Nuxe Sun Huile Bronzante Haute Protection SPF50
Descubra a alta proteção e bronzeado radiante com o Nuxe Sun Huile Bronzante Haute Protection SPF50. Este óleo bronzeador oferece uma defesa eficaz contra os efeitos nocivos dos raios UVA e UVB, proporcionando um bronzeado uniforme e duradouro. Formulado com ingredientes naturais, como extrato de arroz e vitamina E, este produto cuida da sua pele enquanto a protege.
A sua textura leve e não pegajosa é fácil de aplicar, deixando a pele sedosa, hidratada e com um brilho irresistível. Adequado para todos os tipos de pele, o Nuxe Sun Huile Bronzante é resistente à água, garantindo uma proteção contínua mesmo durante atividades aquáticas.
Ideal para quem procura um bronzeado seguro e saudável, este óleo é o companheiro perfeito para os seus dias de sol. Com uma fragrância agradável e envolvente, vai transformar a sua rotina de proteção solar em um verdadeiro momento de prazer.
Cuide da sua pele e obtenha um bronzeado impecável com o Nuxe Sun Huile Bronzante Haute Protection SPF50. Garanta já o seu e aproveite ao máximo os dias ensolarados!
Nuxe, o contraste sutil entre natureza, inovação e luxo
Em 1989, Aliza Jabès, apoiada por seu pai, um especialista em farmácia, assumiu um pequeno laboratório de cosméticos localizado em Paris e decidiu criar uma marca única e natural: Nuxe. A marca distingue-se por um conceito único de cosmética, baseado na natureza e nos seus benefícios para a pele. Convencida das propriedades benéficas das plantas, a marca viaja o mundo em busca dos mais raros e preciosos princípios ativos vegetais para oferecer fórmulas eficazes e inovadoras.
Nuxe combina a força da natureza com a eficácia da ciência e reinventa a cosmética, oferecendo uma gama de cremes naturais, eficazes e ousados. O objetivo da marca é reconectar a mulher à sua natureza e oferecer cuidados em linha com suas aspirações e com a sua pele.
L'huile Prodigieuse, o best-seller da marca
Em 1991, a Nuxe comercializou o Huile Prodigieuse, um óleo seco para corpo e cabelo que rapidamente se tornou o carro-chefe da marca. Graças ao seu perfume lendário e fascinante que combina perfeitamente Orange Blossom, Magnolia e Vanilla, Huile Prodigieuse atrai instantaneamente as mulheres e se torna o favorito de Nuxe. Um verdadeiro tesouro de beleza, este óleo, um tratamento de culto Nuxe, é uma fonte de inspiração para a marca, que criou uma gama completa em torno deste perfume aditivo. A linha Care Prodigieux oferece, portanto, vários cremes corporais Nuxe, bem como o famoso Parfum Prodigieux, uma eau de toilette para mulheres com notas exóticas e frutadas.
Atendimento excepcional para um prazer de utilização único e incomparável!
Graças à sua experiência científica e farmacêutica, a Nuxe oferece ampla gama de tratamentos com propriedades prodigiosas. Referência de beleza no mercado de dermocosméticos, a marca Nuxe deve seu sucesso à excelência, à seleção de ingredientes ativos vegetais exclusivos, à eficácia e tolerância de seus produtos, mas também às suas fragrâncias transcendentes e texturas suaves.
Especialmente desenhada para atender às necessidades da mulher ativa, a linha Nuxe oferece uma ampla variedade de produtos com texturas aveludadas e aromas cativantes. Cremes hidratantes, creme anti-rugas, protetor solar, cuidados para homem ou mesmo perfumes, a linha apresenta um cuidado adaptado a cada uma das suas necessidades. Garantidos sem parabenos e não comedogênicos, os cremes Nuxe também são recomendados para peles sensíveis e reativas.
A partir do sucesso, a marca oferece também tratamentos através do Spa Nuxe, presente em várias cidades francesas. Massagens, tratamentos faciais ou corporais: agora é possível aproveitar a experiência e os benefícios dos produtos Nuxe enquanto passa um momento de puro relaxamento e relaxamento.
Desde 2007, o laboratório Nuxe também oferece BIO-Beauté by Nuxe, uma marca de cuidados com a pele 100% orgânica, inovadora e eficaz. Formulados com óleos vegetais e extratos de frutas, esses tratamentos proporcionam uma melhor resposta cosmética às agressões externas que a nossa pele sofre no dia a dia. Bio-Beauté oferece linhas de cuidados orgânicos para rosto, corpo e cabelo.
Tanning Products
Get a Faster Tan with Bronzing Accelerators
Accelerators for tanning offer an even quicker tan. Explore all our tips for achieving a beautifully bronzed skin.
Summer, sun, and its brightness: finally, the sun's rays arrive, giving you a gently bronzed skin. Unfortunately, it often takes longer than one would like to get a tan. Did you know there are products that help speed up the tanning process? Learn all about tanning accelerators here.
In this article, you will find three methods to gently enhance the tanning process. This helps you get tanned faster, and your tan lasts longer.
What is a Tanning Accelerator?
But what are tanning accelerators really? These lotions, creams, and oils contain active ingredients that help produce melanin. Your skin can tan more quickly, and you also get a more intense result. Tanning accelerators can also be used in tanning beds. They also contain active ingredients to nourish the skin optimally during sunbathing.
