Schwarzkopf BC Oil Miracle Barbary Fig Oil Restorative Shampoo

Schwarzkopf BC Oil Miracle Barbary Fig Oil Restorative Shampoo

Para cabelo seco, sem brilho e com serviços técnicos
A gama BC Barbary Fig Oil confere um brilho imediato, suavidade sem pesar e um profundo reabastecimento para cabelo seco, sem brilho e com serviços técnicos.
BC Oil Miracle Champô com Óleo de Figo da Índia limpa suavemente sem sobrecarregar o cabelo seco ou ásperos, com uma fórmula ligeira. Suaviza a superfície do cabelo e confere brilho.  

Como usar: Aplicar sobre o cabelo molhado, massajar, deixar de pose durante 1-2 minutos e enxaguar abundantemente. Continuar com os passos seguintes com o regime de BC apropriado. Adequado para uso diário.

A história começa em Berlim em 1898. Hans Schwarzkopf, farmacêutico, abre sua drogaria. Um inventor genial, ele criou o primeiro sabão em pó da Schwarzkopf Professional, o Schaumpon, um dos primeiros produtos da marca lançados no mercado de beleza. A partir de então, a empresa familiar - comprada em 1995 pelo grupo Henkel - inovará constantemente para apoiar de perto os cabeleireiros. Ao lançar, entre outras coisas, seu primeiro permanente frio em 1947 ou sua linha Igora Royal em 1960, que hoje tem um portfólio de mais de 120 tons.

O segredo do sucesso de Schwarzkopf?

Antecipe-se constantemente às necessidades dos cabeleireiros. Hoje, a marca distingue-se pela qualidade da sua formação e apoio no salão, mas também pela vontade de agregar valor para parceiros cabeleireiros. Como? Decifrando as últimas tendências graças a influenciadores digitais e por meio de coleções sazonais
Essential Looks, a ser descoberto em uma revista completa, duas vezes por ano, inspirada nas passarelas e na rua, desenvolvendo aplicativos direcionados (House of color, Ask Academy, Hair Expert ou Essential Looks), mas também por uma grande presença digital. Na verdade, uma campanha nas redes sociais atinge 11 milhões de pessoas, gera 87.000 postagens no Instagram e cerca de 2 milhões de interações.

No entanto, a Schwarzkopf Professional não esquece o que está em seu DNA: a inovação. Ela provou isso nos últimos anos com
lançamentos como Strong Bonds, BlondMe ou o conceito co-criado com 6 coloristas renomados, Igora #RoyalTakeOver. No MCB, aqui ela volta a criar o evento com o lançamento de um salão exclusivo, o Fiber Clinix com a linha Bonacure.


Você pode definir o DNA de Schwarzkopf?

Somos uma casa de cores. Isso é o que construiu nossa história como uma empresa familiar em torno de produtos de modelagem, como shampoos secos e modelagem. Em 1995, ingressamos no grupo Henkel, o que nos permite desenvolver com mais recursos. Temos centros de pesquisa em todo o mundo porque o cabelo é um material regional. Não temos a mesma textura na Ásia e na África. Essas plataformas em diferentes partes do mundo nos permitem melhorar o desempenho dos produtos e principalmente das cores.

O que o torna diferente das outras marcas?

Colocamos produtos e pessoas a serviço das pessoas que trabalham conosco, ou seja, cerca de 10.000 salões na França. É fundamental construir com eles um relacionamento diferente daquele oferecido por outras marcas em um mundo muito competitivo. Temos uma alternativa a oferecer, uma forma diferente de trabalhar. Neste mundo globalizado, temos o compromisso de desenvolver ofertas exclusivas para feiras que os consumidores não encontrarão em outros circuitos. É o que fazemos com a Bonacure, por exemplo, que nos permite oferecer aos clientes uma verdadeira qualidade de produto em um relacionamento seguro. Na verdade, hoje estamos apresentando uma nova fórmula, Fiber Clinix. A inovação continua sendo uma das chaves, para a qual estamos cada vez mais avançando. Nossa organização local e global permite-nos um desempenho muito bom, com toda a humildade.

Dry Hair

How to Care for My Dry Hair? What to Do?

If your hair is already dry, coarse, dull, and with split ends, and you're not even on vacation yet, don't panic—no need to cut it all off! Between external aggressions and/or hair fragility, your hair is dry, but there are solutions!

Why Is the Hair Dry?

Normally, when the skin is dry, it's a sign that it lacks water, and to rehydrate it, applying the right moisturizer is sufficient. But if you notice dry, straw-like hair, it's not as easy to act as with the skin. In fact, if the hair is dry, it's not just because it lacks water; it's because the entire hair shaft is weakened, and there's a defect in the sebum secretion that normally protects the hair. Hair suffers external aggressions: cold, sun, pollution, wind, sea or pool baths. To repair them properly, no step should be overlooked.

Which Shampoos for Dry Hair?

