Hermès Sabonete Un Jardin Sur Le Nil - Um Toque de Luxo para Sua Pele
Experimente o encanto do Hermès Sabonete Un Jardin Sur Le Nil, uma verdadeira obra-prima da perfumaria que transforma o ritual diário de cuidados com a pele em uma experiência sensorial única. Inspirado nos exuberantes jardins às margens do rio Nilo, este sabonete luxuoso captura a essência fresca e revigorante de um oásis verde, oferecendo uma fragrância inconfundível e sofisticada.
Com a sua fórmula delicada e ingredientes de alta qualidade, o sabonete Hermès proporciona uma limpeza suave e eficaz, respeitando a integridade da sua pele enquanto a envolve em uma espuma cremosa e perfumada. Notas olfativas de manga verde, lótus, incenso e jacinto fazem deste sabonete uma escolha irresistível para quem valoriza tanto o cuidado pessoal quanto o bem-estar sensorial.
Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, o Hermès Sabonete Un Jardin Sur Le Nil é perfeito para quem deseja aliar praticidade e sofisticação no dia a dia. Transforme seu banho em um momento de puro deleite e eleve sua rotina de cuidados com um toque de exclusividade que só Hermès pode oferecer.
Não perca a chance de desfrutar deste luxo acessível. Adicione o Hermès Sabonete Un Jardin Sur Le Nil à sua coleção de cuidados pessoais e sinta a diferença. Permita-se este mimo diário e descubra o prazer de uma pele macia e delicadamente perfumada. Faça sua compra hoje mesmo!
Na Hermès, cinco gerações de artesãos empreendedores exploraram negócios e conquistaram novos mercados; mas a casa deles cresceu em uma fidelidade inventiva aos valores essenciais recebidos dos fundadores, que orientaram seus primeiros passos em um século ansiosos por mudanças e progresso. Tão respeitosos com o passado quanto olhavam para o futuro, transmitiram aos seus sucessores o culto ao belo material que simplesmente era trabalhado, o amor pelo belo trabalho feito para durar e o ímpeto de criar constantemente.
• Thierry Hermès (1801-1878) foi inaugurado em Paris, em 1837, no distrito de Grands Boulevards, depois farfalhando com os passos dos cavalos, uma fábrica de arreios e selas. Na Exposição Universal de 1867, o júri concedeu a Hermès a medalha de 1ª classe.
• Charles-Émile Hermès (1831-1916) substituiu o pai e, em 1880, montou a selaria da família em 24, faubourg Saint-Honoré, perto do palácio Élysée, sede da Presidência. . Logo auxiliado por seus dois filhos, Adolphe e Émile-Maurice, ele adquiriu uma clientela cosmopolita de elite na Europa, norte da África, Rússia, América e até a Ásia.
• Sob o nome de Hermès Frères (1902-1919), a empresa, administrada pela terceira geração, entra no século 20 com dinamismo, desenvolvendo sua atividade como seleta de prestígio. Por volta de 1900, uma sacola de alça alta foi oferecida aos clientes: a forma foi engenhosamente projetada para permitir que o motociclista carregasse sua sela. Em 1914, Adolphe e seu irmão mais novo, Émile-Maurice, empregavam de 70 a 80 seleiros. No entanto, eles observam atentamente o progresso do automóvel.
Enviado para os Estados Unidos durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial para controlar a compra de couros destinados à cavalaria francesa, Émile Hermès descobriu um continente que havia entrado na era da produção em massa, onde os meios de transporte haviam feito um avanço considerável, favorecendo a boom em uma indústria de bagagem. Ele voltou entusiasmado - entre outras coisas - pelo zíper, então desconhecido na Europa; ele conseguiu obter exclusividade, tanto para artigos de couro quanto para moda, e foi o primeiro a introduzi-lo na França.
• Émile-Maurice Hermès (1871-1951) permaneceu, na década de 1920, sozinha à frente de uma empresa que ele pretendia abrir aos novos estilos de vida do pós-guerra. Ele estendeu a marca Hermès a artigos de couro “costurados na sela” e, assim, acrescentou às suas atividades tradicionais bolsas e malas, acessórios para viagens, esportes, carros, costura, lenços de seda, cintos, luvas, jóias e pulseiras de relógio, exigindo a mesma perfeição em todos os lugares. Pai de quatro filhas, Émile Hermès logo teve três genros, Robert Dumas, Jean-René Guerrand e Francis Puech, que se tornariam parceiros eficazes com qualidades complementares. A casa criou subsidiárias nas cidades francesas e se estabeleceu nos Estados Unidos em 1924. Viajantes de todas as nacionalidades que visitam a França param em Hermès.
