Mavala Removedor de Verniz Extra Suave é a escolha perfeita para quem deseja remover esmaltes de maneira eficaz e delicada. Este removedor de verniz foi formulado especialmente para unhas frágeis e sensíveis, proporcionando uma limpeza profunda sem ressecar ou danificar a superfície das unhas. Com a sua fórmula extra suave, Mavala Removedor de Verniz Extra Suave é enriquecido com ingredientes hidratantes que ajudam a manter as unhas e cutículas saudáveis e bem cuidadas.
Além de ser extremamente eficiente na remoção de todos os tipos de esmalte, incluindo os de longa duração, este removedor também é livre de acetona, o que minimiza o risco de irritações e ressecamentos. Ideal para uso frequente, o Mavala Removedor de Verniz Extra Suave garante que suas unhas fiquem limpas e preparadas para a próxima aplicação de esmalte, sem comprometer a sua integridade.
Se você está à procura de um removedor de verniz que combine eficácia e cuidado, o Mavala Removedor de Verniz Extra Suave é a solução ideal. Experimente agora e veja a diferença na saúde e aparência das suas unhas. Não perca a oportunidade de adquirir este produto essencial para a sua rotina de cuidados com as unhas!
Mavala: Elegância e Inovação em Produtos de Beleza
A história da Mavala é uma jornada fascinante de inovação e compromisso com a excelência em cuidados de beleza. Fundada na Suíça em 1958, a Mavala estabeleceu-se como uma das marcas mais respeitadas e confiáveis no mundo da beleza e dos cuidados com as unhas. Hoje, a sua presença é sentida em todo o mundo, incluindo Portugal, onde os amantes da beleza confiam na marca para melhorar a sua rotina de cuidados pessoais.
História da Mavala: Tradição e Inovação
A Mavala nasceu do espírito empreendedor e da paixão por beleza de Madeleine Van Landeghem, que tinha uma visão de proporcionar soluções de beleza de alta qualidade para todas as mulheres. O nome "Mavala" é uma homenagem à filha de Madeleine, Mavi, e à cidade suíça de Losanna, onde a marca foi fundada.
Desde o início, a Mavala destacou-se pela sua abordagem inovadora aos cuidados com as unhas. A empresa lançou produtos revolucionários, como o primeiro verniz de longa duração e tratamentos de unhas de alta qualidade. Essa tradição de inovação continua até hoje, com a Mavala constantemente pesquisando e desenvolvendo novos produtos para atender às necessidades dos consumidores.
Produtos Mavala: Qualidade e Eficácia
A gama de produtos Mavala é vasta e abrange tudo, desde vernizes de unhas e tratamentos de unhas até cuidados com a pele e produtos para o cabelo. Cada produto é formulado com os mais altos padrões de qualidade, usando ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados para proporcionar resultados eficazes.
Uma das características distintivas dos produtos Mavala é o compromisso com a segurança e a saúde. Os produtos são livres de ingredientes prejudiciais, garantindo que os seus clientes possam desfrutar de uma beleza saudável.
Valores Mavala: Beleza Sustentável e Responsabilidade
A Mavala não é apenas uma marca de beleza, mas também uma empresa comprometida com a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade social. Eles adotaram práticas ecológicas em sua produção e embalagem, minimizando o seu impacto ambiental. Além disso, a Mavala está envolvida em iniciativas de caridade, apoiando causas que promovem a saúde e o bem-estar em todo o mundo.
Conclusão: Descubra a Mavala em Portugal
A Mavala é mais do que uma marca de beleza; é um símbolo de inovação, qualidade e compromisso com a beleza saudável. Com uma rica história, uma gama diversificada de produtos e valores sólidos, a Mavala conquistou um lugar especial no mundo da beleza em Portugal e em todo o mundo. Explore a coleção Mavala em e descubra como esses produtos de beleza suíços podem transformar a sua rotina de cuidados pessoais.
Lembre-se de que a beleza está em constante evolução, e a Mavala está na vanguarda dessa evolução, oferecendo soluções de beleza que combinam tradição, inovação e sustentabilidade. Experimente a Mavala hoje e eleve a sua rotina de cuidados pessoais a um novo patamar de elegância e eficácia.
4 Steps to a Perfect Manicure
Putting on nail polish can be a moment of relaxation or a real headache, but the beauty of hands should not be neglected. To have beautiful hands, you need a good manicure. We are here to help you and provide all the advice and tips for a successful manicure and fairy nails.
1 - Prepare the Nails Before Manicure
- File the nails: Use your nail file to smooth the nail. Be careful, never file the nails with back-and-forth movements. This can break and damage them. To file the nails properly, you should file them in one direction.
- Push back the cuticles: Never cut your cuticles! These small skins exist to protect us from infections. "It's an entry point for all kinds of horrors, and if you cut the cuticles, it's an open door for bacteria and fungi," explains Simcha Whitehill. The ideal is to soak your hands in a bowl of water to soften the cuticles before pushing them back with a cuticle stick. To make your cuticles more flexible, moisturize your hands and nails regularly.
- Polish your nails: Polishing the top of the nail is an important step to get a smooth surface before applying the polish. Tip: use a 4-sided buffer for a perfect finish.
- Apply a protective base coat: Don't forget to apply a "base coat," essential for the manicure. The base protects the nail and facilitates the application and retention of the polish. Ideal for ridged and soft nails, the base also serves to prevent nail breakage and yellowing of the nails (common if you use colored polishes).
