Creed Green Irish Tweed Bath & Shower Gel
Descubra a sensação de frescor e elegância com o Creed Green Irish Tweed Bath & Shower Gel. Este gel de banho e ducha é a escolha perfeita para quem valoriza o luxo e a sofisticação em cada detalhe do seu dia a dia. Formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, ele limpa suavemente a sua pele, deixando-a macia e hidratada.
O Creed Green Irish Tweed Bath & Shower Gel possui uma fragrância icônica que combina notas de íris, verbena e folha de violeta, proporcionando uma experiência olfativa inesquecível. A sua espuma cremosa é ideal para um banho relaxante e revitalizante, elevando o seu ritual de higiene a um novo patamar de excelência.
Além de proporcionar uma limpeza eficaz, este gel de banho mantém a sua pele nutrida e perfumada ao longo do dia. A sua fragrância duradoura é perfeita para homens que buscam um aroma clássico e atemporal.
Experimente o Creed Green Irish Tweed Bath & Shower Gel e transforme a sua rotina de banho em um momento de puro prazer e sofisticação. Adicione agora ao seu carrinho e sinta a diferença.
Havia James Henry primeiro, depois três Henrys, outro James Henry e finalmente Olivier: seis gerações se passaram desde que a árvore genealógica de Creed forneceu ao perfumista seu slogan: "Creed de pai para filho desde 1760" . O sétimo está se preparando para escrever a sequência. Erwin Creed, 26 anos, assinou, ao lado de seu pai, os acordes de frutas e flores exóticas da mais recente fragrância da marca, Virgin Island Water, lançados nesta primavera. Ele também participou das diversificações da empresa: velas perfumadas, vaporizadores embrulhados em couro e, ultimamente, sacolas de toalete marcadas com o logotipo da casa que realçam a linha de acessórios de couro.
A paternidade poderia ter terminado ali se o jovem tivesse perseverado em seus estudos de design de moda, iniciado na Suíça. Mas depois de muitos estágios em "recolhar lavanda, vassoura ou mimosa" com especialistas em aromas e perfumes na Suíça e na França, a profissão da família finalmente o alcançou, como sua irmã Olivia (29). entre outras coisas, a imagem da casa.
Se o Creed agora tem muitas estrelas entre seus clientes, incluindo Madonna, seguidor de seu suco Florissimo, David Beckham, perfumado com Himalaya, ou Robert Redford, que inventa - como uma centena de personalidades - seu perfume personalizado, essas são suas sedas do Extremo Oriente e seus tecidos fabricados na Escócia, que primeiro atraíram os grandes nomes do mundo. “Comerciante de novidades” com sede em Londres, o fundador coletou cartas de ordem e títulos de fornecedores das mãos da rainha Vitória, do imperador François Joseph da Áustria-Hungria e de Maria Cristina da Espanha ou Nicolau II Da Russia. Foi também a pedido da imperatriz Eugenie que a casa abriu, em 1854, uma filial em Paris. Naquela época, Creed ingressou na profissão de designer de moda para mulheres elegantes e alfaiate para cavalheiros. O ponto final de uma boa aposta, as pomadas e o concreto obtidos por amassar pétalas de flores representam apenas uma atividade "acessória". Quem se tornará essencial.
Fragrâncias costuradas à mão
Quando Olivier Creed sucedeu seu pai de 27 anos, aos 27 anos de idade, ele herdou um negócio (então estabelecido na rue Royale), que produzia roupas personalizadas para personalidades em sessenta horas. Cada um deles tem seu próprio alfaiate, do xá do Irã ao gângster Lucky Luciano, que vai ao local com três guarda-costas. Na boutique parisiense na Rue Pierre-Ier-de-Serbia, uma seleção de camisas listradas, gravatas de malha e seda ou suéteres de cashmere lembra o passado como um alfaiate mestre.
Erwin Creed não descarta encontrar um parceiro para relançar essa atividade, mesmo que, nos últimos quarenta anos, Creed tenha sobretudo se destacado na "nova perfumaria". “Muitas pessoas que fazem perfume fazem moda. É claro que poderíamos dizer a mesma coisa sobre nós, mas pelo menos realmente cultivamos essa profissão ”, diz Olivier Creed. Quando ele decide criar fragrâncias exclusivas que não estariam em todos os tipos de pele, como uma extensão dos aromas personalizados oferecidos há muito tempo pela Creed aos seus clientes, a ideia parece ousada. "Quando entrei com minhas criações exclusivamente em uma perfumaria provincial como Le Soleil d'Or, em Lille, em 1963, representou um verdadeiro desafio contra grandes marcas", lembra Olivier Creed. Essa escolha de uma perfumaria elitista, compartilhada pela perfumista da L'Artisan e Annick Goutal, entre outros, se mostrou promissora. Distribuído hoje em 2.000 pontos de venda em todo o mundo, o Creed reivindica um faturamento de 25 milhões de euros.
