Opção 1: 50ml EDT + 75ml Loção Corporal+ 75ml Gel de duche
EDP Eau de Parfum água de perfume
EDP.REC água de perfume recarregável
EDT Eau de Toilette água de Toilette
EDT.REC água de Toilette recarregável
EDC Eau de Cologne água de Colônia água de colónia
AS After Shave Loção Pós-Barba
AS.BALM After Shave Balm Gel Pós-Barba
Marca de mesmo nome do designer americano, Marc Jacobs vem tecendo luxo urbano eminentemente descolado desde os anos 1980, fazendo malabarismos entre influências grunge, toques preppy e aura de rua. Um estilo à imagem do seu diretor artístico único que tem desde o início um currículo de moda (quase) impecável e brilhante.
O que Marc Jacobs seria sem Marc Jacobs, seu criador jocoso de mesmo nome? Autêntico nova-iorquino com uma infância tumultuada, esse graduado da prestigiosa Parsons destacou-se em seus estudos ao ganhar vários prêmios, como o Perris Ellis Gold Thimble Award, o Chester Weinberg Gold Thimble Award ou o student design award. Do ano. Um sucesso inicial que o levou a partir de 1984 a projetar criações com seu próprio nome.
Sua primeira coleção? Uma linha de malhas XXL feitas à mão realçada por smileys ostentosos. Ele tinha então apenas 21 anos e ganhou o prêmio CFDA Novos Talentos. Três anos depois, a marca preppy Perry Ellis, então em sintonia com os tempos, nomeou-o diretor de criação ao lado de seu sócio Robert Duffy, que ocuparia o cargo de presidente.
Uma colaboração frutífera que rendeu à designer americana o prêmio de Designer Mulher do Ano em 1992. No entanto, no ano seguinte, após o escândalo da agora famosa coleção grunge, a dupla foi repentinamente demitida e se jogou de corpo e alma na aventura de Marc Jacobs.
A criança prodígio da moda americana
Foi em 1994 que as coisas reais começaram. Depois de passar os últimos 10 anos vestindo mulheres, Marc Jacobs lança uma linha masculina e sai para conquistar o mercado internacional, fortes embaixadoras de escolha como Kate Moss, Sofia Coppola ou Winona Ryder. Ao mesmo tempo, ele concordou em assumir as rédeas do pronto-a-vestir feminino na Louis Vuitton e, ao mesmo tempo, dirigir sua própria casa, 80% da qual agora é detida pela LVMH.
Hidra de duas cabeças, Marc Jacobs acrescentou uma terceira corda ao seu arco em 2001 com o lançamento de Marc by Marc Jacobs, uma linha com design e preço mais acessíveis: quatro anos depois, a marca é estimada em US $ 50 milhões. Depois de se afirmar entre marroquinaria e acessórios, Marc Jacobs embarcou na perfumaria em 2006 em parceria com a empresa Coty, e lançou o lendário perfume Daisy. Abre uma livraria na Bleecker Street em Nova York, a Bookmarc, que rapidamente se tornará a referência para eventos de segundo grau em meados de Manhattan.
Mais na moda do que nunca, Marc Jacobs teve um flashback particularmente incandescente nos últimos anos. Relançamento de sua famosa linha grunge sob seu próprio rótulo, lançamento de uma nova linha The Marc Jacobs destinada à geração do milênio, novas criações para Lizzo, Missy Elliott e Cardi B: o designer de 56 anos confirma seu status de ícone moda respeitada, conforme atestam seus aproximadamente 9,7 milhões de seguidores no Instagram.
Presente em mais de 60 países ao redor do mundo com cerca de 280 lojas, a marca Marc Jacobs pode se orgulhar de ter revolucionado a moda ... mas também de poder continuar a transcendê-la.
