Guerlain Abeille Royale Scalp & Hair Care Brush - Cuidado Luxuoso para Cabelo e Couro Cabeludo
Descubra a Guerlain Abeille Royale Scalp & Hair Care Brush, uma escova inovadora que eleva seu ritual de cuidados capilares para um novo patamar de luxo e eficácia. Projetada com a mais alta tecnologia e inspirada na ciência da abelha, esta escova combina cerdas de alta qualidade com o poder dos ingredientes exclusivos da linha Abeille Royale para proporcionar uma experiência única e revitalizante.
A escova Guerlain Abeille Royale é perfeita para todos os tipos de cabelo, oferecendo uma massagem suave ao couro cabeludo que estimula a microcirculação e promove a saúde capilar. Suas cerdas cuidadosamente desenvolvidas desembaraçam os fios sem causar danos, deixando o cabelo mais macio, brilhante e cheio de vida. Além disso, o design ergonômico garante um manuseio confortável e preciso.
Ideal para complementar o uso dos demais produtos da linha Abeille Royale, esta escova é um verdadeiro tratamento de beleza que transforma seu cabelo desde a raiz até as pontas. O resultado é um couro cabeludo revitalizado e um cabelo visivelmente mais forte e saudável.
Não perca a oportunidade de revolucionar sua rotina de cuidados capilares com a Guerlain Abeille Royale Scalp & Hair Care Brush. Invista no melhor para o seu cabelo e sinta a diferença desde a primeira utilização.
Desde 1828, Guerlain explora, Guerlain inovando, Guerlain sublime. Em Perfume, Cuidado, Maquilhagem. Designers ousados, criações míticas, know-how atemporal. Natureza e arte como fontes de inspiração. A Cultura da Beleza em assinatura
Ousado na criação é uma promessa de emoção incrível e de maravilha.
Por quase dois séculos, Guerlain vibra para a Beleza, vibra com a idéia de um novo traço brilhante de um lápis, está entusiasmado com cada criação ousada.
Desde 1828, a história da Maison Guerlain é combinada com o arte. Em 1889, Aimé Guerlain compôs Jicky no estilo de uma pintura impressionista. Em 1939, Jean-Michel Frank, Christian Bérard e Alberto Giacometti combinaram seus talentos e projetaram a decoração do novo Instituto des Champs
Há mais de 12 anos, a Guerlain é parceira da FIAC - Feira Internacional de Arte Contemporânea.
Na Orphin, nosso local de fabricação de perfumes em Yvelines, as conhecidas como “damas de mesa” continuam com as mãos hábeis os gestos tradicionais do artesanato artístico: barbichage, baudruchage ou até selos de cera. . Tanta experiência que dá às melhores garrafas Guerlain, criadas como obras de arte, sua alma extra.
Guerlain sempre cativou o mundo com suas criações lendárias. Perfumistas da casa, know-how perpetuado, materiais favoritos - A “Guerlinade”: rosa, íris, baunilha, fava Tonka, bergamota e jasmim. Audácia na assinatura.
Thierry Wasser encarna a quinta geração dos perfumistas da Guerlain. Ele explora o mundo através das estações, em busca das matérias-primas naturais que nos são queridas. Ao longo de suas rotas de perfume, nossos setores são emergentes, excepcionais, respeitam o homem e a natureza.
Uma história de ousadia e transmissão criativas, talento e know-how.
Por quase dois séculos, o Perfumista presidiu a criação olfativa.
Água de Colônia Imperial, Shalimar, Habit Rouge ou La Petite Robe Noire, L'Homme Idéal. Os perfumistas Guerlain compuseram algumas das mais belas criações em perfumaria.
Nosso fundador, Pierre-François-Pascal Guerlain, criou para a imperatriz Eugenie, por ocasião de seu casamento com o imperador Napoleão III, Eau de Cologne Impériale. Ele então adornou a garrafa com abelhas do Império e um motivo festão, inspirado na coluna da Place Vendôme. A garrafa de abelha nasceu. Ele se tornará um ícone.
Desde 1828, a natureza nos inspira.
Por mais de 12 anos, colocamos sua conservação no centro de nossas ações. Compromissos motivados pelo dever de agir e transmitir nossa herança às gerações futuras. Compromissos feitos com convicção e humildade por todas as nossas equipes ao redor do mundo em Nome da Beleza.
Agimos pela biodiversidade, inovação sustentável, clima e solidariedade, e estamos particularmente interessados em proteger um dos tesouros mais preciosos do nosso planeta: a abelha.
Brushes and Combs
How to Choose the Right Hairbrush?
Brushing your hair is one of the daily routines you shouldn't forget. In fact, brushing not only revives the shine and smoothness of your hair; it's essential to keep your hair healthy by stimulating scalp circulation and removing brittle hairs. When it comes to the shape, composition, bristle type, or even quality, we often struggle to make the right choice!
Here are some tips to help you find the suitable hairbrush.
Choose a High-Quality Brush
Beauty departments are filled with hairbrushes at prices suitable for all budgets. But while low prices may be tempting, it's worth taking a closer look at the product. A low-quality brush can significantly damage your hair, making it brittle or irritating the scalp.
Which Bristles to Choose for Your Hairbrush?
There are different types of hairbrushes, more or less suitable for your hair type. Boar bristle brushes, made of keratin like our hair, are very popular as they respect the nature of hair and add shine by smoothing the cuticles. You'll also find brushes with nylon bristles, rigid pins, or small plastic balls at the end of the pins, ensuring easy detangling.
