloe vera is the essential ally for your hair. Soothing and regulating, it calms irritated scalp and helps regulate sebum secretion. Thanks to the lignin in its gel, water penetrates deeply into tissues. Therefore, your hair benefits from intense hydration!

Hair Mask Frequency: How Often Should I Do It Per Week or Month?

Depending on the hair problem you want to address and the recommendations of your product, this period may vary. However, be aware that it's generally advisable to use a hair mask once a week or even every two weeks. For some hair types, like dry, dull, or brittle hair, you'll quickly see when it's needed. For others, such as irritated or dandruff-affected scalps, it's recommended to rely on the packaging instructions or the brand's website.

However, avoid using the hair mask too often. Not only will you use the product unnecessarily, but you'll also apply the mask to hair that doesn't need it, and, moreover, you may weigh it down.

How to Apply a Hair Mask? The Essential Steps

Apply your hair mask to dry or slightly damp hair. Unlike a conditioner, which is applied to hair still wet after washing, it's better to use the mask on dry or towel-dried hair. Water tends to close the hair cuticles, so many active ingredients in your mask may not penetrate it. Also, dripping wet hair can't ensure good adherence to the mask, which may slide off your shower floor before it can take effect!

Adapt the Application of the Mask to Your Needs

Not all hair masks have the same purpose, and their different actions require specific application. If you use a soothing hair mask for an irritated scalp affected by dry dandruff or, on the contrary, oily and require the use of a disinfectant mask, you can prioritize massaging the material into the scalp. Oily roots don't always mean oily hair: if the hair isn't oily at the ends, avoid covering them with these products, risking drying them out.

If your concern is at the level of the hair fiber (dry, dull, curly, wavy, colored hair), favor an application strand by strand throughout the hair. In this case, it's not necessary to apply it to the scalp: focus on lengths and ends!

Apply Your Hair Mask and Optimize Its Action

A hair mask usually takes at least a few minutes, so you certainly don't want to wait motionless as time passes! To set your hair mask, you can use a clip (which will need to be rinsed after use, as it may become oily). But most professionals agree to recommend a break under heat. It's the heat that will open the cuticles and, therefore, promote the penetration of the product.

Therefore, we recommend:

  • Wrap your hair in a warm towel (you can also secure it with a clip).
  • Gather the hair at the top of the head and wrap it in plastic. The "shower cap" effect, despite being unattractive, will isolate the hair in an environment where the heat from your body will accumulate. Don't hesitate to make several turns of the head with plastic to ensure good support! Convenient, this solution allows you to do other things without worrying about hair soaked in products that stain your clothes or fall on your neck. It may not be fascinating, but it's effective!

How Long Should a Hair Mask Exposure Last?

Again, don't hesitate to check the packaging of your product, which usually indicates the ideal exposure time. However, for a hair mask to be effective, there's never too long an exposure time! Count a minimum of 20 minutes and extend this duration to an entire night if necessary! In this case, even with plastic on your hair, you'll have to sacrifice an old towel to protect your bedding. You can place it on the pillow before going to sleep.

How to Rinse a Hair Mask?

Washing your hair after a treatment seems simple: turn on the tap, wait for the water to clear, and you're done! However, there are some tips for properly washing your hair after a mask.

The Washing Temperature of a Hair Mask

It's generally recommended to rinse the hair with cold water. This seals the hair cuticle to keep active ingredients at the heart of the hair fiber. As a bonus, rinsing with cold water often gives the hair a shinier finish. The only exception applies to oily scalp: as the hair mask acts more on the scalp, heat opens the pores of the skin and thus optimizes the penetration of active ingredients. It will also help dilute excess sebum a bit. However, stay reasonable: we're talking about a slightly warm temperature, close to the human body (37°C).

Wait for the Hair to "Squeak"

Obviously, you can rely on the appearance of the water to guess if your hair has been properly cleaned of all product residues. However, a more reliable method is to listen to your hair! When there's no more product on its surface, it tends to squeak when you massage it. So, wait for your hair to tell you when it's perfectly washed!

Should I Shampoo Again After the Mask?

This information is indicated on the packaging of your product and should be checked. Some masks require only rinsing with clean water, while others also need to be cleaned with shampoo. This is particularly the case with masks rich in oils, which can overload the hair and make it greasy. Many homemade hair masks also need to be followed by a shampoo: composed of oils and sometimes even plants (banana, avocado, etc.), they leave a lot of residue.

Finally, there are now pre-shampoo masks specifically designed for this use. The advantage? You hydrate the hair fiber and nourish it generously without weighing it down or making it oily.

The hair mask: the ally of strong and healthy hair! Whatever your hair type, problem, and expectations, a hair mask can solve it. Used judiciously and regularly, this type of hair treatment should help you say goodbye to your hair complexes and regain healthy hair. Don't wait any longer, and give your hair the mask it's asking for!


Tips for Maintaining the Health, Shine, and Life of Your Hair

1. Hair Care Basics:

Start with regular washing, cutting, and hydration. Choose products tailored to your hair type – be it dry, brittle, or color-treated. Understanding your hair type is crucial for effective treatment.

2. Hydrating Mask:

After washing at least twice a week, apply a hydrating mask to restore moisture. Adjust frequency based on your hair's needs, reducing to once a week after achieving optimal hydration.

3. Gentle Detangling:

Avoid detangling wet hair to prevent breakage. Use a wide-tooth comb to gently work through tangles.

4. Heat Protection:

Apply a generous amount of heat protectant spray before drying your hair with a dryer. Keep the dryer 25/30 cm away and use it daily without causing damage.

5. Styling Products:

Choose styling products that suit your desired look. Additional support is essential for achieving your styling goals.

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