MAC Frost Lipstick
Descubra o deslumbrante MAC Frost Lipstick, um batom que combina a famosa qualidade da MAC com um acabamento brilhante e cintilante. Perfeito para quem deseja adicionar um toque de glamour ao seu visual diário, este batom oferece uma cobertura média a total, com uma fórmula cremosa que desliza suavemente nos lábios. Disponível em várias cores incríveis, desde os tons neutros até os vibrantes, há uma opção perfeita para cada ocasião.
O MAC Frost Lipstick é enriquecido com ingredientes hidratantes que mantêm os seus lábios suaves e confortáveis ao longo do dia. Sua fórmula de longa duração garante que a cor permaneça intensa e brilhante, sem necessidade de retoques constantes. Além disso, o acabamento frost proporciona um brilho metálico único que destaca seus lábios de forma elegante e sofisticada.
Seja para um look de dia a dia ou uma ocasião especial, o MAC Frost Lipstick é o complemento perfeito para qualquer maquiagem. Não perca a oportunidade de experimentar este batom icônico e eleve seu estilo a um novo nível.
Adicione já o MAC Frost Lipstick à sua coleção e sinta a diferença de um produto de alta qualidade nos seus lábios!
Adequada para todas as idades, tons de pele e sexos, nossa marca de maquilhagem profissional lança novas tendências nos bastidores nas semanas de moda ao redor do mundo. Hoje, o M · A · C significa muito para seus milhões de seguidores em todo o mundo. Aqui está a história desse fenômeno global.
A Make-Up Art Cosmetics é originária de Toronto, Canadá. Frustrado com os resultados ruins que os cosméticos davam nas fotografias, o maquilhador e fotógrafo Frank Toskan e o dono do salão de beleza Frank Angelo decidiram criar sua própria maquilhagem. Eles começaram fazendo cosméticos em suas cozinhas e vendendo-os diretamente em suas salas para outros maquilhadores, bem como para modelos e fotógrafos. Logo estilistas e editores de moda aderiram ao movimento. Graças às críticas positivas recebidas em várias revistas e a um florescente boca a boca, a dupla logo conseguiu abrir uma esquina MA C em uma loja de departamentos de Toronto em março de 1984.
A dupla optou por uma abordagem prática e chique, apresentando seus produtos em potes pretos, diferenciando-se assim dos habituais compactos em pó. Enquanto naquela época as maiores marcas de maquilhagem eram principalmente especializadas em cuidados com a pele, a M · A · C se diferenciava por se posicionar como a referência máxima em cores. Maquilhadores profissionais estiveram de plantão na esquina, inédito no setor! Entre os produtos M A C mais populares, um batom fosco de tonalidade vermelha intensa ganhou fama graças ao seu uso em uma sessão de fotos da então estrela em ascensão Madonna, que também foi vista mais tarde com uma camiseta M A C.
A empresa conquistou o setor ao oferecer uma ampla gama de produtos que alia design urbano e elegância. A M · A · C também se destacou na gestão de cantos. Para impulsionar as vendas, a marca não recorreu às tradicionais técnicas promocionais e preferiu confiar na integridade de sua linha de produtos cuidadosamente elaborada. Um toque de excesso também foi adicionado à imagem da marca. Ao colocar a individualidade e a auto-expressão em destaque acima de tudo, a empresa trouxe um toque de ostentação e drama para as lojas e cantos geralmente elegantes.
Em 1994, quando o HIV e a AIDS se espalharam rapidamente por todo o planeta, o M · A · C nomeou as organizações que lutam contra essas doenças como beneficiárias de suas instituições de caridade. Foi assim que o Fundo M · A · C AIDS foi criado. Até o momento, a campanha VIVA GLAM arrecadou mais de $ 400 milhões para a luta contra o HIV e AIDS, graças ao apoio de porta-vozes renomados como Lady Gaga, Pamela Anderson e Nicki Minaj.
Membro do Grupo Estée Lauder desde 1994, a M · A · C atualmente vende seus produtos em mais de 90 países ao redor do mundo. A empresa, que continua comprometida com o desenvolvimento de novas categorias e novos produtos, oferece mais de 50 coleções por ano e, assim, atende a demanda de clientes individuais e maquilhadores profissionais.
M · A · C colaborou com muitas figuras admiradas da cultura popular, arte e moda, incluindo Rihanna, Lorde, Proenza Schouler, The Rocky Horror Picture Show e Brooke Shields. Essas contribuições permitem reforçar a reputação do M · A · C tanto com seus novos seguidores quanto com os da primeira hora. Nossos maquilhadores profissionais trabalharam com grandes nomes como Prabal Gurung ou Vivienne Westwood nos bastidores em mais de 200 desfiles de semanas de moda em todo o mundo. Graças a esta forte presença, estamos sempre na vanguarda das novas tendências globais de beleza.
How to Choose Your Lipstick?
Wonderful ally of beauty, the lipstick. This small tube concentrated in pigments that, since a young age, represents the undisputed symbol of femininity. When we were little, we liked to play with the red lipstick with the smell of red powder at the bottom of our grandmother's bag; today, we wonder which shade, among the thousands, is the most suitable for us. In honor of Lipstick Day, we reveal all our tips.
