Veet For Men Creme Depilatório de Duche

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Veet For Men Creme Depilatório de Duche

Veet For Men Creme Depilatório de Duche

Se procura uma solução eficaz e prática para a remoção de pelos indesejados, o Veet For Men Creme Depilatório de Duche é a escolha perfeita para si. Especialmente formulado para homens, este creme depilatório oferece uma depilação rápida e indolor, deixando a sua pele suave e macia em poucos minutos. Ideal para usar durante o banho, o Veet For Men permite uma aplicação conveniente e higiénica no conforto da sua casa.

Com uma fórmula avançada, o Veet For Men Creme Depilatório de Duche atua diretamente na raiz do pelo, facilitando a sua remoção sem causar irritações ou cortes. Este produto é adequado para várias áreas do corpo, incluindo peito, costas, braços e pernas, adaptando-se às suas necessidades específicas. Além disso, a sua resistência à água garante que o creme permaneça eficaz mesmo quando exposto à humidade do duche.

Experimente o Veet For Men Creme Depilatório de Duche e descubra uma nova forma de cuidar da sua pele. Desfrute de uma sensação de frescura e suavidade durante todo o dia. Não perca mais tempo com métodos de depilação complicados e dolorosos. Adquira já o seu Veet For Men e sinta a diferença na sua rotina de cuidados pessoais!

História da marca Veet

No inicio, o principal produto da marca era chamado Neet e era uma cera depilatória criada pela Hannibal Pharmaceutical Company em 1919 no Canadá.

O nome Veet remonta a 1922, quando a marca atravessou o Atlântico e se estabeleceu na Inglaterra.

Mas até 2002, alguns mercados como o Canadá ainda usavam o nome Neet. Veet foi adotado principalmente para os mercados europeus.

Em 1958, a empresa ficou sob a égide do Reckitt Benckiser, um grupo internacional que oferece produtos de saúde, higiene e uso doméstico.

Possui marcas como Durex, Air Vick, Calgon e obviamente Veet, entre outras.

Antes da aquisição pela Reckitt Benckiser, a Veet pertencia à Wyeth, uma empresa farmacológica comprada pela Pfizer em 2002.

A empresa é conhecida pela eficácia de seus produtos, mas também por suas campanhas publicitárias.

Ao longo dos anos, ela promoveu a remoção de pêlos como sendo mais rápida que a depilação. Veet não tem medo de polêmica, porque em 2008 ela lançou uma campanha chamada "No More Bush" para a eleição presidencial dos EUA e para contrariar George Bush, brincando com a palavra Bush (pelo em Inglês).

Apesar do alvoroço, Veet entendeu as táticas do Bad Buzz. A má publicidade não existe desde que faça falar da marca.

Quais são os principais produtos da Veet?

A Veet oferece seus produtos em 7 categorias, precisão e barbear sensíveis, tiras de cera fria, ceras quentes, cremes depilatórios, cremes clareadores e produtos para homens.

As categorias Barbear sensível e Precisão referem-se a barbeadores elétricos conhecidos por sua precisão e suavidade.

Estes são produtos, principalmente destinados às mulheres. Quem prefere usar láminas que a depilação, às vezes é dolorosa.

E por falar em depilação, as tiras de cera fria estão entre as mais acessíveis da marca.

E a vantagem é que podemos encontrar variantes para todos os tipos de pele, secas, sensíveis, naturais, etc.

Essas tiras de cera podem ser aplicadas nas pernas e no rosto. As ceras quentes se relacionam com ceras com muitos sabores diferentes, mas também com aquecedores de cera.

Assim, você pode aproveitar diretamente os dispositivos profissionais em casa. O preço é alto, mas os resultados valem a pena. Finalmente, temos cremes clareadores para o rosto e o corpo.


Men's Hair Removal: Choosing the Right Method

Men's Hair Removal: Choosing the Right Method

No need to showcase a hairy chest to assert your masculinity! As men have embraced hair removal, cosmetic brands offer formulas exclusively for them. Super hydrating shaving gel, depilatory cream, and waxing strips... They have a plethora of choices! Men also have the right to their own care products, formulated exclusively for them. Whether for aesthetic or purely functional reasons, they effectively seek to get rid of abundant or misplaced hair, and the trend is expected to rise in the coming years.


An eternal weapon for busy men who want to look impeccable in just two minutes, shaving has the advantage of being quick and cost-effective. Used by 67% of men who depilate, it's almost automatic for those already accustomed to shaving their faces. However, shaving the torso, back, legs, or armpits requires a good shaving foam enriched with moisturizing active ingredients. Be aware that shaving the body with a blade causes almost immediate regrowth, as cut hair continues to grow, and it becomes thicker. If possible, avoid.