It's not advisable to wash dry hair too frequently under the pretext of hydrating it. In fact, when the hair is dry, it's a matter of washing it only once a week because repeated washes help eliminate sebum, making the hair less protected and less shiny. To repair dry hair, it's essential to use good products, such as shampoos rich in nourishing active ingredients like ceramides, oils, or essential fatty acids. Avoid degreasing shampoos that foam a lot and damage keratin, as the role of the latter is to ensure the flexibility and strength of the hair. Before washing the hair, brush it well to untangle and remove any product residue. Wet the hair and distribute the shampoo on wet hands before applying. If the foam isn't enough, add water instead of shampoo. In the shower, don't rub the hair vigorously but massage it gently to promote the penetration of active ingredients. Rinse well and apply again if the shampoo is for dry hair or use a conditioner, leaving it on for 3 to 5 minutes.

Dry Hair: How to Take Care of Them?

There are many specific treatments for dry hair, for shampoos and conditioners, usually based on avocado oil, shea, argan, and jojoba, which have very nourishing properties. Be cautious with products containing sulfates/sulfites and especially silicones because silicones give the illusion that the hair is smoother and shinier, but they're molecules that suffocate the hair and weaken it a bit more. The most effective products for nourishing the hair are masks for dry hair. Opt for essential oils in masks and home treatments for dry hair to fill in the deficiencies of the hair shaft and strengthen hair resistance. But be careful, if essential oils are very effective products for treating hair problems with dry hair, don't forget that essential oils are contraindicated in children under 12 years old and are not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Check carefully for allergies before use and avoid direct contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.

Home Treatments
Dry Hair Mask
•    1 drop of Ylang Ylang essential oil
•    4 ml of argan vegetable oil
Apply strand by strand after washing, then leave on for 5 minutes and rinse well. Repeat every 3 days.

Nourishing lotion for dry and damaged hair with split ends, no rinsing
•    2 teaspoons of lavender essential oil
•    2 teaspoons of rosemary cineole essential oil
•    ½ teaspoon of geranium essential oil
•    2 teaspoons of jojoba vegetable oil.
Among shampoos, to keep hair shiny, soft, and full of vigor, pour a few drops of this lotion into the palm of your hand, rub them together, and then run your hands over your hair. The non-greasy essential oils will be absorbed very quickly, and this treatment doesn't require washing.

Dry Hair: How to Rinse?

We often neglect the rinsing step, however, it's essential for dry hair. The gesture is simple; it's a matter of rinsing the hair with plenty of warm or cold water! If cold showers aren't a pleasure, it will remain essential for the body and hair because hot water, although pleasant, damages the hair deeply and removes the sebum that protects it. So rinse for a few minutes with warm or cold water for healthier hair.

Tip: To get rid of the limestone that attacks and dries the hair, there's nothing like rinsing the hair with vinegar after rinsing with water.

How to Dry and Style Your Dry Hair?

After washing your hair, wrap it in a towel to dry it, patting it but not vigorously rubbing it. The hairdryer is the enemy of dry hair because heat promotes hair drying. The use of a special protection product before drying is essential to protect the hair fiber, and if possible, use a hairdryer at a gentle or even cold temperature in this case. To style them, keeping them in good health, use non-alcoholic styling products so that they don't dissolve the fatty acids that protect the hair. Also, prefer products for damaged and/or fragile hair.

Dry Hair: What Care to Take at the Beach?

The addition of sun and sea salt or chlorine isn't really recommended for hair! If you're going on vacation, there are certain things to do before, during, and after sun exposure. Before and during: use sun protection for the hair, and if possible, wear a hat to avoid direct exposure, wash your hair after each swim, and use a specific treatment after the sun every day of exposure.

Hair Care Routine for Dry Hair

Nutrition. Sometimes changing your daily life a bit is all it takes to change things. And what if, to treat dry hair, all it took was to change eating habits a bit? In fact, foods rich in silica, iron, and vitamin B, such as lentils, cereals, or even wheat germ, are recommended, combined with foods rich in established fatty acids, such as salmon, hazelnuts, or even olive oil. A vitamin cure can also be considered to improve hair formation and renewal with B-group vitamins (B5, B6, B8). These specific dietary supplements for hair can restore strength and vitality. At least 3 months of treatment is recommended. To improve your dry, damaged, and brittle hair, abandon some routines, use specific treatments and shampoos. Don't forget to trim the ends of your hair every three months, which allows it to appear less damaged and activates its growth. As for coloring, be careful because usually, products are very aggressive on the hair, especially when they contain ammonia! So, even if we can't stop coloring our hair, try to space it out as much as possible and negotiate with the hairdresser the use of gentle products. Don't hesitate to ask your pharmacist for advice on the ideal choice of products to finally get rid of dry hair!


7 Criteria for Choosing Your Shampoo

7 Criteria for Choosing Your Shampoo

Washing is an important step for the beauty and health of your hair. The issue of shampoo, a product to choose carefully, and not just for its pleasant scent.