If there were few shades and textures of lipstick several years ago, today cosmetic brands are doubling their inventiveness, offering rich and varied collections each season. Matte or satin texture, pink or fuchsia, burgundy or orange, depending on the complexion or hair color, it is not always easy to know which one suits us best. Under the advice of Olivier Echaudemaison, creative director of Guerlain, passionate about lipsticks and femininity, we take stock of the few rules to follow to find the perfect model.
Matt or Shiny?
Satin or matte? That is an existential question that originated long hours of hesitation in front of the makeup department (we've all been there). In fact, if you choose one or the other, it's not a matter of bad taste, unless you take into account two essential parameters. First, it is not recommended to choose a matte texture if you have small wrinkles. Then comes the "morphological" factor, the shape of your mouth. "Women with thin lips should banish matte lipsticks. Without shine, these textures harden lines and stain the face. It's not graceful. You need to opt for shiny and satin lipsticks, which will bring relief," explains Olivier Echaudemaison before adding, "Only full and pouty lips can afford to wear matte." Precious revelations that should shorten your thought the next time you are in total hesitation.
With My Hair, Can I Do Whatever I Want?
Are there lipstick colors that work better for blondes and others for brunettes, as the legend goes? To this question, our expert brings an unexpected answer: "To tell the truth, today there are no more blondes and brunettes. Women dare to pretend to be blondes, cut their hair, change color regularly, which distorts the notion of the "real" hair color. So, the choice of lipstick shade is quite free. If you are facing a real blonde, the skin is usually pale and slightly rosy, we prefer apricot, peach, and cherry tones in the evening. Dark skin can afford more eccentricity in terms of color, so we use plum, raspberry, and dark red." Today, lipstick should be seen as an accessory that you wear with your clothes, not with your hair. If we wear brown, we will avoid plum, for example, and with a beautiful black dress, we will not hesitate to show off a beautiful red or fuchsia pink," adds the great makeup artist.
When the Mouth Ages
"You don't have the same mouth at 20 as you do at 60," Olivier Echaudemaison said. So far, nothing too surprising, except that we tend to forget that we should also take this parameter into account when choosing our lipstick. An important first rule to respect: do not use nude after 50/60 years. Anyway, that's what the creative director of Guerlain advises us, specifying "as we age, the skin becomes duller, loses its shine, and the mouth becomes less colorful. When you are young, lips are naturally pink. So, putting on nude lipstick when you're in your fifties is, in my opinion, a big mistake." On the other hand, when it comes to bright colors and contrary to what is thought (if you are a little reactive), there is no age limit. Yes, bright red, raspberry pink, or pop orange, at 20 or 60 years old, and if applied correctly, you can dare. Finally, to avoid as much as possible that the small wrinkles that appear on the lips with age are visible, we prefer creamy-textured lipsticks rather than matte ones. An effective way not to be confronted with the (very) ugly earthy and "cracked" effect offered by certain models with a matte finish.
Day and Night
You will say that this rule is outdated, it is not quite so. It is indeed appropriate to make a difference between the lipstick you wear during the day and the one you wear at night (and even at night if you are in good shape...). If today it is not really a question of colors and brighter tones are very well tolerated during the day, we still need to be more generous with the intensity. Indeed, unless it's in the middle of summer, the places we go at night are lit with artificial light, and the mouth is erased, and the color disappears. So, don't be afraid to exaggerate your favorite lipstick when you're going for a night out.
To Wear or Not to Wear Lipstick
"A woman who doesn't wear lipstick is missing something," is what the passionate Olivier Echaudemaison directly asserts. "Lipstick gives shine to the face, sparkles in the eyes, redraws an ideal mouth and is the only makeup tool, like nail polish, that allows you to really have fun, play like when we were kids. It's crazy to say that you can have a bright pink, orange, or ruby red mouth." He adds.
And for those who don't want to put color on their mouth? In that case, the creative director of Guerlain advises choosing a very discreet lipstick in beige or pink tones, to create a little relief and splendor. In short, if you've decided not to put anything on your mouth at sunrise, quickly run to give a touch of almond pink or sugary.
Makeup for Every Lip Shape
An irresistible smile with a perfect outline is a good beginning of seduction.
Learn how to apply makeup to your lips according to their shape.
There are 3 main families of lipsticks, and each requires specific application.
• Mattes: Start by applying a moisturizing balm to nourish the lips, let it sit for 10 minutes, and remove the excess with a tissue. Then apply a single layer of lipstick to maintain lip volume.
• Satin Finish: Often creamier, these shades are applied with a brush for a perfect contour and enhanced lip volume.
• Shiny: Apply a first layer of lipstick, then by hand, take a bit of lipstick material and pat it on the center of the lip to add even more volume.
My Lips Are Thin
Makeup tips from Agnes B.:
Outline a thin line slightly beyond the natural lip contour with a lip pencil in the color of your lips or slightly lighter than the lipstick shade.
