Uppercut Deluxe Aftershave Cologne

Uppercut Deluxe Aftershave Cologne

Descubra a experiência refrescante e revigorante do Uppercut Deluxe Aftershave Cologne. Este produto premium é a escolha ideal para homens que buscam um acabamento perfeito após o barbear, oferecendo uma fragrância marcante e duradoura que combina perfeitamente elegância e modernidade.

O Uppercut Deluxe Aftershave Cologne é formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade que acalmam e hidratam a pele, reduzindo a irritação e deixando uma sensação suave e revigorante. A fragrância sofisticada possui notas amadeiradas e cítricas, criando um aroma irresistível que vai te acompanhar ao longo do dia.

Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, este aftershave é fácil de aplicar e rapidamente absorvido, proporcionando uma sensação imediata de frescor. A embalagem elegante e prática faz do Uppercut Deluxe Aftershave Cologne um excelente presente para qualquer ocasião.

Adicione um toque de distinção à sua rotina diária de cuidados pessoais com o Uppercut Deluxe Aftershave Cologne e sinta a diferença desde o primeiro uso. Compre agora e transforme sua experiência de barbear!

Uppercut Deluxe: Uma Jornada de Estilo e Tradição

Se você procura por uma experiência de grooming que combine o estilo atemporal das barbearias dos anos 1950 com uma abordagem moderna, não precisa procurar mais longe do que Uppercut Deluxe. Nascida na Austrália e desenvolvida com os melhores ingredientes, Uppercut Deluxe oferece uma linha central de produtos de alta qualidade para homens, sem todos os enfeites sofisticados das marcas de salão.

Uma História de Paixão e Amizade

A marca foi construída pelas mentes criativas, paixão e trabalho árduo de Luke Newman e Steve Purcell, amigos de infância com amor pela arte da barbearia, surf e skate. Newman descobriu o mundo da barbearia enquanto morava em Portland, Oregon, construindo pistas de skate após seus anos escolares. Ao observar uma barbearia clássica perto de sua casa, ele se viu fascinado pela profissão e pela comunidade que ela cultivava. De volta à Austrália, Newman buscou um aprendizado, dando início a uma jornada que moldaria o futuro da Uppercut Deluxe.

Purcell, por outro lado, entrou na barbearia por uma necessidade diferente - fugir da escola. Orientado por seu avô, que o levava à barbearia desde pequeno, Purcell viu na profissão uma oportunidade de se conectar com suas raízes e escapar das pressões da educação tradicional.

Juntos, Newman e Purcell abriram sua própria barbearia, alimentados por um desejo de criar um ambiente acolhedor para os homens e cansados das opções de produtos de baixa qualidade disponíveis no mercado.

Da Frustração à Inovação

Uppercut nasceu da frustração com produtos mediocres que não atendiam à vibração de sua barbearia. Determinados a criar algo que eles próprios usariam e promoveriam com orgulho, Newman e Purcell experimentaram diferentes formulações em colaboração com seus químicos. Após mais de um ano de testes, nasceu o "Deluxe Pomade", o primeiro produto da marca.

A Filosofia da Marca

Na Uppercut Deluxe, acreditamos que o homem moderno merece produtos de qualidade para manter sua aparência e se sentir bem consigo mesmo. Inspirados na era de ouro das barbearias e nos códigos do cavalheiro, nossos produtos são projetados para atender às necessidades específicas do homem contemporâneo.

Produtos de Destaque

Nossa linha de produtos inclui uma variedade de tratamentos para cabelo e barba, todos desenvolvidos com ingredientes excepcionais e fabricados com o mais alto padrão de qualidade. Alguns dos nossos best-sellers incluem:

  • Pomada Deluxe: Ideal para estilos clássicos e modernos, oferecendo fixação e brilho duradouros.
  • Gel para Cabelo: Formulado para fornecer controle e definição sem rigidez.
  • Bálsamo para Barba: Hidrata e condiciona a barba, deixando-a macia e com aparência saudável.

Legado e Compromisso

O nome "Uppercut" é uma homenagem ao avô de Newman, Willy O'Shea, um ex-boxeador cujo legado de perseverança e determinação continua a inspirar a marca. Na Uppercut Deluxe, mantemos o compromisso de criar produtos da mais alta qualidade, garantindo que você alcance o visual desejado, seja no ringue ou na rua.

After Shave

After Shaving: How to Protect Your Skin?

Whether with a manual or electric razor, shaving tends to irritate the skin. Redness, cuts, pimples, ingrown hairs, in short, so many problems when we shave regularly. That's why applying an aftershave cream is as important as shaving itself. Between cuts, redness, and irritation, it's essential to adopt an aftershave treatment tailored to your skin type.

What is the Purpose of an Aftershave Lotion?

The skin becomes very sensitive after the razor blade passes over it, so it needs to be soothed. This is where aftershave treatment comes into play, whether it's a balm or lotion. In fact, the latter helps to moisturize the skin, improve the healing of cuts, and provide a refreshing sensation.

What Should You Do After Shaving?

