Descubra a Revolução Capilar com Kérastase Première Concentré Decalcificant Ultra Réparateur
O Kérastase Première Concentré Decalcificant Ultra Réparateur é a solução definitiva para cabelos que necessitam de uma reparação profunda e eficaz. Este tratamento de luxo é especialmente formulado para combater os danos causados por fatores externos, como poluição, exposição solar e uso excessivo de ferramentas de calor. Com uma composição rica e inovadora, este concentrado de alta performance atua profundamente na fibra capilar, promovendo uma regeneração intensa e revitalizando cada fio desde a raiz até as pontas.
A sua fórmula exclusiva é enriquecida com ingredientes poderosos que trabalham sinergicamente para descalcificar e reparar os cabelos, devolvendo-lhes o brilho, a força e a vitalidade perdidos. Além de proporcionar uma nutrição intensa, o Kérastase Première Concentré Decalcificant Ultra Réparateur também ajuda a proteger os cabelos de futuros danos, mantendo-os saudáveis e resplandecentes por muito mais tempo.
Ideal para todos os tipos de cabelo, este produto é especialmente recomendado para quem procura resultados visíveis e duradouros. Ao incorporar o Kérastase Première Concentré na sua rotina de cuidados capilares, você estará a um passo de conquistar cabelos impecáveis como sempre desejou.
Não perca a oportunidade de transformar os seus cabelos com este incrível tratamento. Invista no cuidado que eles merecem e veja a diferença logo na primeira aplicação. Faça já a sua compra e sinta o poder da verdadeira reparação capilar com Kérastase!
O legado de cuidados capilares excepcionais
Desde 1964, a marca Kérastase introduziu nos salões de cabeleireiro serviços de tratamento capilar à medida, a marca era vanguardista para a época, porque pretendia ser exclusiva! Além disso, sempre vanguardista, Kérastase oferece muitas gamas e muitos tratamentos que vão de encontro a todas as necessidades (e até mesmo a novas necessidades como a poluição).
As mulheres estão no centro da marca Kérastase.
Seus preciosos cuidados com os cabelos proporcionam a cada mulher uma experiência única.
Eles revelam cabelos excepcionais e feminilidade ampliada. Baseando-se em um conhecimento íntimo dos desejos das mulheres, Kérastase continua a criar tratamentos e produtos feitos sob medida para atender seus desejos por cabelos sublimes.
Desde 1964, Kérastase infundiu luxo e pesquisa avançada, elevando o cuidado do cabelo ao nível de cuidado excepcional. As aplicações e texturas tornaram-se mais sensuais e agradáveis, conceito rapidamente adotado para atender às expectativas dos cabelos mais exigentes. Recentemente, as soluções personalizadas passaram a incluir a purificação aprimorada, o “banho” e a assinatura da rotina capilar.
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Empurrando os limites da personalização
Todas as mulheres querem um cabelo bonito, mas nem todas têm a mesma solução. Tipo de cabelo, especificações do couro cabeludo, fatores internos ou externos são algumas das variáveis que afetam a saúde do cabelo. Essa complexidade requer atenção pessoal aliada a expertise para processar todos esses elementos em benefício de cabelos únicos em busca da perfeição. Kérastase cria produtos inovadores e personalizados para resultados irrepreensíveis
A associação única entre cientistas e cabeleireiros
Kérastase também foi a primeira linha a associar estreitamente o cabeleireiro à prescrição de cuidados com os cabelos, apoiada por cientistas da L’Oréal Advanced Research. Produtos icônicos continuam a se beneficiar da liga Kérastase única composta de experiência e inovação, acompanhada de profunda sensorialidade e uma experiência personalizada.
Amplie os rituais personalizados com as gamas de cuidados Kérastase.
Damaged Hair: What to Do? Solutions for Damaged Hair
Returning from vacation with dry hair, dull colors, and split ends? Don't panic, there's no need to cut it all off. There's a special routine for damaged and dry hair. Find all the solutions for damaged hair to treat your locks.
Find all the treatments to repair damaged hair
Unfortunately, when the hair is damaged, a trip to the hairdresser is mandatory! You'll have to go through the scissors cutting stage to get rid of split ends. In fact, even though care improves hair dryness, a trim with scissors, with a slight layering to maintain the length, will allow you to start fresh.
Wash your damaged hair without drying it out
Damaged hair doesn't need as much washing as healthy hair. One shampoo per week is enough! Unless you're into intense
sports, always use suitable products like shampoos rich in nourishing active ingredients such as keratin, ceramides,
oils, or essential fatty acids. Wash damaged hair with a shampoo specifically for dry hair and choose a detangling
conditioner suitable for dry ends.
Masks for damaged hair
Masks made with avocado oil, shea butter, argan oil, and jojoba (which have highly nourishing properties) are often the best remedy for damaged and dry hair. Generously applying a nourishing oil to the ends and lengths to use overnight and rinsing with a suitable shampoo in the morning is a super-effective routine. Beware of products containing sulfates/sulphites and especially silicones, as silicones suffocate the hair and weaken it even more. It's also possible to make a special homemade hair mask for damaged hair using essential oils.