Opt for bright, iridescent, and light reds to accentuate lip volume. Dark shades tend to accentuate lip thinness.
My Lips Are Full
Makeup tips from Agnes B.:
Apply a thin layer of foundation all over the mouth and dust with powder. Draw a pencil line inside the natural lip border.
Apply a matte and fairly dark red to reduce volume.
Avoid bright, vivid, pearlescent, or shiny colors.
My Upper Lip Is Flat
Makeup tips from Agnes B.
Using a brush tip, apply a corrective base on the upper lip, drawing a new rounded contour at the heart of the lip.
Then, spray the lips and add definition using a lip liner in the natural lip color.
Apply your lipstick.
My Lips Are Uneven
Makeup tips from Agnes B.
Using a brush tip, draw a regular shape using a corrective base.
Spray the mouth, draw the desired shape with a pencil around the lips, fill in, and apply lipstick.
My Lips Are Drooping
Makeup tips from Agnes B.
Camouflage the drooping corners with a touch of concealer at each corner. Rectify the line with a pencil from the lower lip to rise slightly towards the upper lip.
Observe the upper corners with the pencil by drawing an upward line.
Fill in with a pencil and apply lipstick.
The Art of Lip Liner
To successfully draw the pencil, work carefully and slowly to get perfectly symmetrical lines.
Always start by drawing the center of the upper lip in a rounded shape, the "Cupid's bow".
Draw the outer angles, starting from the corners.
Finally, draw the lower lip. Finish with the outer angles of the lower lip, starting from the corners.
Professional Tips for Beautiful Lips
The lip liner is the essential ally for drawing or redrawing the lips. It is the essential tool to emphasize the shape of the lips and prevent color from smudging. Choose the shade closest to the natural color of your lips or a shade below red.
How to Create the Perfect Makeup Bag?
It's challenging to separate the essential from the superfluous in the makeup department. Discover everything you need to keep in your makeup bag for touch-ups, day or night.
A complexion base (or primer) to apply after the daytime moisturizer and before the foundation. This smoothens and blurs facial imperfections and enhances the foundation's staying power. There are bases for all needs: fixing for makeup setting, illuminating for a radiant complexion, mattifying for combination to oily skin, concealer for camouflaging minor redness...
A foundation to even out the complexion. Whether you prefer liquid, compact, stick, cushion... it doesn't matter, always choose the same color as your skin tone. Apply not necessarily all over the face but only in certain areas to harmonize the complexion.
A concealer to camouflage bags, dark circles, and soften the eye area. Choose according to your skin type: a rather fluid texture for normal skin and a more compact one for dry skin, for example. It should be at least 1 shade lighter than the foundation.
A corrector to eliminate small skin defects like redness, spots, or small blood vessels. Apply with light touches on the affected areas. The choice of the right product relies on its color pigments: green conceals redness, orange conceals blue of dark circles, purple conceals yellowish imperfections.
A loose powder to mattify the complexion and set the makeup all day long. Apply in very small quantities, not all over the face but in certain areas, especially the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin).
Bronzer for a healthy glow in 3 minutes! Choose a quite matte one, without glitter or pearlescent, and apply with a moderate brush on rounded areas of the face (forehead, nose, cheekbones) where the sun naturally tans us first.
A blush, to add a touch of color to the face. Quite pink for fair skin and orange for darker skin. Apply in small strokes on the cheekbones, starting from the apple of the cheek and extending outward. Avoid exaggeration to prevent the 80s makeup effect.
A neutral eyelid primer for better application of eyeshadow, eyeliner, or kohl pencil with longer-lasting fixation. Particularly useful to avoid panda eyes during the day.
An eyeshadow palette to use the colors as desired. You don't need hundreds of different shades; a dozen will do the job very well. The idea is to be able to adjust the eyelid color according to the desired makeup (day or night, for example).
Eyeliner for almond-shaped eyes. Don't hesitate to practice repeatedly in front of the mirror to get the line perfectly aligned with the upper lashes.
A kohl pencil, easier to handle than eyeliner, to apply on the inner side of the eyes, under the lower lashes, or at the root of the upper lashes on the eyelid.
Waterproof mascara to enhance eyelash volume. If there was only one makeup accessory to keep for eye makeup, it would be this. Apply at the end to enlarge and deepen the eyes.
A moisturizer to nourish lips that tend to dry quickly. Apply a layer always before lipstick.
A nude lipstick to enhance the lip color. Its great advantage: it adapts to all looks and all occasions. And since there is not only one nude shade, everyone needs to find theirs.
A colored lipstick to give a highlight and color to your makeup. In terms of color, brunettes can wear absolutely everything, while blondes should avoid very cool or dark tones. And if you're not comfortable with traditional lipstick, you can easily resort to other rouge textures.
A brush to tame eyebrows. If they are already naturally filled, you may not necessarily need to apply makeup, a few touch-ups to give a beautiful shape may be enough.
Colored gel or pencil to easily fill in gaps in eyebrows. The colored gel is ultra-flexible and can be used with an angled brush to better replicate eyebrow hair.
A fixing mascara to keep eyebrows in place all day.