Depilatory Creams and Gels

Used by 37% of men to remove hair, depilatory creams and gels have the same principle as a razor. Easy to spread, the product based on an alkaline agent dissolves hair during the exposure time and washes them away on rinsing. These formulas enriched with moisturizing ingredients are designed to avoid all allergic risks. Note that these products do not act on the root. Hair reappears after 3 days, thicker.

Waxing Strips

This technique is chosen by 32% of men who remove hair. For perfectionist gentlemen, these strips are heated for a few seconds in the hand and applied to the area to be depilated. By removing it quickly (admittedly a bit painful), the hair is pulled out from the root. Regrowth is slower (3 to 4 weeks), and the hair becomes finer. Waxing strips also have their little extra touch: finishing wipes to remove wax residues.

Electric Trimmer, Clipper, Electric Shaver

This concerns 19% of men who remove hair. Economical, practical, and fast, they avoid all risks of cuts even though the effect is the same as a razor. Hair grows back in 3 days, and the effect is not perfect. As for the electric depilator, if the hairs are destroyed at the root with impeccable results, patience is needed because they are treated one by one. It is more suitable for small areas, at the neck, shoulders, or buttocks.

Professional Institutes

These are visited by only 5% of men who remove hair. Mainly done with wax, hair removal is personalized and done professionally.

And what about permanent hair removal for men?

We must admit once and for all: there is no ideal hair removal. For some, hair removal has become a habit, and regular sessions at home are a real task... The only real technique to advise for women continues to be laser hair removal. It treats large body surfaces by removing hair from the root without damaging the skin and with satisfactory results. While laser can remove about 80% of hair, it's not total or permanently capable of overcoming it. It takes between 3 and 4 sessions of 15 to 40 minutes every 2 months or more for hair not to grow anymore. Regarding pain, laser is no more unpleasant than other hair removal methods. We only feel a slight burning when the laser passes. Avoid sessions after returning from vacation or on tanned skin. Consultation with a dermatologist is essential, as only doctors are authorized to work with laser.

Body and bath products for men

Hygiene Products Every Man Should Have

Hygiene Products Every Man Should Have

Hygiene and beauty are no longer exclusive to women. Men have embraced self-care and advocate for the right to benefit from cosmetic products specially crafted for their skin and body. For those who care about their appearance, here are the key hygiene products every man should have.

Shower Gel

Now, it's possible to reveal your personality in the shower. Invigorating, soothing, relaxing, natural, fascinating... brands compete for innovations that appeal to "men." And it works! Men understand that the beauty of the skin begins with proper cleansing. They are easily won over by 2-in-1 products that rival those intended for women. Now, men also have the right to their exfoliating and moisturizing shower gel for "sensitive and special" skin.


To combat perspiration and unpleasant odors, the number one weapon is, of course, deodorant! If there's a hygiene product widely used by men, it's this. It's essential to maintain freshness and hygiene. Whether in roll-on or spray form, deodorants also receive meticulous care. The goal is to find an effective deodorant that doesn't dry out the skin and smells good.


In addition to a healthy lifestyle, facial and body hydration are two essential conditions for radiant and healthy skin. Men have understood this and no longer hesitate to apply a moisturizer specially developed for the specificity of their skin. Cream, lotion, gel, balm, oil... Once again, brands offer an increasingly extensive range of moisturizers for men.


Daily Hygiene: Essential Products for Good Body Care

Daily Hygiene: Essential Products for Good Body Care

Personal hygiene is a crucial part of our daily routine, contributing significantly to our comfort and overall health. Unlike historical times when bathing was considered unsanitary, today, maintaining daily hygiene is a common practice. To cater to all your daily hygiene needs, explore our extensive selection of care products and accessories!

What is Personal Hygiene?

Personal hygiene encompasses daily actions such as handwashing, hair washing, body cleansing, and dental care. Whether it's a quick routine for those on-the-go or a relaxation ritual for others, maintaining good personal hygiene has become a habit. Complete personal hygiene includes:

  • Body washing
  • Hair washing
  • Face washing
  • Handwashing
  • Teeth brushing
  • Nail care

Each of these routines should be performed regularly based on the type of care and specific needs, considering factors like dermatological profile or hair type.

Why Practice Personal Hygiene?

Surprisingly, the importance of daily hygiene habits has historical roots. Over time, the proliferation of diseases has been directly linked to hygiene habits and access to water. Washing is crucial to:

  • Prevent the spread of diseases
  • Prevent inflammation and irritation by combating the proliferation of germs
  • Combat body odor
  • Enable the skin to defend against potential pathogens

How Often Should You Maintain Good Hygiene?

The frequency of washing hair, body, or face depends on skin condition, climate, and health. General guidelines include:

  • Bathing: Once a day, for a maximum of 15 minutes. Water should not be too hot to avoid weakening the skin's hydrolipidic film.
  • Hair washing: 1 to 4 times a week, depending on hair type.
  • Face washing: Twice a day, in the morning and at night.
  • Teeth brushing: 2 to 3 times a day, after the main meals.
  • Nail cleaning: Daily, as soon as impurities accumulate.