Which Brush for Detangling Your Hair?
For detangling wet hair, prefer a brush with bristles or, if you have very thick or curly hair, a brush with large teeth. There are also combs specially designed for wet hair. Be careful, however, to use the comb and not the brush, as using the brush can risk breaking the hair. To detangle dry hair, opt for a brush with different-sized bristles for gentle detangling. Be cautious about the risk of static electricity.
Choose a Brush Adapted to Your Hair Type
Depending on your hair's nature, the brush will vary. For curly hair, we prefer a boar bristle brush, which is softer and causes less damage when detangling. For straight hair, choose a skeleton brush with spaced pins, which will add volume and prevent hair from growing too quickly. For thick hair, which is less prone to knots but often lacks discipline, it's better to use a large, flat brush, square or rectangular, with boar bristles. For fine and straight hair, use a brush with 100% boar bristles.
Choose a Brush Adapted to Your Hair Length
For long hair, choose a round brush, preferably with nylon bristles and a metal body. Don't hesitate to invest in an extra-large model to save time when detangling your hair. For short hair, choose medium or even small sizes.
For gentle brushing, we'll use a flat brush, and for a soft brush, a round brush that adds volume. The brush size should be adapted to your hair length: a wide brush for long hair (at least 5 cm) and a smaller one for short hair. A good brush will reduce the time spent on brushing. Meanwhile, the heating brush, very stylish at the moment, quickly straightens even thick, curly hair. Be careful not to burn your hair! These brushes should not be used daily.
The 10 Essential Hair Accessories
Boar bristle brush, ceramic brush, skeleton brush, diffuser, hairpins, elastic bands, or chignon pins: if you're not careful, you can quickly end up with an incredible number of hair accessories. The choice is vast!
Here are the 10 essential hair accessories you need to style your hair.
Wishing to create a specific hairstyle and realizing that you don't have the right equipment can be particularly frustrating! To avoid reliving that moment of disappointment, follow our advice and adopt these ten accessories. With them, you can achieve most hairstyles.
Triple row comb. If you don't have the hair volume of Tina Turner or the mass of Beyoncé, the three-row comb is essential. It detangles the hair, preventing damage, and allows for the creation of "strands" that hold over time. Its use is straightforward: separate the hair into medium-sized sections and then brush normally to remove knots. Bring your three-row comb and brush the hair in the opposite direction, starting from the root and moving upward. Prefer a triple row comb with a tail, which will be used for parting.
• Wide-tooth comb
If you don't have afro or curly hair, you can do without buying a wide-tooth comb. If you do, this is the comb for you. In fact, it will allow you to detangle your hair without breaking it and without getting caught in knots. Be careful, choose one that doesn't have ridges between each tooth. These tend to break the hair rather than detangle it.
• Large Velcro Rollers
They may give off a vintage vibe, but large velcro rollers are essential and should not be underestimated due to their multiple uses.
To curl the hair: the night before, place your large velcro rollers in the hair, lightly spritz with hairspray, and cover your head with a hairnet or scarf to protect them while you sleep.
It's better to opt for large foam rollers for comfort reasons. If you don't want to buy them, make sure to place the velcro rollers only on the sides of your head where you don't lean when sleeping.
The next morning, remove the rollers, use hairspray, and your hair is curled!
To add volume: in the morning, even before having breakfast, place large velcro rollers over the hair sections near the crown of your head and remove them right before heading out.
To achieve more volume and texture, heat the hair with a hairdryer and let it cool on the large rollers. When you remove them, your hair will be wavy.
• Round Ceramic Brush
For all those who refuse to leave without brushing, the round ceramic brush is the best accessory to have. It diffuses the heat from the hairdryer, making brushing easier and saving time at the same time. Make sure to choose your ceramic round brush according to your hair: medium diameter for medium-length hair and thick for long hair. If you have bangs, consider using one with a small diameter to ease the process. Be careful to avoid ceramic brushes with pins. These can get stuck in your hair and break it.
• Pneumatic Brush
This is the common hairbrush, the one we use to detangle the hair and remove any knots. Choose one with boar bristles and without pins. Avoid using it in the shower to prevent it from filling with water.
• Hairpins
To hold a rebellious strand of hair, free the face from bangs, or simply keep a bun in place: hairpins are essential.
Choose ones with crimped tips to avoid hurting the scalp and breaking the hair. In terms of color, know that more and more brands offer pins adapted to your hair color, so they are very discreet.
• Hair Ties
For those with medium to long hair, hair ties are like oxygen: impossible to live without!
Ponytail, half updo, braid, bun: you can do it all with them, starting with cleaning your face and neck. Choose ones without metal to avoid damaging your hair.
• Hair Straightener
You might think that a straightener is only useful for girls with curly and long hair, but it's not. The straightener does much more than straighten hair. It can also be used to create curls, tame hair strands, heat up a strip of cold wax, and even iron out a wrinkled shirt collar. Choose one with ceramic plates and an adjustable temperature to protect your hair from heat damage.
If you have thick, long, and particularly curly hair, opt for a straightener with wide plates to save time while straightening. If not, choose a straightener with a thin clamp so you can also use it for curling hair.
• Hairpins
It's not just hair ties and hairpins that hold your hair. Less seen, the hairpin keeps your hair in place without damaging it or leaving "marks." It's sexier than an elastic band and can be used for hair effects.
• Diffuser
If you want to have beautiful hair and protect it from aggressions, you need a diffuser. This attachment is attached to the hairdryer and protects the hair from direct heat. It also provides a more natural and wavy drying.