No entanto, ele adere às garrafas feitas à mão (rolhas de esmeril cobertas com couro natural na versão de luxo), em quantidades limitadas (30.000 garrafas por ano para a Spring Flower, uma de suas melhores vendedores) e ingredientes de luxo, 95% naturais.
"Queremos um produto que explode na pele após uma hora e não evapore após dez minutos", acrescenta Erwin Creed. Pai e filho vagam pelo mundo em busca do limão de Nápoles, colhido de Amalfi, que faz parte da composição da Royal Water, sândalo comprado de um dos últimos três pequenos comerciantes indianos, folhas de vetiver cultivadas na ilha de Bourbon ... Uma busca que, quando falha, pode resultar na cessação de um perfume como Vanisia, privado por um ano de sua baunilha 88 ... A fábrica de Ury, perto de Fontainebleau, onde 65 pessoas fabricam e embalam os sucos, abrigam o segredo das fórmulas e a técnica de infusão das plantas que a casa utiliza. "É tão bobo quanto uma receita culinária", diz Olivier Creed. Uma receita que estimula seu apetite de qualquer maneira. As propostas de compra não faltaram. Mas por seis gerações, a família Creed sempre disse que não.
Shower Gel and Hand Wash
Points to Check When Choosing the Right Shower Gel
How to choose your shower gel when you're not a chemistry expert? What substances to avoid, which ones to favor? How to recognize a truly natural shower gel?
Before writing this article, we also thought that the purpose of soap was to clean. However, analyzing the list of ingredients in certain industrial shower gels (which, however, make us want to stroll naked in lavender fields when shopping, so they bet on natural), we need a little survival guide when choosing your shower gel.
1. Check the first ingredients on the product label
As you should know, the label informs about the ingredients of your shower gel in ascending order of the quantities used. A coconut shower gel, for example, whose "Cocos Nucifera oil" appears 15th on the list, reveals that if it doesn't contain as much coconut as you thought, it may not be good. Order matters.
2. Avoid a large list of components
The larger the list, the higher the probability of finding harmful ingredients and/or toxic substances in your shower gel! The shorter the list, the better.
3. Avoid sulfates
Most of the time, at the top of the list, they can appear under different names: "Sodium lauryl sulfate". Surfactants used to create bubbles and a low-cost washing base for manufacturers, sulfates are known to be very irritating. They damage the skin and will harm our hydrolipidic barrier in the process. In other words, a shower gel that claims to be moisturizing and contains sulfates is a bit like a soothing nettle gel. Avoid it if you have sensitive or reactive skin!
4. No need for foam to clean
Yes, that's why certain organic products foam much less than traditional cosmetics! Note, however, that an organic product may contain sulfates, as allowed in the Ecocert standard. However, foam is not necessary for cleaning: that's a preconceived marketing idea that we have assimilated.
5. Beware of the "paraben-free" mention
To attract unsuspecting consumers, many shower gels highlight the words "paraben-free." Certainly, parabens, those preservatives suspected of being endocrine disruptors, should be avoided, however, the "paraben-free" mention does not inform which preservatives have been substituted! Some manufacturers have switched to the famous "MIT" (methylisothiazolinone). However, they were banned in February 2017.
6. Avoid preservatives like phenoxyethanol
Suspected endocrine disruptor, it can also cause liver problems. As a precaution, it is better not to use it; promised, shower gel can be made without it. So we can preserve a product with alcohol or alternatives to chemical preservatives. Some are suspected to be dangerous, only to extend the sell-by date.
7. Trust logos!
Logos are a guarantee of quality that will already help you make a first pre-selection in choosing your shower gel. Indeed, if certain brands hesitate to invent their own logo or use misleading marketing or logos, a label must adhere to a very precise ethical and qualitative status. The most well-known ones are Cosmebio, Ecocert, Vegan, Cruelty-Free. You can find their list on their respective websites!
8. Choose natural washing bases
These naturally sourced washing bases are equally effective, but here's the catch: they cost more than those of chemical origin (as seen above, sodium lauryl sulfate, for example). One of the most qualitative bases used in organic shower gels, known for hydrating and respecting the skin, is sodium cocoamphoacetate, a mixture of coconut oil and sugar fermentation (wheat).