Como resposta aos tempos de incerteza em torno da grande depressão econômica, alguns dos valores mais confiáveis das criações da casa nasceram na década de 1930: uma bolsa mais tarde conhecida como Kelly, diário de couro, bolsa de expedição (1935), pulseira de corrente de âncora (1938), jaqueta e roupa de ciclista, todos estão incluídos no inventário dos sucessos míticos de Hermès. A seda, anteriormente usada na fabricação de capacetes jóquei, deu a idéia dos lenços, cujo design Hermès inaugurou em 1937. A casa comemorou seu jovem centenário naquele ano. Uma coleção de pinturas, livros e obras de arte, reunida com fervor por Émile Hermès, e desde que constantemente enriquecida por seus sucessores, torna-se uma fonte de admiração, da qual os criadores da casa rapidamente se inspiram.
• Robert Dumas (1898-1978) substitui seu sogro, Émile Hermès, falecido em 1951. Ele trabalha em estreita colaboração com seu cunhado, Jean-René Guerrand. A marca, agora equipada com seu logotipo, “o duque aproveitado” e sua “caixa laranja”, continuou a se diversificar, lançando a gravata em 1949, depois sua primeira fragrância. Fiel ao apego de Émile Hermès à criatividade, Robert Dumas desenvolve intensa atividade, da qual nascem formas originais de sacolas, jóias e outros acessórios, a maioria dos quais se tornaram clássicos da casa. Ele desenvolveu particularmente o design das praças, o que fez de Hermès um ilustrador de seda incomparável. Sob a varinha de fada de Annie Beaumel, as vitrines da loja Faubourg Saint-Honoré tornam-se palco de um teatro encantador, um ponto de encontro parisiense para celebridades internacionais.
Naqueles anos, uma fotografia de Grace Kelly, a nova princesa de Mônaco, despertou em todas as mulheres o desejo de usar esse modelo de bolsa assinado por Hermès, inspirado no saco de sela dos cavaleiros, renomeou imediatamente Kelly (1956). O duque e a duquesa de Windsor, Sammy Davis Junior, Ingrid Bergman, Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart, John e Jacqueline Kennedy, ou mesmo jovens estrelas chamadas Romy Schneider ou Catherine Deneuve, fazem uma homenagem à assinatura Hermès, agora lendária. Os anos 70 foram pontuados por inaugurações de lojas na Europa, Japão e Estados Unidos.
• Com Jean-Louis Dumas, nascido em 1938, a quinta geração da família assumiu a empresa em 1978. O novo presidente, com a ajuda de seus primos, infunde-o com o impulso de sua juventude entusiasmada. Ele reimplantou e revitalizou as atividades de seda, couro e pronto-a-vestir, sem acrescentar novos negócios às técnicas tradicionais: criou a subsidiária de relojoaria La Montre Hermès SA, com sede em Biel, na Suíça, e lançou o esmalte, porcelana, talheres e cristal. Após a criação de uma holding em 1976, o grupo Hermès está expandindo e fortalecendo sua presença no mundo. Jean-Louis Dumas o leva a um crescimento espetacular, impulsionado por sua busca pela perfeição e consistência.
Em 1987, Hermès comemorou seu 150º aniversário, afirmando sua singularidade como empresa industrial e artesanal, multi-local e parisiense, tradicional e inovadora, fundada nos valores da pesquisa de excelência. Uma política de comunicação apaixonada espalha esses valores para os quatro pontos cardeais e tenta traduzi-los para o humanismo, além de compartilhar esse gosto pela criação, que define Hermès, seu desejo de criar um diálogo entre culturas. Em 1992, as oficinas de fabricação e os escritórios de design mudaram-se para o local de sua nova expansão, um vasto edifício de vidro em Pantin, nos arredores de Paris.