These are general indications; adapt them to your needs!

The Best Daily Hygiene Products for Effective Cleansing

There are numerous products for body, skin, hair, and teeth. A variety of formulas cater to all skin types, hair types, and specific health needs. Choose from:

Gels, foaming cleansers, oils, or creams - the range of body products for bathing is extensive:

  • Mild cleansing gel suitable for the face and body care of the entire family.
  • Dry skin gel, for use in case of dry skin, to protect the natural hydrolipidic film of the epidermis.
  • Bath oils, suitable for dry or atopic skin, with a soap-free formulation that cleans and protects naturally fragile skin.
  • Bar soap, practical and easy to use, available in traditional or "soap-free" versions for dry skin.

Enhance hygiene with cleansing products and a good bubble bath. The bathing moment is a precious relaxation time for many people.

For enjoyable moments and to provide your skin with products tailored to its needs, choose:

  • Bath foams with delightful fragrances that will give your bath a creamy texture and invite relaxation.
  • Bath oils, designed to neutralize the drying action of limestone and give those with fragile skin (especially babies and those with atopic skin) the chance to enjoy a good bath without feeling their skin tighten.
  • Fragrant and effervescent bath bombs that will envelop you in sparkling bubbles and leave your skin soft.
  • Bath salts with many virtues, softening, remineralizing, or even relaxing for the joints.

Deodorants and Antiperspirants to Ward Off Body Odor

Body odor due to sweat fermentation on the skin can be particularly embarrassing and a source of social discomfort. Choose from spray, stick, roll-on, with or without aluminum, 100% natural, or with original fragrances:

  • Deodorant: Odor-neutralizing and a beauty accessory, deodorant conceals body odors and reduces their intensity by limiting bacterial proliferation responsible for their production.
  • Foot deodorant: Under exertion, our feet remain confined all day in closed shoes and face the humid environments of baths or pools. It happens that they become a source of unpleasant odors due to sweat maceration. Foot deodorants act by preventing perspiration emission and camouflaging it, just like traditional deodorants applied to the armpits. They are adapted to the specific environment of the feet and their thicker skin.
  • Antiperspirant: While deodorant conceals, antiperspirant acts at the source by preventing sweat release and maintaining a dry environment where bacteria cannot proliferate.

Perfect Ears and Nose with Proper Care

Ears and the nose are often overlooked in our daily care! However, they are true gateways to our body. Special attention should be given to them by performing gentle yet effective interventions to remove impurities without attacking their fragile mucous membrane:

  • For nose hygiene: Dry nose, stuffy nose due to a dust-rich environment. Take care of the cleanliness and health of your nose using a natural nasal spray, saline solution to unclog the nostrils, and why not, use tweezers to get rid of unsightly nose hairs.
  • For ear hygiene: Our fragile pinnae protect themselves from attacks, especially through wax production. Useful in small quantities, accumulated wax can, however, be a source of irritation or even earwax plugs. To get rid of it, use a cotton swab at the entrance of the ear and dilute this unwanted "wax" with an ear spray.

Caring for the Skin on Your Hands

Hands are the main vectors of diseases; it's no wonder that handwashing is one of the first hygiene practices taught to children! Hands are our main tools in daily life, coming into contact with many objects: doorknobs, mobile phones, toilets, computer keyboards. So many germ nests, vectors of potential diseases!

After using the bathroom, before eating, but also after using public transport, make sure to wash your hands with due care. Both to protect yourself and to safeguard the health of vulnerable people around you!

Practical and intelligent daily hygiene products:

  • Hand soap: In the form of bar soap or pump dispenser, hand soaps are available in all public places! In all textures (foam, oil, gel) and fragrances, they combine hygiene and sensory pleasure.
  • Disinfectant gel: It's not always easy to have a sink and soap nearby! To ensure hand hygiene in all situations (especially in public transport or during an epidemic), make sure to keep a bottle of hydroalcoholic gel in your bag or desk drawer, which will eliminate a large portion of bacteria present on your hands and give you an intense feeling of freshness.
  • Antiseptic wipes: Practical and easy to use, wipes moistened with antiseptic solution are your allies against germs. They allow you to quickly wash your hands and feet.

Products and accessories designed to facilitate your hygiene ritual are immense. Simplify your life!

Make your physical hygiene a true pleasure every day!

Essential for your health and comfort, good daily personal hygiene is fundamental to your well-being. Easy to set up and transformed into a true relaxation ritual thanks to the vast range of existing skin products, daily hygiene is now a source of comfort and pleasure. Choose the formulas and accessories that correspond to your desires and needs!

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  • Brand: Veet
  • Product Code: PER-PT-24219
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 5.95€


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Tags: veet, for, men, creme, depilatório, duche, depilatórios

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