9. Choose your soap ... Without soap
Well, we're into perfectionism, but it's true that soap can be aggressive to dry or sensitive skin! If your skin has these characteristics, it is better to prefer a shower gel rich in fatty substance with oil (vegetable glycerin, for example), rather than containing soap.
10. The VEGAN logo can be important
And that, for two reasons: do you know, for example, that solid soap can contain animal fat? Yes, we are in the 21st century. Soap comes from the chemical reaction of a fatty substance with hydroxide. Therefore, it can be of vegan or animal origin: if the mention "sodium tallowate" or "sodium lardate" appears, your soap will contain animal fat from beef or pork. Second reason: controversial substances, such as preservatives, etc., are tested on animals. Not good.
11. For the planet, avoid micro-plastics
Often under the name "polymer," "polyquaternium." These non-biodegradable substances are a disaster for the oceans: they are so small that they cannot be filtered! They can be found in exfoliants, but not only: they serve as glitter in foam baths, as binders, to improve texture. A scant consolation, for a moment of fleeting pleasure, when we know that they are not biodegradable and accumulate in the digestive system of animals.
12. Do not trust the percentage of natural ingredients
Some brands influence the naturalness of products: they can be 95% natural and contain preservatives, microplastics, endocrine disruptors. As indicated above, only the analysis of the list and monitoring by independent organizations such as Cosmébio, Ecocert, etc., are relevant indicators to help you distinguish a shower gel that leaves you greener than it washes, and a healthy shower gel.
13. Imprecision in perfumes
Another possible allergen can come from perfumes. In fact, synthetic perfumes are more likely to cause allergies than natural perfumes (which, beware, can also cause allergies, natural does not necessarily mean absence of allergy!). Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not need to specify the origin of the perfume (or fragrance) in your shower gel. It's up to you to contact the brand directly when it's not obvious (a shower gel that smells like candy, for example, leaves very little doubt)
Body and bath products for men
Hygiene Products Every Man Should Have
Hygiene and beauty are no longer exclusive to women. Men have embraced self-care and advocate for the right to benefit from cosmetic products specially crafted for their skin and body. For those who care about their appearance, here are the key hygiene products every man should have.
Shower Gel
Now, it's possible to reveal your personality in the shower. Invigorating, soothing, relaxing, natural, fascinating... brands compete for innovations that appeal to "men." And it works! Men understand that the beauty of the skin begins with proper cleansing. They are easily won over by 2-in-1 products that rival those intended for women. Now, men also have the right to their exfoliating and moisturizing shower gel for "sensitive and special" skin.
To combat perspiration and unpleasant odors, the number one weapon is, of course, deodorant! If there's a hygiene product widely used by men, it's this. It's essential to maintain freshness and hygiene. Whether in roll-on or spray form, deodorants also receive meticulous care. The goal is to find an effective deodorant that doesn't dry out the skin and smells good.
In addition to a healthy lifestyle, facial and body hydration are two essential conditions for radiant and healthy skin. Men have understood this and no longer hesitate to apply a moisturizer specially developed for the specificity of their skin. Cream, lotion, gel, balm, oil... Once again, brands offer an increasingly extensive range of moisturizers for men.
Daily Hygiene: Essential Products for Good Body Care
Personal hygiene is a crucial part of our daily routine, contributing significantly to our comfort and overall health. Unlike historical times when bathing was considered unsanitary, today, maintaining daily hygiene is a common practice. To cater to all your daily hygiene needs, explore our extensive selection of care products and accessories!
What is Personal Hygiene?
Personal hygiene encompasses daily actions such as handwashing, hair washing, body cleansing, and dental care. Whether it's a quick routine for those on-the-go or a relaxation ritual for others, maintaining good personal hygiene has become a habit. Complete personal hygiene includes:
- Body washing
- Hair washing
- Face washing
- Handwashing
- Teeth brushing
- Nail care
Each of these routines should be performed regularly based on the type of care and specific needs, considering factors like dermatological profile or hair type.
Why Practice Personal Hygiene?
Surprisingly, the importance of daily hygiene habits has historical roots. Over time, the proliferation of diseases has been directly linked to hygiene habits and access to water. Washing is crucial to:
- Prevent the spread of diseases
- Prevent inflammation and irritation by combating the proliferation of germs
- Combat body odor
- Enable the skin to defend against potential pathogens
How Often Should You Maintain Good Hygiene?
The frequency of washing hair, body, or face depends on skin condition, climate, and health. General guidelines include:
- Bathing: Once a day, for a maximum of 15 minutes. Water should not be too hot to avoid weakening the skin's hydrolipidic film.
- Hair washing: 1 to 4 times a week, depending on hair type.
- Face washing: Twice a day, in the morning and at night.
- Teeth brushing: 2 to 3 times a day, after the main meals.