• Hoje, Hermès assina 14 famílias de produtos: Couro, Lenços, Gravatas, Pronto-a-vestir para Homem, Moda Feminina, Perfumes, Relógios, Papelaria, Sapatos, Luvas, Esmaltes, Art de Vivre, Louça e Jóias. Sob a égide da Société Hermès International, cerca de trinta empresas de produção, atacado e varejo estão agrupadas em três ramos distintos: Hermès Sellier, La Montre Hermès, Hermès Parfums.
Uma política exigente de design de interiores deu a essas lojas qualidade e coesão excepcionais, respeitando-as com respeito à cultura local dos países onde estão estabelecidas.
A empresa combina os tempos do passado, presente e futuro em uma harmonia sutil. Pronta para subir mais alto, aproveitando as realidades essenciais de seus materiais e de seus negócios fundadores, Hermès pretende crescer sem perder sua alma.
How to Choose Your Solid Soap?
Every bottle of shower gel is intended to be thrown away when finished. Most of these bottles are plastic. No need to draw a picture, you understand, if you want to avoid bathroom waste, you shouldn't use shower gel or choose bulk options. Today, let's talk about solid soaps, those soap bars we find everywhere in markets, hotels, etc.
What are the important criteria for choosing a solid soap?
• Is your soap saponified when cold?
Basically, making soap is quite simple. Soap is a mixture of plant matter and caustic soda (nothing to do with soda crystals). In simple terms, plant matter and caustic soda come together to form two new materials: soap and glycerin. And, as in any good equation, if there is more plant/fatty matter, the soap will be "surgras," and if there is more caustic soda, the soap will be "caustic." This process is called cold saponification.
A cold saponified soap (known as SAF) is a guarantee that the raw materials used have been preserved. They retain their properties.
• Is your soap "surgras"?
If you have sensitive or stretched skin, it's worth noting the % of excess fat in your soap. A "surgras" soap is ideal when it has excess fat from 3% to 8%. Beyond that, it's quite useless (except for the use of specific vegetable oils).
As explained above, a fatty soap is a soap made up of more oils and vegetable fats, rather than caustic soda. Therefore, it is nourishing for the skin.
• What oils and fats are used?
Your soap is made from oils and vegetable fats.
Many manufacturers produce soaps made from animal fat. Animal fat is cheaper than vegetable fat. But it does nothing for the skin.
The vegetable oils and fats used in soaps retain the same properties as when you use them on the skin.
Here's a little recap, according to the vegetable oils used in the soaps offered in our online store:
• Coconut oil: nourishing and disinfectant
• Olive oil: antioxidant (prevents signs of aging)
• Shea butter: moisturizing and repairing
• Beeswax: prevents skin dehydration, forming a protective film
• Rapeseed oil: nutritious
• Sweet almond oil: ultra-nourishing
• Nigella oil: disinfectant and antibacterial
• Use soap as an exfoliant
Some soap manufacturers add powders to their soaps. SAF soaps turn into exfoliants. The powder gently scrapes the surface of the skin to remove impurities and dead skin. The skin becomes soft and flexible.
There are many ways to make an exfoliating soap. Note that, in large retailers, many products are made from plastic microbeads to provide that exfoliating touch.
What is completely unnecessary, as nature has given us everything we need.
• grains of coffee
• lavender flowers
• nettle powder
• citrus peel powder
In addition to all these criteria, don't forget to take into account the scent, even if it's personalized, the use of solid soap should remain a moment of pleasure.
Body and bath products for women
Body and Bath Products for Women: Caring for Your Well-being
Body hygiene is essential for the health and well-being of all women. In addition to keeping the skin clean, suitable body hygiene products can offer additional benefits such as hydration, protection, and pleasant fragrances. In this article, we will discuss the importance of body hygiene products for women and highlight some essential items that can help promote a complete and satisfying care routine.
1. Soaps and Shower Gels:
Soap or shower gel is one of the basic body hygiene products. Choosing a gentle product suitable for your skin type is essential. For women with sensitive skin, it is recommended to opt for hypoallergenic soaps or those formulated specifically for delicate skin. Shower gels can also provide additional hydration, thanks to ingredients such as aloe vera, natural oils, or shea butter.
2. Body Scrubs:
Body scrubs are great allies for removing dead skin cells and leaving the skin softer and more radiant. There are options with different levels of exfoliation, from gentle scrubs for daily use to more intense formulas for deep exfoliation. By using a body scrub regularly, you will promote cell renewal and prepare the skin for better absorption of moisturizers and other body care products.