Women's Fragrances
Perfumes for women chyprus
Feminine citruses in perfumery
Floral fragrances for women
Oriental feminine essences
Specific notes for women's perfumes
Women's perfumes that contain notes of rose
Women's fragrances that contain patchouli
Notes of sage at the heart of women's perfumes
White musk, essential in women's fragrances
Jasmine is widely used in women's perfumes
Match your dress style with your perfume
Harmonize her fragrance with your clothes and your personality
Understanding Perfumes: Types, Composition, and Families
What Are the Different Types of Perfumes?
In a perfume bottle, there isn't just the fragrant substance; the perfume is primarily composed of a carrier whose role is to dissolve the fragrant substances well. There is a finisher, usually a fixative, which helps strengthen the fragrance's tenacity. The fixative is often in the form of iris root powder.
There is an abundance of perfumes, fragrances here and there that fill the shelves of perfumeries worldwide. But what's most impressive is that each of these aromas is unique. So, it's natural to ask the following question:
What are the differences between these fragrances based on?
We can differentiate perfumes based on various criteria. Firstly, there is a difference based on the nature of the medium.
There are 3 types of perfume according to this criterion:
1. Alcoholic fragrances are the most common; the carrier is pure ethanol. It has the advantage of being very volatile, leaving only the scent on the skin.
2. Oily fragrances are particularly gentle on the skin.
3. Solid perfumes, commonly called "perfume concrete," where the perfume components are diluted in a "balm." These scents are applied in small quantities to selected areas.
Furthermore, a distinction can be made even in alcoholic perfumes, according to the content of fragrant compounds. In fact, in our perfumes, we see different names like "eau de parfum" or "eau de toilette." That's where the difference in quality lies, often related to the price difference between perfumes.
• There are sweet waters or colognes that contain less than 8% fragrant substance. Fixation is about 1 hour.
• Eau de Toilette has a concentration of 6 to 12%, for a fixation of about 3 hours.
• Eau de parfum is part of this concentration growth with between 10 and 20% fragrant substance, for a period of several hours.
• Finally, there are the perfumes themselves, which are composed of 15 to 40% fragrant material and ensure fixation for several days.
Perfume Composition: The Notes
When we talk about perfume, we often talk about notes: top, heart, base notes. They correspond to the composition in fragrant substances of the product:
• Top notes: these are the first notes, those you feel as soon as the product disperses in the air; fresh notes of citrus fruits or herbs;
• Heart notes: these are the ones that will smell for several hours, it's the character of the perfume; powerful notes of flowers, fruits;
• Base notes: these are the notes that will last for several days, that will remain; warm and powerful notes of wood, moss.
Fragrance Families
When we go to a perfumery, we are usually asked what kind of perfume we like: more floral, woody, amber, etc.
There are seven main fragrance families:
1. Citrus aromas: composed of fruit peels: orange, bergamot, citron;
2. Floral fragrances: composed mainly of flowers: jasmine, rose, violet;
3. Fern aromas: woody notes, lavender, oakmoss;
4. Chypre scents: accords of oakmoss, patchouli, bergamot;
5. Woody aromas: warm notes of sandalwood, patchouli, cedar;
6. Amber aromas: oriental, sweet, powdery fragrances with vanilla;
7. Leather perfumes: composed of dry notes of tobacco, smoke, burnt wood.
It is possible to distinguish perfumes based on the nature of the fragrant compound.
• Most often, it is in the form of essential oils, which are concentrates of volatile molecules from the plant. They are obtained by distillation.
• There are also many perfumes made from so-called "absolute" plant raw materials. Like essential oils, they are found in alcoholic, oily, and solid perfumes.
• The third type of fragrant compound relatively present in the perfume market corresponds to CO2 extracts, which allow obtaining an odor closer to the plant than its essential oil. CO2 extracts are 100% natural and very ecological.
It should be noted that, with the industrialization of perfume and the progress of chemistry, synthetic processes emerge that allow the production of artificial fragrant compounds. Synthetic smell is sometimes more faithful than that of natural raw material, as in the case of rose.