1. Do not Damage the Hair

New-generation shampoos primarily eliminate sulfates, these chemical cleansers. Others use mild sulfates. Therefore, it's preferable to choose a shampoo with non-aggressive surfactants, avoiding sodium laureth sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate, the most aggressive in this family. "Formulas are evolving," specifies Denise Guillouet of L'Oréal Professionnel. Sulfates have been replaced by milder surfactants derived from coconut. They have good cleansing power without causing irritation, suitable for all healthy scalp conditions, including colored or straightened hair. Some products are also formulated with micelles (like makeup removers), which come together to remove dirt and sebum. Wash gently.

2. Wash Your Hair Every Day

Nothing hinders, as long as you choose a mild shampoo. That is, with very scalp-friendly cleaning agents. "One application is sufficient and with little product," adds Catherine Chauvin. If the scalp is oily, use a specific shampoo to maintain volume longer. Or, in a natural version, choose a neutral shampoo (very mild base) to which a few drops of tea tree essential oil are added. First test on the elbow bend to see if there is no reaction.

3. Beautify Long Hair

"It is not necessarily a good idea to choose your shampoo according to the length because it is not what will cure them," explains Denise Guillouet. Unless, if you have no scalp problems, in that case, we can choose a more specific shampoo for lengths. "In any case, it is not necessary to knead them as if you were washing clothes!" continues Catherine Chauvin, from René Furterer. This damages the hair and opens its scales. The foam flowing along the locks is enough to wash them. It is the care they need. Therefore, after washing, the application of a good conditioner or mask is essential, especially if the hair is long. This product will restore softness and detangle the hair fiber.

4. Cleanse and Treat the Scalp

The first role of shampoo is to wash the scalp! It seems obvious, but, as Charline Roussé of Biocoiff says, "you must choose according to the condition of the scalp, not the hair!". However, often, continues the organic hair specialist, the shampoo used does not meet the real needs of the scalp. "In the case of a scalp problem, the shampoo must treat the roots. For example, we will use a shampoo that regulates sebum or soothes (in case of irritation) once or twice a week, alternating with a mild shampoo," adds Catherine Chauvin. Hence the importance of having a good diagnosis: as it is difficult to see your scalp, you can ask your hairdresser, during a cut or a color, to give us information about the state of our scalp. We will know if it needs to be moisturized, nourished, purified, or simply gently washed. And we will avoid excessive irritation or seborrhea because the shampoo used is not suitable.

5. Use Natural Ingredients

Be it natural, based on plant extracts (shea, aloe vera, nettle) or labeled as organic, these shampoos are suitable for everyone. They effectively wash with plant-based surfactants, which are gentle and respectful like coconut betaine and SLSA (sodium lauryl sulfoacetate). By choosing this type of shampoo, you are sure to have a product that respects both the scalp and the hair and does not cover the lengths with an occlusive film. "But organic shampoos, for example, are not necessarily '100% vegetable' because labels allow a little chemistry," says Charline Roussé. To know what is in your shampoo, you must read the labels carefully, especially if you want a truly natural shampoo! These products leave the hair clean and soft, usually shiny, but also a bit dry and rough. A conditioner, applied shortly after, will be responsible for restoring the softness of the lengths.

6. Avoid Products that Produce Too Much Foam

"The more it foams, the more it attacks the scalp," says Nina Roos, a dermatologist. "A real mild shampoo should foam less: this low foaming power proves a low level of surfactants. Foam is a waste!" continues David Baco of Furterer. Moreover, little foam is less shampoo and less water to eliminate it. "This also allows better tolerance of the product," adds the formulator. Also, the claim of 'biodegradable formula' on the bottle is a real advantage to consider in the choice.

7. Do Not Suffocate Long Hair

Opt for a shampoo without silicone. These widely used molecules soften and coat the hair fiber. What can be an asset for rebellious, dry, or difficult-to-comb hair. But in the long run, as they do not eliminate or hardly eliminate, silicones end up suffocating the hair, which is losing strength. "The only active ingredients that protect the hair from moisture and, therefore, frizz, these silicones are eliminated better than before," explains Denise Guillouet. But above all, they are replaced by other molecules, polymers that smooth the scales. For David Baco, "silicones are still widely used for their coating properties, but they are not very 'environmentally friendly'. In other words, they are not biodegradable and are found in wastewater. Therefore, they should be avoided as much as possible.


Tips for Maintaining the Health, Shine, and Life of Your Hair

1. Hair Care Basics:

Start with regular washing, cutting, and hydration. Choose products tailored to your hair type – be it dry, brittle, or color-treated. Understanding your hair type is crucial for effective treatment.

2. Hydrating Mask:

After washing at least twice a week, apply a hydrating mask to restore moisture. Adjust frequency based on your hair's needs, reducing to once a week after achieving optimal hydration.

3. Gentle Detangling:

Avoid detangling wet hair to prevent breakage. Use a wide-tooth comb to gently work through tangles.

4. Heat Protection:

Apply a generous amount of heat protectant spray before drying your hair with a dryer. Keep the dryer 25/30 cm away and use it daily without causing damage.

5. Styling Products:

Choose styling products that suit your desired look. Additional support is essential for achieving your styling goals.

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