3. Body Moisturizers:
Adequate skin hydration is essential to keep it healthy and radiant. Body moisturizers help nourish and protect the skin, preventing dryness and flaking. Choose moisturizers formulated for your skin type, whether it's dry, normal, oily, or sensitive. There are products enriched with ingredients such as shea butter, natural oils, and vitamins that provide intense and lasting hydration.
4. Deodorants:
Deodorants are essential to keep freshness and body odor under control. They help prevent unpleasant odors caused by excessive sweating, offering protection throughout the day. There are different types of deodorants available, including antiperspirants that also reduce sweat production. Choose an option suitable for your skin type and preference, considering factors such as fragrance, durability, and formulation without alcohol or parabens, if necessary.
5. Intimate Products:
Intimate hygiene is an important part of feminine care. Specific products for the intimate area, such as intimate soaps and wet wipes, can help maintain pH balance and vaginal flora health. These products are formulated with gentle ingredients and respect the sensitivity of the intimate area. It is important to avoid using regular soaps in this region, as they can cause irritation and disrupt the natural pH.
6. Depilatory Creams:
Depilatory creams are a practical and painless option for removing unwanted hair. They work by dissolving hair on the skin's surface, leaving it smooth and soft. When choosing a depilatory cream, make sure it is suitable for body use and follow the application and waiting time instructions correctly to avoid irritation. Remember to perform a sensitivity test in a small area before applying the cream to a larger region.
7. Foot Care:
Feet also deserve special attention when it comes to body hygiene. Products such as exfoliants, moisturizing creams, and refreshing sprays can help keep the feet clean, soft, and free of odors. Regularly exfoliating the feet removes dead cells and calluses, while hydration helps prevent dryness and fissure formation.
Body hygiene products for women play an essential role in maintaining health, hygiene, and well-being. From soaps and shower gels to body moisturizers, deodorants, and intimate products, each one plays an important role in personal care routines. When choosing these products, consider your skin type, personal preferences, and any specific needs.
Remember that body hygiene is not just about cleanliness but also about caring for the skin, keeping it hydrated and protected. By adopting a complete and consistent care routine, you will be contributing to the health of your skin and promoting a sense of well-being throughout your body. Be sure to try different products and find those that best suit your individual needs.
Daily Hygiene: Essential Products for Good Body Care
Personal hygiene is a crucial part of our daily routine, contributing significantly to our comfort and overall health. Unlike historical times when bathing was considered unsanitary, today, maintaining daily hygiene is a common practice. To cater to all your daily hygiene needs, explore our extensive selection of care products and accessories!
What is Personal Hygiene?
Personal hygiene encompasses daily actions such as handwashing, hair washing, body cleansing, and dental care. Whether it's a quick routine for those on-the-go or a relaxation ritual for others, maintaining good personal hygiene has become a habit. Complete personal hygiene includes:
- Body washing
- Hair washing
- Face washing
- Handwashing
- Teeth brushing
- Nail care
Each of these routines should be performed regularly based on the type of care and specific needs, considering factors like dermatological profile or hair type.
Why Practice Personal Hygiene?
Surprisingly, the importance of daily hygiene habits has historical roots. Over time, the proliferation of diseases has been directly linked to hygiene habits and access to water. Washing is crucial to:
- Prevent the spread of diseases
- Prevent inflammation and irritation by combating the proliferation of germs
- Combat body odor
- Enable the skin to defend against potential pathogens
How Often Should You Maintain Good Hygiene?
The frequency of washing hair, body, or face depends on skin condition, climate, and health. General guidelines include:
- Bathing: Once a day, for a maximum of 15 minutes. Water should not be too hot to avoid weakening the skin's hydrolipidic film.
- Hair washing: 1 to 4 times a week, depending on hair type.
- Face washing: Twice a day, in the morning and at night.
- Teeth brushing: 2 to 3 times a day, after the main meals.
- Nail cleaning: Daily, as soon as impurities accumulate.
These are general indications; adapt them to your needs!
The Best Daily Hygiene Products for Effective Cleansing
There are numerous products for body, skin, hair, and teeth. A variety of formulas cater to all skin types, hair types, and specific health needs. Choose from:
Gels, foaming cleansers, oils, or creams - the range of body products for bathing is extensive:
- Mild cleansing gel suitable for the face and body care of the entire family.