The first thing to do after shaving is to wash your face with cold water. Cold water will remove any remaining foam while closing the pores of the skin. Then, pat your face dry with a towel. Above all, avoid rubbing, as it will further irritate the skin. Next, apply an aftershave product to soothe and moisturize the skin. Avoid treatments that contain alcohol, as they can promote skin irritation. Regular exfoliation should be done to soften beard hair. It will also refine the texture of the skin and remove dead cells. However, remember that it's not recommended to exfoliate immediately after shaving, as your skin will be even more sensitive. Preferably, exfoliate in the shower before shaving.

What Aftershave Lotion for What Skin Type?

Having smooth and healthy skin after shaving also depends on the choice of post-shave products. It's important to choose the treatment according to your skin type:

  • For sensitive skin: use alum stone. After shaving, apply the stone to the shaved skin to soothe, especially in areas with visible cuts.
  • For dry skin: use an aftershave balm as it soothes and moisturizes the skin.
  • An alcohol-free aftershave lotion is the trick for oily skin; it will tone the skin.
  • For normal skin, classic aftershave balm and lotion will be suitable.

In all cases, I recommend using a good moisturizer in the morning and at night to soothe the skin and allow hair to grow properly without irritating the skin.

Why Opt for Natural Products?

The skin needs immediate repair after shaving. That's why the use of organic products is recommended. They have the power to soothe the skin and prevent any irritation. Organic care is recommended for sensitive skin after shaving. A healing and soothing product made from aloe vera, vegetable oil, or calendula is ideal. It's also possible to make your aftershave lotion. Today, there are many recipes prepared with 100% natural products, such as those with chamomile and organic apple cider vinegar.


How to Have a Beautiful Beard?

Are you a bearded man who likes to take care of your appearance? But do you not always know how to care for your beard? Don't worry, we're here to provide you with all the advice from our experts.
The question "How to have a beautiful beard?" often comes to the lips of enthusiasts! That's why we've decided to share our tips and secrets with you. Happy reading!

To have a good beard, follow our advice, it's easy

First of all, know that the transition from smooth and shaved skin to a thick and elegant facial hair doesn't happen quickly or naturally! In fact, letting facial hair grow without maintaining it will result in an unruly, coarse, and slightly silky beard. That's not exactly what you're looking for! No, you want to have a good beard.

Be patient!

So, for this, there are simple tips, but you'll have to follow them daily. Your first ally in having a beautiful beard will be patience. It's a well-known fact that those who can wait will need a minimum period of 5 to 6 weeks to see the first result.

Regular Trimming

Our second piece of advice, and no less important, is to trim it regularly to avoid unkempt styles. Trimming once a week will allow you to maintain a neat appearance. Trimming weekly strikes the perfect balance to prevent it from becoming too bushy.
Not all hairs grow at the same rate, so you'll quickly have more in some areas than others. Choosing a good beard trimmer will allow you to easily cut the thicker areas. Avoid, of course, going over very sparse areas, as it would create a messy look.

Hydrate Your Beard

Having a beautiful beard also requires aesthetic consideration. In fact, natural beard hair tends to dry out the skin and, consequently, the hair at the root. This will have direct consequences: itching, an uncomfortable sensation, possible redness, and dry hair.
To give it a silky appearance, you'll need to moisturize it! To do this, nothing could be simpler: take a special beard moisturizing oil and apply a few drops to the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together to warm the oil. Now apply it to your beard, not forgetting any part of your face. This will restore vitality and a soft shine to your beard.
The added bonus will be the pleasant scent left by the oil on your face. Opt for an organic, alcohol-free product to respect your skin and avoid making things worse.

Having a Beautiful Beard Requires Mastery of Your Shaving Accessories

Once again, you'll need to be patient and careful in following our advice. Achieving a beautiful beard requires mastery of your tools and perfect knowledge of each area of your face. Your face will have to be divided into several parts. First, the upper area, from the chin to the ears. To trim this area properly, use a comb and draw an imaginary line from the top of the ear to the corner of the lips.
If you're meticulous (or imprecise), you can even draw this line with a pencil to avoid mistakes! Then cut everything above this line and then shave the same area. Why not just shave directly? Because shorter hair is easier to shave, and the razor sits lower. A little tip for shaving areas like this with precision: use a shaving oil for visibility of the area you're shaving. This will allow the blade to glide without catching.

The mustache is also an area you should pay attention to. To trim it, follow its direction downward to find its natural triangular shape. For short beards, a trimmer will be sufficient to maintain it, but for longer ones, you'll need to use special scissors for precision.

Treat Your Facial Hair Daily

Now that your shape is under control, think about a few last essential points for a harmonious result. First, daily combing is imperative. Ideally, twice a day: in the morning after your shower and at night before bedtime. Opt for a keratin comb or a wooden brush. Avoid plastic combs that generate static electricity and puff up the hairs.
Remember to clean your beard thoroughly; once every two days is the ideal pace. Doing it once a day can damage the hairs by force. To wash it, nothing could be simpler; there are special shampoos that respect your hair and skin. Shampoo softens and relaxes the hair to restore softness and vitality.

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  • Brand: Uppercut Deluxe
  • Product Code: PER-PT-41574
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • 21.95€


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Tags: uppercut, deluxe, aftershave, cologne, após-barba

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