2 - Apply the Polish Properly
- Roll the nail polish bottle between your hands: Never shake your polish before applying it. You can create microbubbles on the nail surface. It's better to roll the polish bottle between your hands to warm it up and mix the pigments well.
- Apply thin layers: To make the polish dry faster, it's better to apply three very thin layers of polish than one or two thick ones that will never dry.
- 3 strokes are enough: The ideal is to apply three strokes when polishing the nails. "Dip the brush into the bottle to get a nice layer of polish on the brush edge," says Simcha Whitehill. "Start at the base of the nail and guide the brush to the left, right, and then to the center."
- Use an old brush to clean the edges of the nail: Use the foam tip of one of your empty glosses to remove any traces of polish around the nail. Dip it in the remover and wipe the edges of the nail.
- Apply a top coat: Always apply a top coat after the polish layers. This will protect the manicure and improve the polish's adhesion.
- Apply cuticle oil: "The best way to make it look like you're coming out of a salon is to use cuticle oil," according to Simcha Whitehill. Apply the oil to the nail after polishing it. If you accidentally hit the nails against something, the oil will slide a bit and prevent them from breaking.
3 - Let the Polish Dry
- Dip the nails in cold water: Very cold water hardens the polish faster. When the manicure is done, wait for 5 minutes and then dip the nails in a bowl of cold water. Wait a few seconds: your polish is dry.
- Avoid hot water after the manicure: Doing your manicure and then washing dishes is not a good idea. Hot water is the natural enemy of polish. You should wait at least 6 hours after applying the polish to immerse your hands in hot water. Use gloves for dishwashing or use lukewarm water.
- Avoid "fast-drying" polishes: Don't abuse fast-drying polish. They are often dehydrating and dry out the nails.
How to Properly Remove Your Polish?
- Use a non-acetone remover as soon as possible: If possible, use a non-acetone remover. "Non-acetone remover doesn't dry out the nails as much. If you have a problem with broken or damaged nails, you'll need this formula, especially if you're trying to strengthen the nails."
- Remove glitter polish: Removing pearlescent polish can quickly become a real pain. To remove it properly, Simcha Whitehill suggests dipping a cotton ball in acetone remover, encircling the nail, and letting it rest for a few minutes. The shine should slide off with the polish more easily.
How to Create the Perfect Makeup Bag?
It's challenging to separate the essential from the superfluous in the makeup department. Discover everything you need to keep in your makeup bag for touch-ups, day or night.
A complexion base (or primer) to apply after the daytime moisturizer and before the foundation. This smoothens and blurs facial imperfections and enhances the foundation's staying power. There are bases for all needs: fixing for makeup setting, illuminating for a radiant complexion, mattifying for combination to oily skin, concealer for camouflaging minor redness...
A foundation to even out the complexion. Whether you prefer liquid, compact, stick, cushion... it doesn't matter, always choose the same color as your skin tone. Apply not necessarily all over the face but only in certain areas to harmonize the complexion.
A concealer to camouflage bags, dark circles, and soften the eye area. Choose according to your skin type: a rather fluid texture for normal skin and a more compact one for dry skin, for example. It should be at least 1 shade lighter than the foundation.
A corrector to eliminate small skin defects like redness, spots, or small blood vessels. Apply with light touches on the affected areas. The choice of the right product relies on its color pigments: green conceals redness, orange conceals blue of dark circles, purple conceals yellowish imperfections.
A loose powder to mattify the complexion and set the makeup all day long. Apply in very small quantities, not all over the face but in certain areas, especially the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin).
Bronzer for a healthy glow in 3 minutes! Choose a quite matte one, without glitter or pearlescent, and apply with a moderate brush on rounded areas of the face (forehead, nose, cheekbones) where the sun naturally tans us first.
A blush, to add a touch of color to the face. Quite pink for fair skin and orange for darker skin. Apply in small strokes on the cheekbones, starting from the apple of the cheek and extending outward. Avoid exaggeration to prevent the 80s makeup effect.
A neutral eyelid primer for better application of eyeshadow, eyeliner, or kohl pencil with longer-lasting fixation. Particularly useful to avoid panda eyes during the day.
An eyeshadow palette to use the colors as desired. You don't need hundreds of different shades; a dozen will do the job very well. The idea is to be able to adjust the eyelid color according to the desired makeup (day or night, for example).
Eyeliner for almond-shaped eyes. Don't hesitate to practice repeatedly in front of the mirror to get the line perfectly aligned with the upper lashes.
A kohl pencil, easier to handle than eyeliner, to apply on the inner side of the eyes, under the lower lashes, or at the root of the upper lashes on the eyelid.
Waterproof mascara to enhance eyelash volume. If there was only one makeup accessory to keep for eye makeup, it would be this. Apply at the end to enlarge and deepen the eyes.
A moisturizer to nourish lips that tend to dry quickly. Apply a layer always before lipstick.
A nude lipstick to enhance the lip color. Its great advantage: it adapts to all looks and all occasions. And since there is not only one nude shade, everyone needs to find theirs.
A colored lipstick to give a highlight and color to your makeup. In terms of color, brunettes can wear absolutely everything, while blondes should avoid very cool or dark tones. And if you're not comfortable with traditional lipstick, you can easily resort to other rouge textures.
A brush to tame eyebrows. If they are already naturally filled, you may not necessarily need to apply makeup, a few touch-ups to give a beautiful shape may be enough.
Colored gel or pencil to easily fill in gaps in eyebrows. The colored gel is ultra-flexible and can be used with an angled brush to better replicate eyebrow hair.
A fixing mascara to keep eyebrows in place all day.