How to protect damaged hair daily?
To prevent maintaining this dry hair effect, don't go out without good hair protection against the drying effects of external aggressions (also valid against heat sources). This protector creates a filter that isolates the hair from cold, heat, pollution, or the drying effects of the wind.
Dry, straighten, and tie without damage
The hairdryer and straightener are harmful to damaged hair if not used correctly. Excessive heat significantly damages
the hair. How to dry your hair without damaging it? Opt for a hairdryer with a cool function and for straightening, a
single pass at 200 degrees is enough to straighten the hair and damage much less than multiple passes at a lower
temperature. To avoid damaged hair after straightening, use pre-straightening treatments to protect the fiber and
straighten the hair after careful drying. Remember that when you leave the shower, wrap your hair in a towel to dry it
with light touches, not vigorous rubbing!
How to nourish damaged hair?
If nourishing the hair externally is an important ritual, doing it from the inside is also essential! Foods rich in silica, iron, and vitamin B, such as lentils, cereals, or wheat germ, combined with foods rich in fatty acids, such as salmon, hazelnuts, or olive oil, are recommended. Take a vitamin cure to increase sources of trace elements zinc, vitamin A, or B-group vitamins (vitamins B5, B6, B8). These hair supplements provide strength and vitality, undergoing at least a 3-month treatment.
When you return from vacation, don't forget the hair care routine and pay attention to hair coloring, which is often harsh on the hair; use gentle products without ammonia!
For Every Hair Type, a Care!
Straight, curly, wavy. Smooth, very voluminous, or with curls. There are different hair types! In fact, all our hair has different needs depending on the type.
To have beautiful hair, it is important to choose the right treatment for your type. Mask, shampoo, dry shampoo, oil, etc.
What treatment to choose if you really don't know which category your hair belongs to?
Hair is divided into 4 categories:
• Straight Hair
• Wavy Hair
• Curly Hair
• Kinky Hair
Straight Hair
Straight hair is usually the finest of the 4 categories. They are also the ones that tangle at the slightest gust of wind or tend to be oily. These little annoyances can be avoided! First, to prevent them from tangling, we recommend hydrating them well with care suitable to avoid weighing them down. If your hair is troublesome and gets oily very quickly, it's no secret: try to wash it as little as possible! Once or twice a week is ideal. In fact, the more you wash your hair, the more sebum present on the scalp is secreted. It is this sebum that leaves the hair oily!
Feel free to use various tricks to hide it: headbands, hats, tied in a bun, etc. If you really find them too dirty, a bit of dry shampoo will loosen them from the roots and give them a bit of volume. However, be careful not to use dry shampoos too much as they can be harsh on the scalp if used excessively.
3 types of straight hair:
• Fine hair that tends to tangle
• Fine hair with a bit more strength
• Straight but thick hair
There are treatments specially designed for straight and fine hair.
Wavy Hair
The second category of hair includes wavy hair. They are slightly wavy at the ends, for an ultra-modern wavy look or wavy from the roots. This type of hair is not always easy to tame! In fact, their beautiful waves do not always withstand a good night's sleep. In the morning, when you wake up, lower your head and gently run your fingers through the curls to lift them from the roots and give them a good shape. Avoid conventional hairbrushes at all costs: they can break the curls and damage the hair. Instead, opt for a comb with wide teeth.
3 types of wavy hair:
• Fine hair with a slight S-shaped wave at the ends
• Hair with slight S-shaped curls and a bit of frizz on the scalp
• Hair with a lot of volume and well-defined S-shaped curls
Curly/Kinky Hair
When we think of curly hair, we remember Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman! But to achieve a result worthy of this beauty goddess, it is important to take very good care of your curly hair. First, we avoid at all costs dry and damaged ends, which break the curl and leave the hair dull.
Ideally, apply a nourishing mask to the ends at least once a week, for as long as possible. Your hair becomes shiny and healthy thanks to this mask! Then, don't forget to detangle before washing your hair (yes, this also applies to curly hair!). It allows the scalp to be perfectly washed and maintains good hair quality.
3 types of curly hair:
• Hair with wide curls, well-hydrated, and sometimes straight at the roots
• Hair with well-defined curls, from roots to ends
• Hair with tighter and smaller curls from the roots
Kinky Hair
Kinky hair is the driest of the four types, so they are very low in oil. We should avoid washing them too much: at most once a week, simply to extract impurities and pollution residues. Unlike other hair types, it prefers leave-in treatments that deeply nourish kinky hair. Finally, kinky hair does not detangle with a classic brush, risking breaking the curl and damaging the very essence of the hair. If you really want to detangle, use a boar bristle brush, less aggressive than a plastic one!
3 types of kinky hair:
• Hair coiled from the roots, very voluminous, and with a spiral wave
• Hair coiled and wavy, finer and very dense
• Hair with Z-shaped curls, fine and fragile