- Nail cleaning: Daily, as soon as impurities accumulate.
These are general indications; adapt them to your needs!
The Best Daily Hygiene Products for Effective Cleansing
There are numerous products for body, skin, hair, and teeth. A variety of formulas cater to all skin types, hair types, and specific health needs. Choose from:
Gels, foaming cleansers, oils, or creams - the range of body products for bathing is extensive:
- Mild cleansing gel suitable for the face and body care of the entire family.
- Dry skin gel, for use in case of dry skin, to protect the natural hydrolipidic film of the epidermis.
- Bath oils, suitable for dry or atopic skin, with a soap-free formulation that cleans and protects naturally fragile skin.
- Bar soap, practical and easy to use, available in traditional or "soap-free" versions for dry skin.
Enhance hygiene with cleansing products and a good bubble bath. The bathing moment is a precious relaxation time for many people.
For enjoyable moments and to provide your skin with products tailored to its needs, choose:
- Bath foams with delightful fragrances that will give your bath a creamy texture and invite relaxation.
- Bath oils, designed to neutralize the drying action of limestone and give those with fragile skin (especially babies and those with atopic skin) the chance to enjoy a good bath without feeling their skin tighten.
- Fragrant and effervescent bath bombs that will envelop you in sparkling bubbles and leave your skin soft.
- Bath salts with many virtues, softening, remineralizing, or even relaxing for the joints.
Deodorants and Antiperspirants to Ward Off Body Odor
Body odor due to sweat fermentation on the skin can be particularly embarrassing and a source of social discomfort. Choose from spray, stick, roll-on, with or without aluminum, 100% natural, or with original fragrances:
- Deodorant: Odor-neutralizing and a beauty accessory, deodorant conceals body odors and reduces their intensity by limiting bacterial proliferation responsible for their production.
- Foot deodorant: Under exertion, our feet remain confined all day in closed shoes and face the humid environments of baths or pools. It happens that they become a source of unpleasant odors due to sweat maceration. Foot deodorants act by preventing perspiration emission and camouflaging it, just like traditional deodorants applied to the armpits. They are adapted to the specific environment of the feet and their thicker skin.
- Antiperspirant: While deodorant conceals, antiperspirant acts at the source by preventing sweat release and maintaining a dry environment where bacteria cannot proliferate.
Perfect Ears and Nose with Proper Care
Ears and the nose are often overlooked in our daily care! However, they are true gateways to our body. Special attention should be given to them by performing gentle yet effective interventions to remove impurities without attacking their fragile mucous membrane:
- For nose hygiene: Dry nose, stuffy nose due to a dust-rich environment. Take care of the cleanliness and health of your nose using a natural nasal spray, saline solution to unclog the nostrils, and why not, use tweezers to get rid of unsightly nose hairs.
- For ear hygiene: Our fragile pinnae protect themselves from attacks, especially through wax production. Useful in small quantities, accumulated wax can, however, be a source of irritation or even earwax plugs. To get rid of it, use a cotton swab at the entrance of the ear and dilute this unwanted "wax" with an ear spray.
Caring for the Skin on Your Hands
Hands are the main vectors of diseases; it's no wonder that handwashing is one of the first hygiene practices taught to children! Hands are our main tools in daily life, coming into contact with many objects: doorknobs, mobile phones, toilets, computer keyboards. So many germ nests, vectors of potential diseases!
After using the bathroom, before eating, but also after using public transport, make sure to wash your hands with due care. Both to protect yourself and to safeguard the health of vulnerable people around you!
Practical and intelligent daily hygiene products:
- Hand soap: In the form of bar soap or pump dispenser, hand soaps are available in all public places! In all textures (foam, oil, gel) and fragrances, they combine hygiene and sensory pleasure.
- Disinfectant gel: It's not always easy to have a sink and soap nearby! To ensure hand hygiene in all situations (especially in public transport or during an epidemic), make sure to keep a bottle of hydroalcoholic gel in your bag or desk drawer, which will eliminate a large portion of bacteria present on your hands and give you an intense feeling of freshness.
- Antiseptic wipes: Practical and easy to use, wipes moistened with antiseptic solution are your allies against germs. They allow you to quickly wash your hands and feet.
Products and accessories designed to facilitate your hygiene ritual are immense. Simplify your life!
Make your physical hygiene a true pleasure every day!
Essential for your health and comfort, good daily personal hygiene is fundamental to your well-being. Easy to set up and transformed into a true relaxation ritual thanks to the vast range of existing skin products, daily hygiene is now a source of comfort and pleasure. Choose the formulas and accessories that correspond to your desires and needs!