Body Oil as a Tanning Accelerator
Tan faster and protect your body from UVA and UVB rays at the same time? You might think you're dreaming, right? However, oils wonderfully treat and maintain the skin's elasticity while intensifying the skin's tanning effect. The downside so far has been that the skin is not protected from harmful UV rays. It is an absolute must for sun lovers!
Time-Saving Tanning with Tanning Accelerators
No time for vacations or relaxation in the sun? Self-tanning products bring a summer tan to your skin even without the sun. However, there are easy-to-use self-tanners that leave no marks.
Are Tanning Accelerators Harmful to the Skin?
People with fair and sensitive skin should be cautious. The fast tanning effect can also cause sunburn more quickly. If not already contained in the product, sunscreen should be used, especially if your skin is not pre-tanned. The products themselves are not harmful but should be used with care and responsibility.
- Tanning accelerators stimulate melanin production and quickly darken the skin.
- Before the first sunbath, use an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells. Your tan will last longer.
- Despite fast tanning, never forget to protect your skin.
- After-sun lotions for the body create clean skin and prolong the tan with their treatment properties.
Other Tips for a Fast Tan
- Tanning is even faster on a boat. So, if you have the opportunity for a short boat trip, don't hesitate. You can also use an air mattress as an alternative.
- Beta-carotene helps the skin absorb sunlight. Eat more carrots, tomatoes, peppers, or apricots to speed up tanning.
- Cocoa also helps tan faster. Copper in cocoa beans is a natural tanning accelerator. Instead of enjoying an "iced coffee," have an "iced chocolate" for a change!
Sun Protection Products: Choose a Safe and Effective Product!
Without the protection of clothing and effective sunscreen, prolonged exposure to the sun can be risky.
Which Sunscreen Product to Choose?
Always check the instructions on the product label!
Sun protection products (creams, gels, oils, or sprays) are cosmetic products intended to protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun (UVA and UVB) when applied according to the instructions provided on the packaging.
However, it is wrong to believe that these products offer complete sun protection and allow you to stay exposed for longer. Caution should be exercised in terms of time and duration of exposure.
UVA, UVB, Make the Difference!
Tanning is a skin defense reaction that opposes a filter to the penetration of solar radiation. But this filter does not have unlimited capacity.
Solar radiation is composed, among other things, of ultraviolet B rays (UVB rays) and ultraviolet A rays (UVA rays). "Sunburn" is mainly caused by UVB rays. UVA rays are responsible for premature skin aging.
UVB rays are the main factor in skin cancer, while UVA rays play a significant role in its appearance.
Different Types of Sun Protection: Which to Choose?
There are two main categories of sun protection offered by cosmetics, depending on the nature of the filters and their mode of action; all must be expressly authorized by regulations:
• Organic or chemical filters that act by absorbing UV radiation;
• Mineral filters, namely titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which act by reflecting UV rays: they do not penetrate the epidermis;
• Organic or inorganic filters may be present in nanometric form. The [nano] mention must then be added to the name of the substance in the mandatory list of ingredients on the packaging.
• These different filters, chemical or mineral, nano or not, can be combined by manufacturers to optimize efficiency.
Sunscreen Products, Protection Level: Read the Label!
Against UVB rays: the sun protection factor (SPF) or protection index (IP) is an essential criterion of choice. It corresponds to the delaying effect of the product in relation to sun aggression.
The product category followed by a number corresponding to the "sun protection factor (SPF)" is used to assess its effectiveness. The higher the SPF, the greater the photoprotective action.
The European Commission proposed grouping sun protection factors to keep only eight different numbers on labels. However, not all labeling has been changed, and old sun protection factors are sometimes retained.
Note: Claims like "full screen" or "total protection" should not be used. Although common, they are false because no sun product offers complete protection against ultraviolet radiation.
The European Commission defined, in its recommendation of September 22, 2006, the labeling rule for sunscreens. Taken from this recommendation, the table below specifies the correspondences between categories and sun protection factors:
Sun Protection Factors
Low protection 6-10
Medium protection 15-20-25
High protection 30-50
Very high protection 50+
Against UVA rays: check if your sunscreen has, in addition to the SPF, the UVA logo. This is the guarantee of ideal protection against ultraviolet rays.
Note: This logo is not mandatory but recommended and used by many professionals. Other mentions or indications regarding protection against UVA rays may, however, appear on the packaging.
Some "conventional" media insist on the existence of so-called controversial ingredients in sun products.
Remember that sunscreens can only contain UV filters authorized by cosmetic regulations (about thirty) because they are assessed as risk-free for human health. Exposing yourself to the sun without any protection, however, is dangerous.
Consumers are advised to read labels and inquire about the composition of the products they purchase, especially if they have special ethical or environmental requirements or a history of sensitivity to certain substances.
Usage Tips
The National Union of Dermatologists has published the 10 precautions to be taken against the harmful effects of the sun:
• The best protection is clothing for everyone (especially children): hat, sunglasses, shirt.
• Babies and young children should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
• Sunburns are dangerous, especially in children;
• Avoid direct exposure between 12:00 and 4:00 PM
• Sun exposure should be gradual;
• Sand, snow, water can reflect more than half of the sun's rays on your skin;
• Your sunscreen, anti-UVB and anti-UVA, should be renewed every two hours and after each bath, regardless of its protection index;
• Use sunscreen suitable for your skin type;
• Sunscreen is not intended to increase the exposure time;
• In altitude and in the tropics, it is necessary to increase the sun protection index of the product usually used.