- Dry skin gel, for use in case of dry skin, to protect the natural hydrolipidic film of the epidermis.
- Bath oils, suitable for dry or atopic skin, with a soap-free formulation that cleans and protects naturally fragile skin.
- Bar soap, practical and easy to use, available in traditional or "soap-free" versions for dry skin.
Enhance hygiene with cleansing products and a good bubble bath. The bathing moment is a precious relaxation time for many people.
For enjoyable moments and to provide your skin with products tailored to its needs, choose:
- Bath foams with delightful fragrances that will give your bath a creamy texture and invite relaxation.
- Bath oils, designed to neutralize the drying action of limestone and give those with fragile skin (especially babies and those with atopic skin) the chance to enjoy a good bath without feeling their skin tighten.
- Fragrant and effervescent bath bombs that will envelop you in sparkling bubbles and leave your skin soft.
- Bath salts with many virtues, softening, remineralizing, or even relaxing for the joints.
Deodorants and Antiperspirants to Ward Off Body Odor
Body odor due to sweat fermentation on the skin can be particularly embarrassing and a source of social discomfort. Choose from spray, stick, roll-on, with or without aluminum, 100% natural, or with original fragrances:
- Deodorant: Odor-neutralizing and a beauty accessory, deodorant conceals body odors and reduces their intensity by limiting bacterial proliferation responsible for their production.
- Foot deodorant: Under exertion, our feet remain confined all day in closed shoes and face the humid environments of baths or pools. It happens that they become a source of unpleasant odors due to sweat maceration. Foot deodorants act by preventing perspiration emission and camouflaging it, just like traditional deodorants applied to the armpits. They are adapted to the specific environment of the feet and their thicker skin.
- Antiperspirant: While deodorant conceals, antiperspirant acts at the source by preventing sweat release and maintaining a dry environment where bacteria cannot proliferate.
Perfect Ears and Nose with Proper Care
Ears and the nose are often overlooked in our daily care! However, they are true gateways to our body. Special attention should be given to them by performing gentle yet effective interventions to remove impurities without attacking their fragile mucous membrane:
- For nose hygiene: Dry nose, stuffy nose due to a dust-rich environment. Take care of the cleanliness and health of your nose using a natural nasal spray, saline solution to unclog the nostrils, and why not, use tweezers to get rid of unsightly nose hairs.
- For ear hygiene: Our fragile pinnae protect themselves from attacks, especially through wax production. Useful in small quantities, accumulated wax can, however, be a source of irritation or even earwax plugs. To get rid of it, use a cotton swab at the entrance of the ear and dilute this unwanted "wax" with an ear spray.
Caring for the Skin on Your Hands
Hands are the main vectors of diseases; it's no wonder that handwashing is one of the first hygiene practices taught to children! Hands are our main tools in daily life, coming into contact with many objects: doorknobs, mobile phones, toilets, computer keyboards. So many germ nests, vectors of potential diseases!
After using the bathroom, before eating, but also after using public transport, make sure to wash your hands with due care. Both to protect yourself and to safeguard the health of vulnerable people around you!
Practical and intelligent daily hygiene products:
- Hand soap: In the form of bar soap or pump dispenser, hand soaps are available in all public places! In all textures (foam, oil, gel) and fragrances, they combine hygiene and sensory pleasure.
- Disinfectant gel: It's not always easy to have a sink and soap nearby! To ensure hand hygiene in all situations (especially in public transport or during an epidemic), make sure to keep a bottle of hydroalcoholic gel in your bag or desk drawer, which will eliminate a large portion of bacteria present on your hands and give you an intense feeling of freshness.
- Antiseptic wipes: Practical and easy to use, wipes moistened with antiseptic solution are your allies against germs. They allow you to quickly wash your hands and feet.
Products and accessories designed to facilitate your hygiene ritual are immense. Simplify your life!
Make your physical hygiene a true pleasure every day!
Essential for your health and comfort, good daily personal hygiene is fundamental to your well-being. Easy to set up and transformed into a true relaxation ritual thanks to the vast range of existing skin products, daily hygiene is now a source of comfort and pleasure. Choose the formulas and accessories that correspond to your desires and needs!